Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Because they listen to much smarter men like Milton Friedman.

Milton Friedman: Why soaking the rich won't work. - YouTube

What makes Milton Freidman a smarter guy?

His ideas are from the PAST, when we had industry and manufacturing in this country. He says so himself. Today, corporations make investments in foreign countries exploiting third world labor and make ZERO investment in america.

Since Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 administrations, over 60 thousand factories have closed in the USA and moved to foreign countries for cheap labor.

Along the way, the GOP has helped to make that progress easier. NAFTA and such.

Today, NO USA company wants to open any new plants here and the ones that are, are doing so with goverment help. These industries are new and some are making it and some are failing.

With CHINA dumping cheap goods on our shores, USA factories cant compete. The GOP's answer to this??

CUT COPORATE taxes by 25% and reduce worker wages and benefits to levels seen in third world countries.

This is their solution to the problem. NO GOP politician speaks about CAREERS for the middle class, only small business jobs that pay close to minimum wage, that is the GOP future.

The goal is to wipe out the middle class and re create a two tier class system. The rich and the poor.

Gee, I wonder which one would run the country in the future?




Well-Known Member
Yes, making the rich pay their fair share is certainly soaking them isn't it? The King of Kolob likely didn't pay any taxes at all for several years, which is really "soaking" the poor little man. Perhaps he should let us all see how much he didn't pay, and how he wasn't "soaked".

Please define fair share. I think a number is necessary in order to debate what is a fair share of taxes in this country. Given the fact the rich pay 39% of the taxes in this country while only earning 20% of the income is more than a fair share in my book.


Well-Known Member
Please define fair share. I think a number is necessary in order to debate what is a fair share of taxes in this country. Given the fact the rich pay 39% of the taxes in this country while only earning 20% of the income is more than a fair share in my book.

A more accurate number would be their effective tax rate, which is the tax paid as a percentage of income after all deductions. I am in the 25% tax bracket but my effective tax rate is 15%.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Please define fair share. I think a number is necessary in order to debate what is a fair share of taxes in this country. Given the fact the rich pay 39% of the taxes in this country while only earning 20% of the income is more than a fair share in my book.

You are giving misleading figures. The 'wealthy' only earn 20% of the income, because most of their income is not earned income. Nice try though, a lot of uninformed folks likely believe that figure.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Whaa whaa whaa.... ... YOU GOT IT BABY!



Yes I just got it!
I just realized something. You live in Orange County California. This is one of the last STRONGHOLDS of the REPUBLICAN PARTY in that bankrupt state run of course by your fellow democrats. Orange County will NEVER go to the democrats...N-E-V-E-RRRR! My whole family lives in OC. Your Congressman is close friends with my brother!! Think of that, every time you make a post with me in mind!!!

And as much as you HATE Republicans, you are living the REPUBLICAN dream (which is the American Dream) every day in that wonderful county by the sea.

Obama melts like the wicked witch when he enters that county. How many times has he made a visit to see you? HA HA HA HA!

Life is sooooooo sweet!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes I just got it!
I just realized something. You live in Orange County California. This is one of the last STRONGHOLDS of the REPUBLICAN PARTY in that bankrupt state run of course by your fellow democrats. Orange County will NEVER go to the democrats...N-E-V-E-RRRR! My whole family lives in OC. Your Congressman is close friends with my brother!! Think of that, every time you make a post with me in mind!!!

And as much as you HATE Republicans, you are living the REPUBLICAN dream (which is the American Dream) every day in that wonderful county by the sea.

Obama melts like the wicked witch when he enters that county. How many times has he made a visit to see you? HA HA HA HA!

Life is sooooooo sweet!

Nice try LIFER, but I wouldnt live in the OC if you paid me. The entire county is in decline. Overcrowding, dirty streets and too many OLD PEOPLE for my liking.

I live in an upscale suburb north of los angeles. Sorry, no republican stronghold here. Even republicans dont put signs on their lawns here or cars. They arent that dumb.

If they did, they'd look like a raisin floating in milk.

So far, in so california, there are NO ROMNEY signs or bumper stickers anywhere on the roads. When BUSH ran, at least there were people brave enough to put stickers on their cars or signs on their lawns.

NOT with DUMBO and RYAN.

I am not sure what ROMNEY thinks Paul RYAN brings to the table... RYAN has been against many forms of contraception and that surely wont help ROMNEY get the women vote, RYAN has been for tougher immigration policies and that wont ROMNEY get the hispanic vote, RYAN has been for cutting social security and medicare and that wont get ROMNEY the elder vote, RYAN has been for cutting school funding and eliminating the department of education for poor kids, and that wont get him the BLACK vote.

So what is the benefit for ROMNEY???

Answer: NONE.

What is the effect for ROMNEY???


7 days from now, the polls will say it all. Time to wait and see.




Well-Known Member
MILTON FRIEDMAN! He sounds like that lunatic Ron Paul so why in the world would you listen to Friedman when Paul was so quickly jettisoned?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
My mistake Tos,

I should have known better!

My favorite spots in California are Orange County - San Diego County - Santa Barbara and Carmel, Palm Springs and I do like San Francisco - I always thought San Francisco had a Chicago and East coast flair to it which gave it a lot of charm but I also enjoyed going to Haight/Ashbury to see the freak show.

There is no cloud of hate or kool-aid googles to peer through, so I see California for what it is. The only thing run down about the OC are state roads because your democrats have depleted all funds to pay high pensions to state retirees but then.... the whole state is suffering because of your democrats high spending and high taxes.

California is the poster child for what our country is going to look like with 4 more years of Barry & company! Watch how this starts to unfold during the campaign in the next couple of months.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My mistake Tos,

I should have known better!

My favorite spots in California are Orange County - San Diego County - Santa Barbara and Carmel, Palm Springs and I do like San Francisco - I always thought San Francisco had a Chicago and East coast flair to it which gave it a lot of charm but I also enjoyed going to Haight/Ashbury to see the freak show.

There is no cloud of hate or kool-aid googles to peer through, so I see California for what it is. The only thing run down about the OC are state roads because your democrats have depleted all funds to pay high pensions to state retirees but then.... the whole state is suffering because of your democrats high spending and high taxes.

California is the poster child for what our country is going to look like with 4 more years of Barry & company! Watch how this starts to unfold during the campaign in the next couple of months.

Sorry my friend, but California is on the upswing, unemployment is getting lower every month under Jerry Brown, fiscal issues are still a problem with property taxes going unpaid, but hopefully, HARP III will fix those problems of collecting revenue.

The rail project for victorville to vegas is promising with PRIVATE BACKERS putting up 69 billion dollars for the project and along with help from the railway transportation projects under the federal goverment, this project looks to employ thousands of people.

The rail system will feature high speed trains traveling to vegas running every 20 minutes and as low as every 12 minutes if demand is heavy enough.

California will rebuild and employ thousands more over the years with other transportation projects.

The Victorville to Vegas high speed line will be the first of its kind built in america. Its design will save a projected 8 million barrels of oil and take thousands of cars off a cluttered highway.

You may not be a candidate for this kind of trip, but remember, there are always going to be young people to ride the trains for decades.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As long as we have a Republican controlled Congress you will never see Tarp III !

It is nice to look through rose colored glasses and see what you want to see. Good for you!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
As long as we have a Republican controlled Congress you will never see Tarp III !

It is nice to look through rose colored glasses and see what you want to see. Good for you!

Yeah, keep dreaming....It was a Republican idea to rescue the banks that wrecked the economy. And it was free-market ideology that led the banks to get away with it. But it turns out the banksters didn't like free-market thinking when it was their money that was being lost.

Try again.


Engorged Member
Please define fair share. I think a number is necessary in order to debate what is a fair share of taxes in this country. Given the fact the rich pay 39% of the taxes in this country while only earning 20% of the income is more than a fair share in my book.

BS. Write-offs and deductions greatly reduce that 39% figure, a fact that GOP flaks conveniently forget to mention. Our effective tax rate is one of the lowest in the world. Just ask Mitt if he pays 39%.


Staff member
Yeah, keep dreaming....It was a Republican idea to rescue the banks that wrecked the economy. And it was free-market ideology that led the banks to get away with it. But it turns out the banksters didn't like free-market thinking when it was their money that was being lost.

Try again.
That's the messed up thing about it. The Federal Reserve re-capitalized the banks so that they could loan to private industry and the banks turned around and took the 1% interest the government was paying on bonds. House money is always fun to win on.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, keep dreaming....It was a Republican idea to rescue the banks that wrecked the economy. And it was free-market ideology that led the banks to get away with it. But it turns out the banksters didn't like free-market thinking when it was their money that was being lost.

Try again.

The problem started in Clinton's Administration and moved right into the Bush era but barry took it to a whole different plateau. Stay on point - THIS Republican Congress isn't a Bush Congress and won't allow another TARP III.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
The problem started in Clinton's Administration and moved right into the Bush era but barry took it to a whole different plateau. Stay on point - THIS Republican Congress isn't a Bush Congress and won't allow another TARP III.

Agreed, the Clinton adm. adopted the conservative/free market ideas like never before. Then Bush came along and advanced that even further. The paper tiger finally crumbled. And if you think a Republican congress won't vote to give banks even more money, you're sadly mistaken...


Staff member
The problem started in Clinton's Administration and moved right into the Bush era but barry took it to a whole different plateau. Stay on point - THIS Republican Congress isn't a Bush Congress and won't allow another TARP III.
With Ryan as Mitt's running mate, I don't think we will be talking about a Republican Congress much longer.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Agreed, the Clinton adm. adopted the conservative/free market ideas like never before. Then Bush came along and advanced that even further. The paper tiger finally crumbled. And if you think a Republican congress won't vote to give banks even more money, you're sadly mistaken...

The 2010 Congress does not have enough of the old Republican guard to carry a bailout vote unless the Dems get on board. Then it could happen.


golden ticket member
I saw the Wisconsin homecoming of Ryan and Mitt Romney. It was emotional for Ryan...he's a 7th generation Wisconsin guy, so there were lots of family there for him.

Romney spoke too and I'm pleased with the ticket.