Maybe now is the right time to organize


Well-Known Member
If in your mind's eye it's ok for trump to stuff his administration with super wealthy bankers, big corporate donors etc , then why isn't ok for Biden to do the same?
It's hypocritical on your part because that's what you always pointed out about Trump's administration.


Well-Known Member
That's bogus. If he's committing crimes Pelosi can impeach. And if he does declare for 2024, which I doubt, he'll most likely run unopposed. Pence and Cruz certainty wouldn't run against him.
Right now there's a reportedly 6 lawsuits and investigations that he'll have to contend with after leaving office. That's in addition to the more than 400 million dollars in shady loans that will come due over the next 4 years that he alone is liable for.

Not much hope for a candidate if he's in federal bankruptcy court trying to acquire protection from his creditors.


Well-Known Member
It's hypocritical on your part because that's what you always pointed out about Trump's administration.
Talk about hypocrisy . You were shaming the Biden appointments but Trump's very wealthy very powerful, very well connected appointments were in your opinion perfectly alright.


Well-Known Member
It was white Republicans marching with Martin Luther King, Jr., who was himself a Republican. It was Republicans who supported Johnson to get the Civil Rights Act passed. It was Democrats who realized they needed the Black vote to win and devised policies that over time destroyed the Black family. Republicans today are preaching America and Americans first and are trying to create a business atmosphere that creates jobs and opportunities for everyone. Democrats are still saying vote for us and we'll give you stuff. Blacks are starting to realize that's just rhetoric and very little has changed. A vote for Biden was literally shooting yourself in the foot.
And it was white Republicans who were on the other side of the Edmund Pettus Bridge armed with clubs, dogs and tear gas on March 7 1965.


Well-Known Member
Right now there's a reportedly 6 lawsuits and investigations that he'll have to contend with after leaving office. That's in addition to the more than 400 million dollars in shady loans that will come due over the next 4 years that he alone is liable for.

Not much hope for a candidate if he's in federal bankruptcy court trying to acquire protection from his creditors.
A lot of that is political and it doesn't address the fact that Pelosi, Schiff, et al would go after him in a heartbeat if they had a crime they believed even the Senate couldn't dismiss.


Well-Known Member
Talk about hypocrisy . You were shaming the Biden appointments but Trump's very wealthy very powerful, very well connected appointments were in your opinion perfectly alright.
I was fine with Trump's appointments, you weren't. I'm fine with Biden's appointments, you too. So who's the hypocrite? I'm much more worried about Biden's policies.


Well-Known Member
I was fine with Trump's appointments, you weren't. I'm fine with Biden's appointments, you too. So who's the hypocrite? I'm much more worried about Biden's policies.
Oh, so now you're fine with his appointments but just as many conspiracy theorists do after their latest conspiracy theory has been debunked you move onto something else.


Well-Known Member
The point is that when Trump came in you guys made hay about all the lobbyists in his administration. Looks like your guy is no different. And judging by the number of lobbyists he's hiring he may be more in bed with corporate America than Trump. By the way someone who's the daughter of some corporate magnate isn't quite the same. Just means she had great educational opportunities and most likely had a good track record over the years. And isn't Elaine Chao Mitch McConnell's wife? That's more about politics than lobbying.
The point is the Trump promised to be different, and you believed him. 3 miles of new wall, $1 a day tax deferral for working people, 1/4 million dead, theft from charities, cheating on his property taxes to the tune of millions, nepotism up the wazzoo, Oil industry running the EPA and Energy dept, and you LOOOOOOVE you some Donald Trump, and want more of what he is spewing trickled down on you. And you think he was draining the swamp.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so now you're fine with his appointments but just as many conspiracy theorists do after their latest conspiracy theory has been debunked you move onto something else.
Nope, just pointing out your hypocrisy. Of course corporate America is going to try to influence everything to their benefit. But more concerning is Biden's stated policy implementation. No conspiracy theories needed. And when it blows up you'll blame Republicans. It's just what you do.


Well-Known Member
The point is the Trump promised to be different, and you believed him. 3 miles of new wall, $1 a day tax deferral for working people, 1/4 million dead, theft from charities, cheating on his property taxes to the tune of millions, nepotism up the wazzoo, Oil industry running the EPA and Energy dept, and you LOOOOOOVE you some Donald Trump, and want more of what he is spewing trickled down on you. And you think he was draining the swamp.
400 miles of new wall, tax breaks for working Americans, criminal sentencing reform, enterprise zones in minority neighborhoods, Middle East peace deals, recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, wiped out ISIS, made our allies pay their fair share of their defense, made China spend more on American products to better the trade imbalance, signed new trade accords that made our trade with Mexico and Canada more equitable, repealed redundant regulations that hurt business, lowered corporate taxes that increased business investment and resulted in record low unemployment for minorities and women. If the virus hadn't happened he'd have been reelected unless of course the fix was still in, and likely would have been.


Well-Known Member
Nope, just pointing out your hypocrisy. Of course corporate America is going to try to influence everything to their benefit. But more concerning is Biden's stated policy implementation. No conspiracy theories needed. And when it blows up you'll blame Republicans. It's just what you do.
At least he had a policy statement and not afraid to tell you how and where he stood. Trump's entire campaign was nothing more than a traveling super spreader carnival with Trump serving as both barker and ring master.


Well-Known Member
At least he had a policy statement and not afraid to tell you how and where he stood. Trump's entire campaign was nothing more than a traveling super spreader carnival with Trump serving as both barker and ring master.
Trump accomplished more in four years than most do in 8. And if he had done that as a Democrat you'd be kissing his feet.


Well-Known Member
The senate would dismiss ANY charge against Trump and tel you it was a witch hunt and you would believe them even if it was on tape- AGAIN!!!!
Yah, it's on tape and transcripts that Trump asked the Ukrainian president to look into Biden family corruption. That's it. Adam Schiff had to make up a bunch of B.S. about what Trump said because there was no there there. Meanwhile it's on video of Joe Biden bragging about how he threatened to withhold a billion in aid if the Ukrainians didn't fire a prosecutor within 6 hours. A prosecutor who was investigating corruption at an oil and gas company that just happened to be giving Joe Biden's son $83k a month to do absolutely nothing except call dear old dad to protect them from a government prosecutor. Yah, nothing to see here, just the way Democrats get things done, peddling influence.


Well-Known Member
Trump accomplished more in four years than most do in 8. And if he had done that as a Democrat you'd be kissing his feet.
What did he accomplish to help Americans, and what action did he take that made the accomplish possible? He didn't raise GDP rate of growth, he added to everyone's tax burden, he got millions out of health insurance coverage, he spent billions on things the pentagon says that they didn't need, he got an extra 1/4 million killed by letting the virus into the country, he raised the level of mistrust and anger between races, crime went up, And he transferred literally trillions in tax debt that corporations would have been paying to requiring actual working people to pay off. He allowed more lead and other heavy metals to be discharged by power plants and made Americans pay more for products they wanted to buy from China. He INCREASED the trade deficit and charged tax payers $650 per day for each secret service agent to sleep at his hotel when protecting him. He got his nose brown with Putin and Kim, and gave Syria to Russia. HE EFFING CAGED CHILDREN AND THEN LOT TRACK OF THEIR PARENTS.
That is a start to the list of Trump's 'accomplishments' that you will likely love.


Well-Known Member
400 miles of new wall, tax breaks for working Americans, sentencing reform, enterprise zones in minority neighborhoods, Middle East peace deals, recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, wiped out ISIS, made our allies pay their fair share of their defense, made China spend more on American products to better the trade imbalance, signed new trade accords that made our trade with Mexico and Canada more equitable, repealed redundant regulations that hurt business, lowered corporate taxes that increased business investment and resulted in record low unemployment for minorities and women. If the virus hadn't happened he'd have been reelected unless of course the fix was still in, and likely would have been.
Wall...Most of those 400 miles were upgrades to existing walls.... And Mexico isn't paying for it.
Tax cuts ..Paid for with record federal borrowing
Wiped out ISIS.. If we wiped them out then why are we negotiating with their proxy the Taliban in a effort to find a way out? PS The Kurds
did most of the fighting against ISIS. And look at the thanks they got from Dear Leader

Middle East Peace Accord The Palestinians don't even recognize it because they weren't even brought into the negotiations . The so called
settlement is a sham that Kushner and Netanyahu (under indictment) both Jews put together themselves.

China Trade Deal... You obviously haven't looked at the numbers lately have you?

Lowered Corporate Taxes. The result? Record stock buybacks, little else and offset with what? More federal borrowing.

Mexico Canada Trade Deal...The tariffs can be easily bypassed and who's going to make Mexico and Canada compliant?

Jerusalem How many Muslim countries recognize it?

Oh, you've no doubt believed everything Fox News wants you to believe.


Well-Known Member
What did he accomplish to help Americans, and what action did he take that made the accomplish possible? He didn't raise GDP rate of growth, he added to everyone's tax burden, he got millions out of health insurance coverage, he spent billions on things the pentagon says that they didn't need, he got an extra 1/4 million killed by letting the virus into the country, he raised the level of mistrust and anger between races, crime went up, And he transferred literally trillions in tax debt that corporations would have been paying to requiring actual working people to pay off. He allowed more lead and other heavy metals to be discharged by power plants and made Americans pay more for products they wanted to buy from China. He INCREASED the trade deficit and charged tax payers $650 per day for each secret service agent to sleep at his hotel when protecting him. He got his nose brown with Putin and Kim, and gave Syria to Russia. HE EFFING CAGED CHILDREN AND THEN LOT TRACK OF THEIR PARENTS.
That is a start to the list of Trump's 'accomplishments' that you will likely love.
What you just wrote is such B.S. on so many levels it's a wonder you bothered. And here's some enlightenment. Corporations send in tax money, but they don't actually pay it. Consumers pay the tax in increased costs for good and services. Buy a clue.