Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
I disagree that the Bush tax cuts are really costs. To say a tax cut costs the government money is ludicrous because in essence you are stating that we don't really own the money we work for, the government does. I personally detest the idea that the money in my bank account, 401k, investments, etc. are really owned by the federal government who was kind enough to let me "keep" some of it.


Staff member
I disagree that the Bush tax cuts are really costs. To say a tax cut costs the government money is ludicrous because in essence you are stating that we don't really own the money we work for, the government does. I personally detest the idea that the money in my bank account, 401k, investments, etc. are really owned by the federal government who was kind enough to let me "keep" some of it.
Like it or not, that's what the CJOTUS decided a couple monthhs ago. If the government decides to tax you at %100, they have that right. It may be bad policy, but that is outside the perview of the court.


Well-Known Member
If the government decides to tax you at %100, they have that right. It may be bad policy, but that is outside the perview of the court.
Oh, don't you know that is your president's goal, then government can do everything, just give Obama the chance. This is something that we can count on 100% then there will be no 1%. :0


Well-Known Member
Brett, I think you would agree that a pay cut would be a cost to you. You would offset such a cut through a budget adjustment. Think of a tax cut as a cost to the government which should also be offset by a budget adjustment.


Well-Known Member
Brett, I think you would agree that a pay cut would be a cost to you. You would offset such a cut through a budget adjustment. Think of a tax cut as a cost to the government which should also be offset by a budget adjustment.
I am afraid that I don't have what it takes on this subject to show you were you may be wrong.
I think you should stick with your last statement. First of all when taxes are cut more $$ is available to the taxpayer and they can spend it, hire employees (more tax payers). It actually is not the same as tax cuts spur economic growth and therefore give the government more $$. Economics 101. Also what's so bad about the government reducing spending, it's about time for that!!!


Staff member
I think you should stick with your last statement. First of all when taxes are cut more $$ is available to the taxpayer and they can spend it, hire employees (more tax payers). It actually is not the same as tax cuts spur economic growth and therefore give the government more $$. Economics 101. Also what's so bad about the government reducing spending, it's about time for that!!!
How long does "trickle-down economics" have to fail before you stop spewing it's grade school level falacies?


Staff member
Actually I detest the lying manipulation that came from the president who said it wasn't a tax. But I'm not surprised.
It is what it is. But the fact is, according to the CJOTUS, the government's authority to tax is absolute, so yeah, they are letting you keep some of it.


Well-Known Member
How long does "trickle-down economics" have to fail before you stop spewing it's grade school level falacies?
Talk about grade school antics, look at who's in the White house and we can't even get his grade school report cards... Anyway, trickle anything at this point would be better than prolonging the agony of perceived hope, a hope and a change that was another lie. We are the one's we've been waiting for...really!! LMAO!


Staff member
Talk about grade school antics, look at who's in the White house and we can't even get his grade school report cards... Anyway, trickle anything at this point would be better than prolonging the agony of perceived hope, a hope and a change that was another lie. We are the one's we've been waiting for...really!! LMAO!
It's been trickling--no flooding into corporate account for the last 4 years.


Staff member
Corporations are hoarding their cash and running their operations cut to the bone because of uncertainty. When Romney/Ryan get elected the FLOOD GATES will open!

Why? Where will the demand come from? Corporations love cheap labor and high unemployment facilitates that.


Engorged Member
Corporations are hoarding their cash and running their operations cut to the bone because of uncertainty. When Romney/Ryan get elected the FLOOD GATES will open!

Yeah, right. More like "Trickle-On" economics as the rich piss on the rest of us...again. bbsam is right, the flood gates go right into those already fat accounts offshore. How can someone who actually works for a living believe that a plutocrat from Planet Kolob has a clue as to what is wrong with the economy? Romney is OWNED by corporate America...he's their little *itch, and he will do whatever they want him to because he's a tool. But he's white, and that's all that matters to the Tea Partiers.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I disagree that the Bush tax cuts are really costs. To say a tax cut costs the government money is ludicrous because in essence you are stating that we don't really own the money we work for, the government does. I personally detest the idea that the money in my bank account, 401k, investments, etc. are really owned by the federal government who was kind enough to let me "keep" some of it.

THis is the problem with those that "THINK" they understand trickle down economics. By reducing taxes, BUSH cut REVENUE to the country while spending 5 dollars for every dollar he took in. REAGAN did the same, spending 3 dollars for every 1 dollar he brought in. BOTH MORONS left giant deficits for the rest of society to pay.

How hard is it to understand that RYANS plan, along with ROMNEY will cut taxes for the rich to the tune of 5 trillion dollars, and that money has to be made up somewhere, and that somewhere is on the BACKS of YOU people.

Where do you disconnect with this explanation??

Are you really this misinformed?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Corporations are hoarding their cash and running their operations cut to the bone because of uncertainty. When Romney/Ryan get elected the FLOOD GATES will open!

I really cant believe people really believe this stuff.... its been proven false over and over... yet , like crack cocaine, they keep asking for more.





Well-Known Member
Brett, I think you would agree that a pay cut would be a cost to you. You would offset such a cut through a budget adjustment. Think of a tax cut as a cost to the government which should also be offset by a budget adjustment.

If you want to get technical a cost is something that I spent money I already have on something whether I need it or desire it. If I recieve a paycut that is a reduction of income, but technically is not a cost. I don't have a right to a certain amount of UPS's revenue, just like the government should not have a right to the money that I didn't give them through taxation.