Mitt Romney


The Nim
there's a line? Wow. I have never waited to vote. Of course, here it opens at 6am and I am there at 6:05.

I know, I was surprised too. Usually I'm there at 7 am election day, but I figured I'd try to early vote for once. When I normally go on election day there's at most 10 people there in front of me.


golden ticket member
Cutter is such a poor cakes!!

Cutter wouldn’t know reality if it was a cinder block being dropped on her head.
Via WaPo:
Top Obama adviser Stephanie Cutter said Sunday that the Des Moines Register’s endorsement of Mitt Romney “didn’t seem to be based at all in reality.”

“It was a little surprising to read that editorial, because it didn’t seem to be based at all in reality — not just in the president’s record, but in Mitt Romney’s record,” Cutter said. “It says that he’d reach across the aisle, which he’d do the exact opposite. It’s the exact opposite of what he did in Massachusetts.”

The paper announced its endorsement late Saturday. It backed President Obama in 2008 and is the biggest newspaper in a major swing state, Iowa.

The paper is one of relatively few swing state newspapers to switch its endorsement from Obama in 2008 to Romney in 2012.

Its editorial board wrote: “Barack Obama rocketed to the presidency from relative obscurity with a theme of hope and change. A different reality has marked his presidency. His record on the economy the past four years does not suggest he would lead in the direction the nation must go in the next four years.”
Cutter noted that Obama has been endorsed by several major swing state newspapers this weekend, including the Miami Herald, the Toledo Blade and the Youngstown Vindicator. Obama also got the backing of the Raleigh News and Observer.

Romney on Sunday was also endorsed by the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
deflect....deflect .....deflect....deflect...



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
so what does that have to do with Romney beating Obama? All I see is a photo that you photoshopped and posted.

Actually, that exact sequence of photos was on the Romney site. It has nothing to do with the election's outcome, except that some people would rather vote for a winner, or not vote at all if they think their candidate doesn't stand a chance. What Romney is trying to do is give the perception of being popular, and surging, where he is actually rotting on the vine.

Though there are many in America that buy his lies, most cane see right through them. Take Ryan in Ohio talking about the poor salaried people from Delphi that were paid reduced pensions (just like many other failed companies who had Gov't guaranteed pension plans). All the while Ryan is crying the crocodile tears, as he fails to mention that Dephi was bought by an arm of Bain and Bain shipped the jobs to...that's right, China.

In the meantime Willard himself is telling people, falsely, that Jeep is closing Ohio plants to send the jobs to China because Obama. Jeep has refuted the story, but that hasn't stopped Willard from running with it.

Most people can see though that. Most people can see through the excuses people have about his opponent, President Obama. They whole 'he hasn't fixed the economy' line is complete BS. America is doing better than any other region in the world. America is once again respected. People still want to invest in America. Profits are up, home sales are up, vehicle sales are up, jobs are on the rebound, and could improve drastically if more of his policies were allowed to be put in place. More uninsured will soon be able to get affordable health insurance (like every other 1st world country). Bottom line, things are better than they were in Oct 2008, much, much better. Maybe you are too young to really remember, or too blinded by something else about Obama, because it sure can't be what he accomplished in spite or having to deal with an opposition party that can best be described as the 'American Taliban'.


too young? well thats a first but atleast im not ignorant. you can paint your picture however you like...feel sorry for you, that you can be so easily saitisfied with pathetic. I guess if we had less people like you we would be doing a ot better.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, things are better than they were in Oct 2008, much, much better. Maybe you are too young to really remember, or too blinded by something else about Obama, because it sure can't be what he accomplished in spite or having to deal with an opposition party that can best be described as the 'American Taliban'.
----- We already knew that people on the far, far left looked at those who don't agree with them as terrorists. You've gone beyond discrediting yourself.---- YAWN!!---


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
----- We already knew that people on the far, far left looked at those who don't agree with them as terrorists. You've gone beyond discrediting yourself.---- YAWN!!---
Forcing their religious beliefs and undermining the legitimate government is not just like the Taliban?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
too young? well thats a first but atleast im not ignorant. you can paint your picture however you like...feel sorry for you, that you can be so easily saitisfied with pathetic. I guess if we had less people like you we would be doing a ot better.

Just quoting your post to prove a point.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
BELIEVE IN AMERICA.... well, its a campaign slogan for ROMNEY...but we all know that doesnt mean much... However, here is how much HE BELIEVES IN AMERICA FOLKS!!

Obama on the other hand uses an american company to make campaign shirts!!

OBAMA 2012!!!!!!

