Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney speaks to empty parking lot in front of Solyndra looking desperate. Hope he knows that the response will be ALL THE CLOSED shops that went out of business during his leadership at BAIN capitol. While Solyndra failed, 10 thousand other solar companies have succeeded, and thats a little secret the GOP doesnt want you to hear.

Romney Campaigns at Failed Solyndra Factory -


A desperate man running a desperate campaign!

Good Luck.




golden ticket member
Whom did he have there - his mormon children or wives ? LOL
That's an ignorant comment........I, myself, have corrected you before.......the LDS church outlawed polygamy in the late 1800's but you still reference it knowing Romney has one wife.

And, why would his MORMON children be any different than Obama's kids or anyone else's kids??? That's like saying Kennedy and his Catholic's stupid!!

You preach that Canada has such wonderful tolerance.......but there's never any evidence of it from you.

Edmonton Alberta LDS (Mormon Temple)

Cardston Alberta

Temple Facts...
The Cardston Alberta Temple was the first temple built in Canada.
The Cardston Alberta Temple was the first temple built outside of the United States.
The Cardston Alberta Temple was the first temple whose design was put out to bid to prominent architects. Until that time, all temples had been designed under the direct supervision of Joseph Smith or Brigham Young.


Whom did he have there - his mormon children or wives ? LOL

Making fun of Mormonism again , are you? Whether it's fundamental Mormanism in which one choses to have multiple wives or mainstream Mormonism in one choses to have one wife. Either beats Kleinism in which no one choses to be your wife.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Whom did he have there - his mormon children or wives ? LOL

Another Ultra left wing liberal who has demonstrated their bigoted attitude. Welcome to the small group of TOS-Fedex. You are now a charter member of the Society of Loons.

DEFINITION: The ultra-liberal is the standard bearer for the down-trodden, the poor, women, the minorities in the USA and the religiously oppressed!!!! etc.etc. LMAO!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I think I have said this before but it is worth repeating. Back in the 80s, we went through a spike in hiring Mormons in my district. I had at least a half dozen who worked for me. These folks were some of the very best employees I have ever had the honor to work with.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think I have said this before but it is worth repeating. Back in the 80s, we went through a spike in hiring Mormons in my district. I had at least a half dozen who worked for me. These folks were some of the very best employees I have ever had the honor to work with.

Too bad there were no mexicans in your area at that time, the mormon workers would have looked like they were going in slow motion.

