McCain and Palin


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Republicans dont stand for unions? Maybe they do. Or maybe they will now. I would feel much better in the next election if we actually gave our dues to a union who will support a candidate who wants to let us keep more of our money, than one who wants to find new ways to spend more of it.

Should be writing tickets for a poucher, not running for VP?
I believe you meant poacher, and has as much right to run for VP if nominated, as Obama for Pres, since nominated.
And by the way has as many credentials for the second in line, as he does for the first in line.
And why would she be a democrat when she knows more about energy than the entire democratic party? And rules the land of Alaska, and knows the polar bears are not at risk, and will convince McCain to drill in ANWR.


so on one side we have a 20 year navy man and a 25year public servant and a former union member, beauty queen mother of 5

on the other 1 lawyer that has no substance to his arguements and another lawyer that had too much substance to be picked by his party to run the country.

Neither is an ideal situation......but as much as i hate unions in general they are the life blood of the country and im pretty sure i can trust a navy man and a union woman more than two bloodsucking lawyers


Well-Known Member
Palin is running for the wrong position. She should be a Conservation Officer at best. I could see her writing tickets for pouchers not runnning for VP!

Let's all remember here who wears the pants! :princess:

What is McCain Thinking, she should be on the Democratic slate considering her back ground!

Republicans do not stand for UNIONS and will not fight for UNION JOBS!

Think about it before you vote!

She sounds like a wonderful women but not for VICE President of the United States!

Take the blinders off and stop believing the demo propaganda. Who gave you your tax cuts to let you keep more of what you earned? Who wants to take that away from you? Sometimes you have to THINK!


Well-Known Member
try this one....


Well-Known Member
Republicans dont stand for unions? Maybe they do. Or maybe they will now. I would feel much better in the next election if we actually gave our dues to a union who will support a candidate who wants to let us keep more of our money, than one who wants to find new ways to spend more of it.

umm....Republicans pro union?...good one ToonerII
Why do you keep giving republicans a pass? Don't you see your party spending money we don't have like there's no tommorrow. Who's to say McCain is any different. I think we need to cut up your credit card:wink2:

Should be writing tickets for a poucher, not running for VP?
I believe you meant poacher, and has as much right to run for VP if nominated, as Obama for Pres, since nominated.
And by the way has as many credentials for the second in line, as he does for the first in line.
And why would she be a democrat when she knows more about energy than the entire democratic party? And rules the land of Alaska, and knows the polar bears are not at risk, and will convince McCain to drill in ANWR.

Lets put her on a pedalstal why don't we....We know the drill, if you keep repeating what a great choice big oil....uh uh I mean John McCain made for VP, maybe you'll convince yourselves that it really truly was...:rofl:

Take the blinders off and stop believing the demo propaganda. Who gave you your tax cuts to let you keep more of what you earned? Who wants to take that away from you? Sometimes you have to THINK!

Excuse me, Did somebody give us regular Joe's tax cuts?......LIB, I didn't know you were a multi-million-aire and earned the GW's tax cuts. Lucky you. As for the rest of us slobs, we get to sit around and watch and ineffective congress for the last 8 years cave into your beloved republican leadership and sell out our country to of all people China and Saudi Arabia. Two of the loveliest human rights violaters around. Hey, toot your horn and and blow your party-favors :happy_new_year: .


No more Brown!
Good christ! The whole thing sets off my gag reflex. Do we really want McCain OR Obama? Which is indeed the lessser evil for the next four years?


ineffective congress for the last 8 years cave into your beloved republican leadership .
I do believe the congress and senate have been in democratic control for the last 3 years. The ineffectiveness is on both sides of the aisle, but while Mrs. Palin and Mr. McCain have been serving their constiquecy, and atleast governing, the golden boy of the democrats Mr. Obama has been trying to play president for the last 18 months... Imagine how much change he could have done if he had been doing his job and served his constiquecy?

Obamas plans and thoughts are designed to dazel, not a whole lot of substance just designed to AH just like his speaches, the dems say Palin doesn't have the expierence, does Obama? As a govenor you deal with about 90% of the things president does, health care, taxes, budgets, public programs, dealing with the house and senate, appointing cabinet positions and commissionsers. When Palin took office she got rid of everyone that had worked for the prior administration, and started anew. Since then the state is doing great, people are happy, life is good. McCain doesn't have executive expierence either but he has 20+ years in the military where he would deal with many of the executive issues and about 25 years as a US senator. Mr. Obama has 3 years as a non-serving US senator and I believe 8 years in the state senate of Illinios, wheres the expierence at? wheres the knowledge at? who can actually make a change and not paint a pretty, and unatainable picture?


Well-Known Member
So the news today, even though it doesnt relate to the issues, shes going to be a granny
so BD you can have the GGILTF :D

This will be her unwed daughter's second child.

Sarah "adopted" her daughter's first born and claimed it as her own.

So much for family values.


Staff member
This will be her unwed daughter's second child.

Sarah "adopted" her daughter's first born and claimed it as her own.

So much for family values.

I don't think there's any evidence to support that.
Sep 1st, 2008 | MONROE, Mich. -- Barack Obama is condemning campaign rumors involving the children of candidates, including Republican vice presidential contender Sarah Palin. He says he will fire any campaign worker that violates his rule.
Obama, speaking Monday to reporters in Michigan, said he thinks "people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."
Palin, the Alaska governor, announced that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant. McCain's campaign said the announcement was made in order to knock down rumors that Bristol was actually the mother of Palin's fifth child, who was born in April.
Obama adamantly denied anonymous claims that his campaign helped spread the rumors.
Good for him.


Well-Known Member
I agree that the kids on all sides should be off limits. They are innocent bystanders and should be left out.

I dont feel that's true of family members who outwardly campaign for their spouse/parent though. If Mrs Obama or Mrs McCain wants to make speeches stumping for their man, then they are fair game. Same with children (ie Chelsea Clinton) who speak out.