Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
I figured we couldn't believe it because just you saying it doesn't make it true. Besides, it was printed on many news sources this morning, so it wasn't an original thought.

You wouldn't know an original thought if it reached up and bit you on the ass.

My post---Romney needs to distance himself from Trump--was an opinion which doesn't need support.


golden ticket member
I think (original thought) Obama's people are looking for any distraction to not address the economy , so they try to belittle Romney with the "hanging around Trump" thing. Then they talk about the non-existent war on women.....and all kinds of fluff to keep the publics mind off of the crappy economy.

Even to the point of Dems. fudging numbers to make idiotic statements about the current president not being a spender....when anyone with 4th grade math knows differently.

Romney needs to just stay focused on Obama's record and keep Obama adressing it too with his, "er, ah, um, uh,
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why isnt MITT ROMNEY running on his record as a governor if he is so smart and such a great leader??

How about one of you explaining that?




golden ticket member
What I find hilarious about the TEXAS primary is that ROMNEY is the ONLY candidate left in the GOP race and still, 30% VOTED AGAINST ROMNEY!!

30% of the GOP in TEXAS still dont support MITT ROMNEY.... The same goes for every state in the USA.!

Listen, the GOP NEEDS 100% of the vote plus 15% of democrats and 100% of the independents to win the white house, and right now, that aint happening.

ROMNEY may have outspent his opponents to win the nomination by default, but that in NO WAY makes him the strongest candidate for the GOP.

You guys want to act like ROMNEY went to every state and overwhelmingly won the nomination, but that just aint true. All the knuckleheads who ran against him called him all kinds of names and now they are coming out and trying to support him, but thats the biggest joke of all.

Even LIMBAUGH today was saying that ROMNEY was "HIS" guy despite bagging on him for all of 2011 and all of 2008.

The bigger joke is that all the information OBAMA is using against ROMNEY is the same information used against ROMNEY by McCain and the entire right wing in 2008! It was OK then, but today its not fair play...!

Thats hilarious.


Yeah, almost as funnyas the sitting presidnt losing 40 some% to a guy with a mullet in prison.....:rofl:


Für Meno :)
Yeah, almost as funnyas the sitting presidnt losing 40 some% to a guy with a mullet in prison.....:rofl:

Or just a funny as Romney can't win over woman voters, nor black voters, or either Latino voters and even the youth voters.
Sure doesn't leave him with much left !

Almost forgot, gays won't vote for him either !


golden ticket member
Or just a funny as Romney can't win over woman voters, nor black voters, or either Latino voters and even the youth voters.
Sure doesn't leave him with much left !

Almost forgot, gays won't vote for him either !
And what city and state do you livein... in the United States?


golden ticket member
How could you possibly be a steward anyways, supporting Romney and Trump and all other billioniares (with exception of Warren Buffet) ?
You shouldn't have that position. period !
There are union members who are not Democrat..... believe it or not.


Für Meno :)
members yes, but a steward that supports GM to go under, if he works for GM and represents his co-workers, that sucks !
Same as UPS outsorcing the call centers, if the Steward approves it, that sucks, too.


golden ticket member
Or just a funny as Romney can't win over woman voters, nor black voters, or either Latino voters and even the youth voters.
Sure doesn't leave him with much left !

Almost forgot, gays won't vote for him either !

As of today that gap with women is closing....and the momentum is in Romney's court

"All Romney’s gains have come among women — up by 13 percentage points in personal popularity from last month, while Obama’s lost 7 points among women."


Well-Known Member
How could you possibly be a steward anyways, supporting Romney and Trump and all other billioniares (with exception of Warren Buffet) ?
You shouldn't have that position. period !

members yes, but a steward that supports GM to go under, if he works for GM and represents his co-workers, that sucks !
Same as UPS outsorcing the call centers, if the Steward approves it, that sucks, too.

To paraphrase SNL--"Klein, you ignorant slut"

You really don't have a clue, do you? A shop steward is elected/appointed to represent the members and to work with those members who have either screwed up or wish to file a grievance on a violation of the contract. Their personal political beliefs have no bearing on their position.

The Teamsters "advised" their members to vote for Obama in 2008. I voted for Obama because I thought he was the best man for the job, not because I was "advised" to do so.

A shop steward has no say in a bailout of GM or outsourcing of call centers--those are decisions made way above his/her pay grade.

On the record, I supported the bailout of GM, but not for the reasons you may think. I personally wish GM would have gone under and come out of bankruptcy a lean operation. I supported the bailout because of all of the suppliers and distributors that would have been negatively impacted by a bankruptcy at GM.

A shop steward, or any UPS employee for that matter, can hold whatever politcal and personal beliefs that they wish. As I said, I supported Obama in 2008; however, if there were a viable alternative in 2012 I would support that person. Romney is not a viable alternative.


Well-Known Member
Or just a funny as Romney can't win over woman voters, nor black voters, or either Latino voters and even the youth voters.
Sure doesn't leave him with much left !

Almost forgot, gays won't vote for him either !

I know for certain one group who will NOT vote for Obama- Canadians! That includes you if you didn't know.