McCain is a liar!


Staff member
You say that you dont know what to expect from obama, yet you will vote for mccain knowing that you will have another mirrored version of the previous 4 years. Whats worse? Can someone really mismanage this country anymore than bush and mccain already have?

Heh, that made me think of this one:



Well-Known Member
This is what the link you posted says. I guess he did not sponsor it but he did support it.

It would have lowered the age at which students would begin what the bill termed "comprehensive sex education" to include kindergarten.

The bill passed in the Health and Human Services Committee with Democrats, including Obama, voting along party lines in support of it.

I remember kindergarten as being nap time, eating paste and coloring. Have times truly changed that much?

Don't forget to mention that parents have the option to remove their child from these classes and continue their belief that the stork delivered their baby brother Johnny. Eventhough the child finds it hard to believe why mommy's tummy dissappeared, conservatives would lie to the children, until their child finds a dirty mag or DVD under their parent's bed..

I think its great watching you democrats shiver and shake over Sarah Palin. You would think she was running for president

I think it's great watching you republicans come up with excuses and reasons for making Palin the best VP canidate your party has to offer.....


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to mention that parents have the option to remove their child from these classes and continue their belief that the stork delivered their baby brother Johnny......

Your link did not say that but what it did say was that B. Hussein supported a bill for sex education for children in kindergarten. That is what you were saying was a lie right? Just wondering why you posted a link saying he supported it when you think it was not true.


Well-Known Member
Your link did not say that but what it did say was that B. Hussein supported a bill for sex education for children in kindergarten. That is what you were saying was a lie right? Just wondering why you posted a link saying he supported it when you think it was not true.

Ok, try this link on for size---1st paragraph

I'm not saying he never supported it, but you red state folks are mis-representing it, and you know it. Thats being cynical. The purpose of the ad is to reach out to all the dumbA$$ misinformed voters out there that see the words Sex--Kindergarden--Obama, and I can't believe some here at Brown Cafe push this political crap as ambiguous truth without representing the age appropriate context of the bill. It's really sad.


Well-Known Member
Ok, try this link on for size---1st paragraph

I'm not saying he never supported it, but you red state folks are mis-representing it, and you know it. Thats being cynical. The purpose of the ad is to reach out to all the dumbA$$ misinformed voters out there that see the words Sex--Kindergarden--Obama, and I can't believe some here at Brown Cafe push this political crap as ambiguous truth without representing the age appropriate context of the bill. It's really sad.

See I don't think the red state folks are misrepresenting it. They seem to think that no matter what kindergarten is not the appropriate age to teach children about abortion, or aids prevention. I know opt out. That is a joke you assume that if 30 children opt out and 10 do not that those ten would never mention what they heard to the other 30. From where I sit it seems like they may be finally coming around to the idea that they do not need you or B. Hussein to tell them what their children need. It is amazing to me that someone would even try and put icing on this just to support B. Hussein. I really think you are misrepresenting things not the other way around.


I think it's great watching you republicans come up with excuses and reasons for making Palin the best VP canidate your party has to offer.....

I don't know if she is the best we have but man did she blow away that washington insider your side put up. The VP job is a do nothing job where the VP quietly dissapears into the background. It appears your guy Biden has already gotten a head start on the dissapearing part.


Well-Known Member
See I don't think the red state folks are misrepresenting it. They seem to think that no matter what kindergarten is not the appropriate age to teach children about abortion, or aids prevention.

I really think you are misrepresenting things not the other way around.

What's misrepresenting is telling folks the purpose of the bill was to teach kindergartners abortion and aids. There's an age appropriate curriclium that the schoolboard can agree on. If you don't want your child aware of inappropriate touching or recognizing predators (such as Republican Senators in restrooms) then pull them out and enroll them in private school.

I don't know if she is the best we have but man did she blow away that washington insider your side put up.

I guess your right, Biden can't see Russia from his house.....but at least he knows what the Bush Doctrine is.:wink2:

The VP job is a do nothing job where the VP quietly dissapears into the background.

Tell that to Cheney when he doesn't have his hand in Bush's back working his mouth and lips like a puppet, he's telling the Senate and Congress his Administration is entitled to Executive privledge.

It appears your guy Biden has already gotten a head start on the dissapearing part.

If you would stop watching FOX :sick: and tune into other news sources, you will see that Joe's been out on the campaign trail on his own without a political leash. He's giving speeches and answering questions for the ticket independently without having his staff babysit like the need to do for the reborn phenom former mayor of Wasilla and 1/2 term Gov Sarah Palin.

BTW......Great a funny movie (the real characters that is)


Well-Known Member
What's misrepresenting is telling folks the purpose of the bill was to teach kindergartners abortion and aids. .

I was just going by the link you posted.

From the bill. So please tell me how I am misrepresenting this. You posted it and asked me to read it so here it is. All I did was cut and paste it. Thanks for doing the leg work for me.:happy2:

Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K 6 through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV AIDS

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The sad part about those ads 705red is people actually believe in them. between the ads and the talk radio, it's like having a natural surgurical free lobotomy.

You stated to me in one of your posts that Colin Powell supports BO... to try and "get me" because I like Colin Powell. I just heard on CNN less than 10 minutes ago from Powell's mouth that he has not made up his mind on who he will support.

Here is another instance that I have caught you lying and you have the gall to talk about someone else!

People in glass houses should not throw stones! LOL!

Both sides are slinging the mud and you are slinging it right along side them!

Again.... It goes straight to your credibility!.... or should I say lack of credibility.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Relax Scratch......that bill isn't about penis's and vagina''s about recognizing sexual predators. :stalker:
Seem's the McCain ads have convinced you......

It is the parents' responsibility to teach their children about sexual predators at that early age. Each parent should approach it the way they feel is right for their child.

It is not the governments' job to take over for parents.


Nine Lives
Just watch this video of the ads he is running and endorsing!YouTube - John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof.

A politician running for President and he's distorting or lying about his opponent.
WoW!!!! It's amazing!!!
Started with George Washington, John Adams and especially Thomas Jefferson and they've been lying ever since.

These are the rules:
1) If they are talking about themselves, it is a lie.
2) If they are talking about their opponent, it's a damm lie.


What's misrepresenting is telling folks the purpose of the bill was to teach kindergartners abortion and aids. There's an age appropriate curriclium that the schoolboard can agree on. If you don't want your child aware of inappropriate touching or recognizing predators (such as Republican Senators in restrooms) then pull them out and enroll them in private school.

Not a bad idea. Hey Diesel we agree on one.

As for the news source I rarely watch fox , I usually watch MSNBC and CNN so that I can watch all the liberal smear campaigns.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
It is the parents' responsibility to teach their children about sexual predators at that early age. Each parent should approach it the way they feel is right for their child.

It is not the governments' job to take over for parents.

I don't know how family life is in AZ, but not every household across America is like "Leave it to Beaver". If the democratically elected county school board feels it appropriate, then so be it. Saving/preventing even one child from recognizing a potential sexual predator is worth it. It's not worth being an after thought as you suggest that each parent/guardian/sibling is qualified to fullfill these obligations to our children. Shame on you.

You stated to me in one of your posts that Colin Powell supports BO... to try and "get me" because I like Colin Powell. I just heard on CNN less than 10 minutes ago from Powell's mouth that he has not made up his mind on who he will support.

Here is another instance that I have caught you lying and you have the gall to talk about someone else!

People in glass houses should not throw stones! LOL!

Both sides are slinging the mud and you are slinging it right along side them!

Again.... It goes straight to your credibility!.... or should I say lack of credibility.

Dream on Lifer....Here we have, the Ex rep Sec of State for the Bush Administration.....a stellar Military career, and a man of integrity at a loss, caught in a sea of lies not of his doing, holding a high level cabinet position sustaining the only blot in his career. This deceit weighs heavily upon him, and for him to even hesitate at the question as to whom he throws his support towards is an obvious admission of who he's not voting for...McCain. At least Colin Powell shows a willingness to be level headed and show your nemesis Obama some respect and consideration to be the next President of the free world. Who knows, to add insult to injury, maybe Obama will appoint him to another cabinet position....:wink2:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Diesel and any other Obama supporter who can not think for themselves and are blind supporters of everything he says, does or people he associates with!

I will repeat myself just once on the issue of any type of sex education at an early age.

I don't care if it the Cleavers or the Smiths or Jane or Tom... It is a child's parent or guardian who should determine how their children should be educated on sex (at an early age).

You have no right to tell me how my children should be educated on sex (at an early age). By you, I mean the government, the state or the school district...

I think that we are forgetting that children by nature are born with innocence and purity. It is up to the parent to decide how the innocence should be filtered and how the parent will protect their child. If a parent wants someone else to explain this than that is their choice.

You can almost compare this to pro-choice and pro-life. My values are the same - Your values are different. CREDIBILITY.

I believe that government does not have a right to make a personal decision for you regarding either of these issues...

You believe in pro-choice but it is OK for the government to regulate children's education on sexual topics???? This pulls at both sides of what you say your values are. (CREDIBILITY) I believe in a woman's right to choose, however I personally do not believe in abortion. That is CHOICE. No change in my values. I also believe in your CHOICE to educate your children as you see fit. You don't see it that way. You think the government should regulate my choice. CREDIBILITY!

I understand the need to protect children from predators but it is not governments obligation to teach them what is ok or not ok and more importantly HOW to teach them during this precious time of innocence.

This is too much government! It is the wrong kind of government - It proliferates the dependancy of government on the will of the people.

SHAME ON YOU for not thinking that parents or legal guardians are not qualified to teach their children!!!! This is why our country is in trouble because of folks who do not understand that the family is the basic unit and failure to provide support starts at that level.
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Well-Known Member
My husband uses the term "Liar's Convention" quite loosely when local, state and federal elections are in the news. You can only hope you make an informed decision, which can and is difficult to do. And then when you see your decision to vote for a candidate who didn't come through on their promises, well, I look at it this way.
If you are sworn to tell the truth in a court of law, and found guilty of lying, well then you can be convicted of perjury, which will send you to the slammer. (Martha Stewart comes to mind)

I think the same should hold true an ANY politician who will tell the public what he/she thinks we want to hear, and once elected, does nothing to come through on their campaign promises. That to me is the ultimate slap in the face to the their supporters.


Livin the cardboard dream
I don't agree with it, so I would opt out if it came to pass. I cannot disagree however with other parents wanting to put their kids through the course. There's always those that don't feel comfortable with the subject themselves and others even still who simply won't out of neglect or fear. It's the same thing with gay rights. I don't believe that being gay is what was intended for us, however, I don't in anyway believe we should legislate their right to insurance or marriage. We don't live in a theocracy, we live in a democracy, so basic human rights should be allowed.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I don't agree with it, so I would opt out if it came to pass. I cannot disagree however with other parents wanting to put their kids through the course. There's always those that don't feel comfortable with the subject themselves and others even still who simply won't out of neglect or fear. It's the same thing with gay rights. I don't believe that being gay is what was intended for us, however, I don't in anyway believe we should legislate their right to insurance or marriage. We don't live in a theocracy, we live in a democracy, so basic human rights should be allowed.

If you can opt out - that is fine - but would you or your children be looked down upon for not participating? Would your child feel ostracized? Would kids tease your child for not having the same info!

If a parent does not feel comfortable teaching their children - they can get a family member or good friend who shares their values or a doctor or religious figure. Someone who understands and agrees with their values and concerns. You can tailor the education to the level you feel comfortable. You can even sit in on the training.

My feeling if a parent does not want to teach their children basic life lessons .... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING WITH CHILDREN? :dont_know:

If you legislate this training - It is out of your control how your children get taught.

When does enough become enough?