Maybe now is the right time to organize


Well-Known Member
They are contributing taxes. Saying working Americans have to support tens of millions of able bodied, younger non-workers because the work is beneath them is ridiculous.
Able bodied people qualify for vey little benefits, If you believe otherwise, again you are ignorant of the truth, and keep proving it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
No, that is what you THINK liberals believe. Able bodied people are NOT eligible for anything but food assistance, and even that is limited. Liberals believe that employers should be required to support their workers, not the tax payer. The employers is allowed to prosper while taxpayers need to help feed their workers. It is a shame that you think being forced to do work that will not provide enough to live on is such a great thing. EVERY employer should be required to pay enough for an employee who works full time to live on, including basic housing, clothing, food, transportation to work, and necessities. If your employer can or does pay enough, why shouldn't all employers????? Why should some employers get to burden society???????
Because if you eliminate the motivation of profit for the employer, you eliminate employing anybody. Nobody wins, not even Socialists like you.


Well-Known Member
Able bodied people qualify for vey little benefits, If you believe otherwise, again you are ignorant of the truth, and keep proving it.
Poor workers get assistance. They get less assistance than when they didn't work and just sat at home. Why it's called welfare reform. Someday I hope you too stop proving your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Why not give them something to work for? Like a living wage and a benefit plan? If it's good enough for the people on the top it's good enough for the people on the bottom. Besides what would all of the rich Texas oilmen down your way do if they didn't have their Mexican gardeners?
If you knew anything about Texas you'd know those Mexicans are citizens working in the oilfields making a good living. If you want illegal alien gardeners you'll have to go to the liberal elite mansions of California.


Well-Known Member
Were you even alive in the 60s when blacks were living in slums across the country and literally starving in rural areas of the south, and living in shanties with no water or heat or refrigeration??????? It was DEMOCRATIC leaders who spent billion and trillions of dollars on training, housing, food assistance, while republicans fought it then and continue to fight it now?????

I grew up just outside of Oakland Ca and have seen the slow steady improvement. If democrats had cooperation instead of obstruction from republicans, things would have been done faster, but blaming democrats for not doing enough fast enough is short sighted. When schools alone that serve mostly black children get half the funding as schools with a majority of white children, you want ot blame democrats. who you say talk but do nothing. Until the education is equal, there won't be job opportunities that whites take for granted. Sure, a certain % will get past the problems, but simple math says that a lower education level in general lessens the odds. Does any black person really think that republicans are going to be willing to spend ANY tax money to help majority black schools? NO. Republicans want to pull money OUT of majority black schools and spend it on private schools that might take a few of the black kids, and literally leaving less money for the others who have fixed costs, leaving the reductions coming from teachers, and textbooks and supplies. The building costs the same to heat and maintain and clean and light even if 100 out of 1000 kids leave. But the remaining budget must be cut when funds are taken away with the kids that leave, and the pace towards complete failure is hastened, which is what the right really wants when they say they want charter schools or school choice. What they want is tax dollars going to private hands, just like they want with prisons, and defense spending.
It was white Republicans marching with Martin Luther King, Jr., who was himself a Republican. It was Republicans who supported Johnson to get the Civil Rights Act passed. It was Democrats who realized they needed the Black vote to win and devised policies that over time destroyed the Black family. Republicans today are preaching America and Americans first and are trying to create a business atmosphere that creates jobs and opportunities for everyone. Democrats are still saying vote for us and we'll give you stuff. Blacks are starting to realize that's just rhetoric and very little has changed. A vote for Biden was literally shooting yourself in the foot.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Able bodied people are already required to either work or be in training to get anything but food. Unless you are a parent of a young child you get nothing, and even then, childcare is made available once the child is old enough, and benefits end. You are seriously mistaken about able bodied people getting an easy living off public assistance.
Nice story. Wrong but comical

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Well, maybe they don't want to be like you..... Start at the bottom...and stay there. Or perhaps they don't want to follow your career path...Start off slow....and then tail off.
So you think people should start out mid level and go from there? What's wrong with starting out at the bottom and working your way up the ladder? Many on here started out as a handler and moved on from there.


Well-Known Member
No, that is what you THINK liberals believe. Able bodied people are NOT eligible for anything but food assistance, and even that is limited. Liberals believe that employers should be required to support their workers, not the tax payer. The employers is allowed to prosper while taxpayers need to help feed their workers. It is a shame that you think being forced to do work that will not provide enough to live on is such a great thing. EVERY employer should be required to pay enough for an employee who works full time to live on, including basic housing, clothing, food, transportation to work, and necessities. If your employer can or does pay enough, why shouldn't all employers????? Why should some employers get to burden society???????
Spot on. There's a nursing home out the road from me. DOW is taking these women training them to be CNA's . Hard dirty dangerous stinky work. The job pays $8.43 an hour. They just go back on public assistance and stay there. You cannot blame them in any way shape or form..

The ACA like anything else requires building a base of knowledge about how it works. Those who do quickly come to understand that it's focus is twofold . Prevention and saving a healthcare network from utter destruction.

Today the number of new COVID cases hit an all time high with no leveling off coming anytime soon. In Texas they're parking reefers out back of hospitals to stock pile the dead bodies from COVID and in South Dakota 55% of all COVID tests are coming back positive.

Because people are coming to understand that the ACA is both a life saver and a system saver it's support will continue to grow.
The exception will continue to be in places like Texas where the last conscious sounds people will hear before dying of COVID will be the sound of the reefer running right outside their window.


Well-Known Member
So you think people should start out mid level and go from there? What's wrong with starting out at the bottom and working your way up the ladder? Many on here started out as a handler and moved on from there.
So in the 46 years you worked for Fat Freddy you went from a letter handler to a letter lugger? Man, that really climbing up the corporate ladder if I do say so myself.


Well-Known Member
No, that is what you THINK liberals believe. Able bodied people are NOT eligible for anything but food assistance, and even that is limited. Liberals believe that employers should be required to support their workers, not the tax payer. The employers is allowed to prosper while taxpayers need to help feed their workers. It is a shame that you think being forced to do work that will not provide enough to live on is such a great thing. EVERY employer should be required to pay enough for an employee who works full time to live on, including basic housing, clothing, food, transportation to work, and necessities. If your employer can or does pay enough, why shouldn't all employers????? Why should some employers get to burden society???????
Heard today that Biden's chief of staff is a top lobbyist for Silicon Valley. And that 40 members of Biden's transition team are corporate lobbyists. I think you got played amigo. Good luck!


Engorged Member
Heard today that Biden's chief of staff is a top lobbyist for Silicon Valley. And that 40 members of Biden's transition team are corporate lobbyists. I think you got played amigo. Good luck!
The wife of Clarence Thomas is a prominent lobbyist and the Trump administration is chock full of corporate lobbyists promoted into positions where they "regulate" the industry they came from.

Most corrupt President ever.


Well-Known Member
The wife of Clarence Thomas is a prominent lobbyist and the Trump administration is chock full of corporate lobbyists promoted into positions where they "regulate" the industry they came from.

Most corrupt President ever.
Elaine Chao current Secretary Of transportation is the daughter of the founder of Foremost Group one of the world's largest privately owned shipping companies.

Eugene Scalia current Secretary Of Labor is the son of the late Anton Scalia and prior to his appointment of SOL he was in private practice arguing numerous cases for big corporations involved in pro union pro labor cases.

Wilbur Ross. Commerce Secretary.... Investment banker and hedge fund manager
Steven Mnuchin Treasury Secretary..... Goldman Sachs
Betsy DeVos Education Secretary Daughter of the owner of Prince Corporation. Daughter in law of the founder of Amway
Mike Pompeo Secretary of State COO and part owner of Nex-Tech Aerospace Aircraft parts manufacturer.

I hope you know the point Van T was making if there was one because I can't see where he had one.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Elaine Chao current Secretary Of transportation is the daughter of the founder of Foremost Group one of the world's largest privately owned shipping companies.

Eugene Scalia current Secretary Of Labor is the son of the late Anton Scalia and prior to his appointment of SOL he was in private practice arguing numerous cases for big corporations involved in pro union pro labor cases.

Wilbur Ross. Commerce Secretary.... Investment banker and hedge fund manager
Steven Mnuchin Treasury Secretary..... Goldman Sachs
Betsy DeVos Education Secretary Daughter of the owner of Prince Corporation. Daughter in law of the founder of Amway
Mike Pompeo Secretary of State COO and part owner of Nex-Tech Aerospace Aircraft parts manufacturer.

I hope you know the point Van T was making if there was one because I can't see where he had one.
So instead of seeking the input and influence of those with the expertise and success in their respective fields, the President should seek advice from the clueless, such as you and me? In your world, expertise equals corruption. How would you govern, with advice from the ignorant?

That's not what I want to see from the leader of this country.


Well-Known Member
Elaine Chao current Secretary Of transportation is the daughter of the founder of Foremost Group one of the world's largest privately owned shipping companies.

Eugene Scalia current Secretary Of Labor is the son of the late Anton Scalia and prior to his appointment of SOL he was in private practice arguing numerous cases for big corporations involved in pro union pro labor cases.

Wilbur Ross. Commerce Secretary.... Investment banker and hedge fund manager
Steven Mnuchin Treasury Secretary..... Goldman Sachs
Betsy DeVos Education Secretary Daughter of the owner of Prince Corporation. Daughter in law of the founder of Amway
Mike Pompeo Secretary of State COO and part owner of Nex-Tech Aerospace Aircraft parts manufacturer.

I hope you know the point Van T was making if there was one because I can't see where he had one.
The point is that when Trump came in you guys made hay about all the lobbyists in his administration. Looks like your guy is no different. And judging by the number of lobbyists he's hiring he may be more in bed with corporate America than Trump. By the way someone who's the daughter of some corporate magnate isn't quite the same. Just means she had great educational opportunities and most likely had a good track record over the years. And isn't Elaine Chao Mitch McConnell's wife? That's more about politics than lobbying.


Well-Known Member
So instead of seeking the input and influence of those with the expertise and success in their respective fields, the President should seek advice from the clueless, such as you and me? In your world, expertise equals corruption. How would you govern, with advice from the ignorant?

That's not what I want to see from the leader of this country.
You bring up a good point but since they like to sneer at corporations I can't help but being it up.


Well-Known Member
The wife of Clarence Thomas is a prominent lobbyist and the Trump administration is chock full of corporate lobbyists promoted into positions where they "regulate" the industry they came from.

Most corrupt President ever.
If he was committing crimes Pelosi would have him impeached. That's the flip side of constantly going after Trump. They expose the fact that they can't find anything in spite of great effort to do so.


Well-Known Member
If he was committing crimes Pelosi would have him impeached. That's the flip side of constantly going after Trump. They expose the fact that they can't find anything in spite of great effort to do so.
It's not that they aren't finding anything, it's just as long as he's president they can't touch him. And having lost therefore unable to put off his day of reckoning another 4 years may have as much to do with his boorish and immature behavior as anything else.

BTW, a report coming out today says that he's told his staff that after the results of the election are certified he will announce his candidacy for 2024. That's music to the ears of the DNC. Trump vs. Pence, Rubio and Cruz in the primaries.


Well-Known Member
So instead of seeking the input and influence of those with the expertise and success in their respective fields, the President should seek advice from the clueless, such as you and me? In your world, expertise equals corruption. How would you govern, with advice from the ignorant?

That's not what I want to see from the leader of this country.
If in your mind's eye it's ok for trump to stuff his administration with super wealthy bankers, big corporate donors etc , then why isn't ok for Biden to do the same?


Well-Known Member
It's not that they aren't finding anything, it's just as long as he's president they can't touch him. And having lost therefore unable to put off his day of reckoning another 4 years may have as much to do with his boorish and immature behavior as anything else.

BTW, a report coming out today says that he's told his staff that after the results of the election are certified he will announce his candidacy for 2024. That's music to the ears of the DNC. Trump vs. Pence, Rubio and Cruz in the primaries.
That's bogus. If he's committing crimes Pelosi can impeach. And if he does declare for 2024, which I doubt, he'll most likely run unopposed. Pence and Cruz certainty wouldn't run against him.