Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Learn about MS before you judge it.


I have considered all the aspect of MS and its symptoms, but with respect for the first lady of the UNITED STATES, there should never be something that hinders her abilities to represent the USA. When John Kerry was running for the white house, people on this board mocked Teresa Heinz just for the way she spoke. They also mocked her connection to fortunes making that a "bad thing" calling her an elite, but can you get more of an elite than Mitt Romney and Ann Romney??

Ann Romney is not only an Elite, but an unhealthy Elite who, if by circumstance, could very well end up the most unhealthiest first lady in history.


Symptoms vary, because the location and severity of each attack can be different. Episodes can last for days, weeks, or months. These episodes alternate with periods of reduced or no symptoms (remissions).
Fever, hot baths, sun exposure, and stress can trigger or worsen attacks.
It is common for the disease to return (relapse). However, the disease may continue to get worse without periods of remission.
Because nerves in any part of the brain or spinal cord may be damaged, patients with multiple sclerosis can have symptoms in many parts of the body.
Muscle symptoms:

  • Loss of balance
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness or abnormal sensation in any area
  • Problems moving arms or legs
  • Problems walking
  • Problems with coordination and making small movements
  • Tremor in one or more arms or legs
  • Weakness in one or more arms or legs
Bowel and bladder symptoms:

  • Constipation and stool leakage
  • Difficulty beginning to urinate
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Strong urge to urinate
  • Urine leakage (incontinence)
Eye symptoms:

  • Double vision
  • Eye discomfort
  • Uncontrollable rapid eye movements
  • Vision loss (usually affects one eye at a time)
Numbness, tingling, or pain

  • Facial pain
  • Painful muscle spasms
  • Tingling, crawling, or burning feeling in the arms and legs
Other brain and nerve symptoms:

  • Decreased attention span, poor judgment, and memory loss
  • Difficulty reasoning and solving problems
  • Depression or feelings of sadness
  • Dizziness and balance problems
  • Hearing loss
Sexual symptoms:

  • Problems with erections
  • Problems with vaginal lubrication
Speech and swallowing symptoms:

  • Slurred or difficult-to-understand speech
  • Trouble chewing and swallowing
Fatigue is a common and bothersome symptoms as MS progresses. It is often worse in the late afternoon.

This condition is the LAST thing that should be on the resume of a first lady and its highly selfish for MITT ROMNEY to put his wife in this position knowing full well that she is unhealthy.

You may call it sacrifice, but the rest of america calls it ELITIEST SELFISHNESS.

The Romneys have lived a life where money had bought them everything, yet it cant buy Ann Romney a clean bill of health.


  • Depression
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Less and less ability to care for self
  • Need for indwelling catheter
  • Osteoporosis or thinning of the bones
  • Pressure sores
  • Side effects of medications used to treat the disorder
  • Urinary tract infections

Who seriously would want a first lady who had to experience these types of complications while occupying the white house?

Now, Ann Romney may attempt to "hide" her condition from the press and the voters by simply disappearing from time to time out of the limelight, but in the white house, this is a HIGH STRESS environment, and an unhealthy woman wouldnt be able to survive in that environment.

Just look at Michele Obama, shes got the right wing and people like moreluck scrutinizing everything she does with a fine tooth comb and you know that has to be stressful, now what do you think that kind of daily barrage of nonsense would do to Ann Romney?

Now, either Mitt Romney is trying to kill his wife by placing her into an enviroment of high stress knowing that she cant possibly handle it or they are both that selfish that they think they can just ignore the illness.

If Ann Romney cant handle simply campaigning without ending up in a wheelchair, how is she going to handle the everyday responsibility of being a first lady?

Think about it.

The GOP should vote as if they are saving her life and send her home(s).




golden ticket member
Look at all the space you took trying to explain something as ridiculous as a first lady must meet YOUR standards.
All your book-learnin' won't help you to understand the symptoms you rattle off like you are so knowing of that disease or any disease.

Give it up, you are just making it worse.


Age quod agis
Now, I know I am a worthless piece of crap and soon to be a drain on society.
I never thought I was unhealthy but you convinced me otherwise.
Funny thing, I don't look sick and I never thought I had disability.

You win.


Well-Known Member
Now, I know I am a worthless piece of crap and soon to be a drain on society.
I never thought I was unhealthy but you convinced me otherwise.
Funny thing, I don't look sick and I never thought I had disability.

You win.


Maybe TOS might consider all these people who suffer from MS yet who still go on to do many remarkable things and live very productive lives before making such uninformed judgements that he does.

Chin Up girl!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ah, so we live in a country where you should hide in a closet if you have a disability.

Strongly disagree.

HEY, im not the one hiding Ann Romney in a closet... thats her campaigns strategy, sorry if Im just pointing that out. Making her disappear off the campaign trail when she suffers symptoms is the same as placing her in a closet, but thats NOT my decision.

Hiding her from the public is the decision of the ROMNEY campaign.

If they want americans to see her as SHE really is, then leave her out there even if it means rolling her around like one of jerrys kids..




Well-Known Member
Wow ,

Is this really how some on the left believe:

1. If you have worked and are successful --you do not qualify
2. If you are male and white --you do not qualify
3. If you have M.S. --you do not qualify
4. If you have Blond hair --you do not qualify
5. If you are blind or deaf --you do not qualify.
6. If you are in a Wheelchair--You do not qualify.

Who will be excuded next ?? Straight people, Catholics, Mormons, Blacks ???? Who makes these rediculous "RULES" ????

I have not yet found that ALL INCLUSIVE LOVING BIG TENT the Liberals always claim. It seems you have to fit to their rules or standards !!!

I guess it was FDR in a wheelchair that did not represent America well ????


Well-Known Member
HEY, im not the one hiding Ann Romney in a closet... thats her campaigns strategy, sorry if Im just pointing that out. Making her disappear off the campaign trail when she suffers symptoms is the same as placing her in a closet, but thats NOT my decision.

Hiding her from the public is the decision of the ROMNEY campaign.

If they want americans to see her as SHE really is, then leave her out there even if it means rolling her around like one of jerrys kids..



The more you talk and type, the more votes you are pulling away from Obama.
Thanks for the help; I'm sure Obama appreciates your efforts.


Strength through joy
Tos about your (post #563) .
That sound more like you are highlighting all the common aspects found within both house of Congress and the WH.
So if I understand your way of thinking , they all must be replaced. But by who ?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have been trying to catch up with this thread and I am embarrassed for other Democrats on this website that let TOS be their spokesperson. I can't believe how low one person can go to make a point! Bringing MS into the discussion is unconscionable! Tying Romney to Polygamy also shows how backward someone can be. The underlying tones used to tie all Caucasians to racism was remarkable enough but you are way out of control now. HOW DARE YOU tie someone's illness or disability to not being able to fulfill a dream to represent this country in the highest capacity they can. AGAIN... HOW DARE YOU!

One of the things I admire most about our country is that ANYONE can rise up from the worst conditions. I have the utmost respect for anyone who strives to the best they can even when their limitations seem insurmountable. What I have no respect for are people who make excuses, play the blame game, shirk their responsibility and expect others to take care of them. To me, you represent that part of society (whether it is a fact or not) and I feel sorry for you. GOD HELP YOU!

AJ ... You are an example of what is best about our country. People like you give me hope that this country is not lost and together we can make this country great once again.


Staff member
I'm not a democrat, but I certainly don't consider TOS to be a spokesperson for the democrats and I'm not sure why you would. This site reaches an incredibly small number of actual people, and this particular sub forum reaches even less than that. I don't think anyone's postings here are representative of anything but their own opinions. If it were otherwise I would be profoundly embarrassed for both political parties.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You make a fair point. Maybe I should not expect someone to express their point of view that what TOS said was outrageous and to completely denounce it. It is not in my nature to let that type of comment go. But there are other folks that don't have that in their DNA AND it does not mean they are not outraged by the comment. So I do not have a problem retracting the first line of my post. But I stand behind the rest of what I said! Thanks for your POV.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have been trying to catch up with this thread and I am embarrassed for other Democrats on this website that let TOS be their spokesperson. I can't believe how low one person can go to make a point! Bringing MS into the discussion is unconscionable! Tying Romney to Polygamy also shows how backward someone can be. The underlying tones used to tie all Caucasians to racism was remarkable enough but you are way out of control now. HOW DARE YOU tie someone's illness or disability to not being able to fulfill a dream to represent this country in the highest capacity they can. AGAIN... HOW DARE YOU!

One of the things I admire most about our country is that ANYONE can rise up from the worst conditions. I have the utmost respect for anyone who strives to the best they can even when their limitations seem insurmountable. What I have no respect for are people who make excuses, play the blame game, shirk their responsibility and expect others to take care of them. To me, you represent that part of society (whether it is a fact or not) and I feel sorry for you. GOD HELP YOU!

AJ ... You are an example of what is best about our country. People like you give me hope that this country is not lost and together we can make this country great once again.

Give me a break! You and the others of the C9 threw in EVERY possible angle at President Obama over these years and now youre offended?

Fair play my friend.

You guys seem to like to "dish" it out, but surely cant TAKE IT.

When i brought up was already BROUGHT UP by the Romney campaign, not me. I simply highlighted the "CONS" of the symptoms and Ann Romneys abilities to perform the duties of first lady.

You may choose to ignore her "condition" but I do not.

It may not be a dinner table subject for you, but its fair game since "they" brought it up.

Hiding it from you may help you to vote for them, but if you truly consider the responsiblities of the first lady and then weigh that against having MS, then you may think differently, but of course, if you simply want to ignore it because its a win at all costs election for you, then I completely understand.

What do you propose should be done with Ann Romney should she become seriously ill before the november elections?

This i'd like to know.




golden ticket member
Romney has won Texas and clinched the nomination........

Remember these brilliant forecasts????
THE IOWA caucus, Who's gonna eek out a win! EEK being the operative word! Post #76
Originally Posted by Klein
Sani will become the man !

Romney, no matter what, can't get over the 25% support.
As others will drop out, they will vote for Sani !

Watch and see !



Presidential Candidates other than Obama Post # 515 We all say Romney wont win, so do the current polls.

We are still in line with our predictions. The only difference is that "we" in the E4 know the GOP is just dumb enough to nominate Rick Santorum.

We are waiting for that to happen so we can laugh for months on end on this board! ( at your expense!)



And this by TOS.......

: Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama! Post # 156

Romney wont win the nomination. The reason is simple. The republican electorate has been poisioned.

The Tea party, aka political action committees, have stirred up the pot with rhetoric that even Romney cant get away from. Since he wont pander to the tea party operatives in charge, he doesnt stand a chance.

He will come close, but one of the other losers will win the nomination and lose the race just as McCain did.

Its just a matter of time.


Well, Romney IS getting the nomination, so deal with it oh great seers!!


Moreluck, those 2 great seers will just shrug it off and follow up with more predictions.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney has won Texas and clinched the nomination........

Remember these brilliant forecasts????
THE IOWA caucus, Who's gonna eek out a win! EEK being the operative word! Post #76
Originally Posted by Klein
Sani will become the man !

Romney, no matter what, can't get over the 25% support.
As others will drop out, they will vote for Sani !

Watch and see !



Presidential Candidates other than Obama Post # 515 We all say Romney wont win, so do the current polls.

We are still in line with our predictions. The only difference is that "we" in the E4 know the GOP is just dumb enough to nominate Rick Santorum.

We are waiting for that to happen so we can laugh for months on end on this board! ( at your expense!)



And this by TOS.......

: Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama! Post # 156

Romney wont win the nomination. The reason is simple. The republican electorate has been poisioned.

The Tea party, aka political action committees, have stirred up the pot with rhetoric that even Romney cant get away from. Since he wont pander to the tea party operatives in charge, he doesnt stand a chance.

He will come close, but one of the other losers will win the nomination and lose the race just as McCain did.

Its just a matter of time.


Well, Romney IS getting the nomination, so deal with it oh great seers!!

What I find hilarious about the TEXAS primary is that ROMNEY is the ONLY candidate left in the GOP race and still, 30% VOTED AGAINST ROMNEY!!

30% of the GOP in TEXAS still dont support MITT ROMNEY.... The same goes for every state in the USA.!

Listen, the GOP NEEDS 100% of the vote plus 15% of democrats and 100% of the independents to win the white house, and right now, that aint happening.

ROMNEY may have outspent his opponents to win the nomination by default, but that in NO WAY makes him the strongest candidate for the GOP.

You guys want to act like ROMNEY went to every state and overwhelmingly won the nomination, but that just aint true. All the knuckleheads who ran against him called him all kinds of names and now they are coming out and trying to support him, but thats the biggest joke of all.

Even LIMBAUGH today was saying that ROMNEY was "HIS" guy despite bagging on him for all of 2011 and all of 2008.

The bigger joke is that all the information OBAMA is using against ROMNEY is the same information used against ROMNEY by McCain and the entire right wing in 2008! It was OK then, but today its not fair play...!

Thats hilarious.

