Mandatory lunch overturned in our district


Well-Known Member
They tried to do that in our center. We are basically a 50/50 center city/rural. Alot of the city guys would skip parts or all of their lunches, while the rural guys always took it. My route was one which averaged 60/65 stops, 300 miles with a handful of small number of pickups. I also pulled a tp60. The few pickups I did have almost always had 1 or 2 nda packages. This is where the problem for them arrived. They wanted me to skip my lunch and only take my 20min break. I said no. So I was always bringing in airs either minutes before the air pull, or I had missed air. Eventually they had another driver who delivers close to me take my airs in for me.

It's not my responsibility to skip my lunch so that the air made it out on time. STOP SKIPPING YOUR LUNCHES.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
We get paid breaks, not paid lunches. If people read the contract, you can be forced to work through your lunch, you would still get 20 min to eat but get paid for the hour at X1.5.

What paid breaks do you get? We don't get any unless you work over 8 1/2, then you get 10 or 15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
What paid breaks do you get? We don't get any unless you work over 8 1/2, then you get 10 or 15 minutes.

We get 2 10 minute paid breaks.
A 10 minute paid between 2nd and 3rd, a 1 hour unpaid lunch between 4th-5th, another 10 minute paid between 6th and 7th. In addition, if we work over 10 hours, we get a 20 min additional time bonus paid in our check.


nowhere special
We get 2 10 min paid breaks that can be taken anytime and a 30 min unpaid lunch that must be taken between the 4th and 6th hour. Lunch is required under the contract and not allowed to skip it. UPS can't force you to skip lunch and if business gets missed that is their problem. If you try to work through your lunch it will be unpaid and then you run into issues of falsifying records.


Well-Known Member
well these guys want to see there kids once in a while.i look back over the years and I wish I would of taken my 2 eight r
hour requests.

Thats why you are allowed 8 hour requests!
Not trying to stir the pot here, I would think its not as big of deal as long as the company is not asking you to skil your lunch so they can cram more work on your route. I wouldnt skip my lunch to run more stops, but if ive used my 2 eight hour request for the month and needed to get off an hour earlier another day or two I would do it.


Well-Known Member
So UPS is allowing people under the NE Supplement to not take a lunch and get paid for hours worked? Bullshieeeeet!!! You have to work under 8 to get hours worked. Guys it's simple, if you made $30 an hour on average over your life and worked through your lunch, you hand UPS $234,000.00 of your money. Ask your wives what they think.
actually its closer to $40,000 considering given up your 10 minute paid break every day for 30 years. The other 50 minutes per day is unpaid whether taking during the workday or sitting in front of your tv drinking a beer in the evenining.


Between loading trailers and sorting 5000 packages, you couldn't pay me enough to skip lunch.
well the OT rate is around 39/hr for 22.3. If I skipped all five lunches a week, that's either nearly $200 extra in OT, or an hour more time to (primarily) sleep. I'd even forgo the unpaid 20 minute break.

On the other hand, I agree some days a full hour lunch is nice. Occasionally. ;)

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
What does your supplements say about lunches? I don't care. what's on my truck. Savers, business, anything. My lunch is to start between my 4th and 5th hour for one full uninterrupted hour. TAKE YOUR MOTHER friend@@KING LUNCH AT THE CORRECT TIME!!!!!

Wow! I finally agree with you. Why cant people understand this simple task? It makes more work for others. Just by taking it. Ours in upstate Ny is a 10 min(paid) break and 45 min lunch. Now with mandatory half hr break in 8 hrs. Take mine usually 1-2pm most days..


Well-Known Member
It chaps their ass if you take your 2 paid breaks back to back. You want me to wait around to close out the UPS store? I'm not going to use my lunch to do it.


Geek in Brown
Can you provide more details about this change? Was it some company policy change or an agreement reached with the union at a national level or local level? I'm in New England where we are supposed to take 60 min unpaid lunch and haven't heard anything about this yet. A few months ago I forgot to put my lunch in the diad and they threatened to give me a warning letter.


Gone Fish'n
What else am I supposed to do just sit around on their dime waiting an hour to close out the store?

Yes. It's called The UPS Store, not The Poopsup Store. Send a message in via DIAD before you get there informing them if you'll have a large downtime. CYA applies here as you'll know well before if you'll have any down time. Now the ball is in their court to manage your downtime appropriately, which usually ends up they don't want to deal with it and you just sit.


Well-Known Member
What else am I supposed to do just sit around on their dime waiting an hour to close out the store?
If you're instructed to wait, yes work as directed. But breaks are yours, designed and negotiated to relieve driver fatigue, not cover wait time.
Yes. It's called The UPS Store, not The Poopsup Store. Send a message in via DIAD before you get there informing them if you'll have a large downtime. CYA applies here as you'll know well before if you'll have any down time. Now the ball is in their court to manage your downtime appropriately, which usually ends up they don't want to deal with it and you just sit.
Or as my boss wants to ...............pad the ur DOK and put in as approved am meeting!