........Looks like management pension amounts vary by location.......stock has nothing at all to do with ones monthly pension....the comparisons between union, iam and management (supervisor) pension amounts are without spousal adjustments with supervisors far lower than union and iam.
Sorry ... I forgot to answer that.
The MIP total reward is included in the total amount used to calculate the yearly total compensation used to calculate the monthly pension.
That is why some people were saying (if you were eligible) to retire with the year 1999 in your highest consecutive 5 years because 1999 had 2 MIPs included (or something like that).
I'm pretty sure this is everywhere in the US.
I never got into whether it was more or less than Union because that varies by local.
If you are in Central States, I understand the Union monthly is 3000 monthly. Not sure though it does not apply to me and I am not privy to that info.
I saw where Mechanics get $7000 monthly - Holy Cow! Good for them.