Mitt Romney


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The Ryan plan would save medicare without bankrupting future generations, but that would make too much sense so we can't allow it.

Ryan would save the Medicare name, but the plan would change drastically.

  • Medicare: Starting in 2022, the proposal would end the current Medicare program for all Americans born after 1956 and replace it with a new program (still called Medicare) which uses a voucher and would increase the age of eligibility for Medicare:[SUP][9][/SUP]
    • Starting in 2022, the age of eligibility for Medicare would increase by two months per year until it reached 67 in 2033.
    • After 2022, the current Medicare program ends for all people who have not already enrolled. People already enrolled in the current Medicare program prior to 2022 would continue to receive the program. New enrollees after 2022 would be entitled to a voucher to help them purchase private health insurance.
    • Beneficiaries of the voucher payments would choose among competing private insurance plans operating in a newly established Medicare exchange. Plans would have to insure all eligible people who apply and would have to charge the same premiums for enrollees of the same age. The voucher payments would go directly from the government to the private insurance companies that people selected.
    • The voucher payments would vary with the health status of the beneficiary. For the average 65-year-old, payment in 2022 is specified to be $8,000, which is approximately the same dollar amount as projected net federal spending per capita for 65-year-olds in traditional Medicare in that year.
    • Each year, the voucher payments would increase to reflect increases in the consumer price index (average inflation) and the fact that enrollees in Medicare tend to be less healthy and require more costly health care as they age. They would not increase by the higher, healthcare inflation rate.
    • The voucher payments to enrollees would also vary with the income of the beneficiary. The wealthiest 2% of enrollees would receive 30 percent of the premium support amount described above; the next 6% would receive 50 percent of the amount described above; and people in the remaining 92% the income distribution would receive the full premium support amount described above.
    • Eligibility for the traditional Medicare program would not change for people who are age 55 or older by the end of 2011 or for people who receive Medicare benefits through the Disability Insurance program prior to 2022. People covered under traditional Medicare would, beginning in 2022, have the option of switching to the voucher system.


Strength through joy
bhos' 2008 slogan "Hope & Change" , and now someone submits the change , but you are to afraid to accept it.
You must find flaws within it to complain about .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wheres the bump?? Rassmussens new poll puts ROMNEY back to where he was last week. +4... up 1 point. Looks like RYAN isnt much of a factor in the race... 3 days after the announcement and Romney on the slanted FOX POLL only gets a +1 point bounce??

Gallup has Romney in the lead with a +2 but has had it a tie for over a month. Again, no bump and still within the margin of error. Effectively a tie.

Mitt Romney Gets No Bump From Paul Ryan As VP Pick - 2008 Presidential Candidates - Zimbio

The selection of PAUL RYAN still isnt moving the dial towards Romney.




Strength through joy
Former Rep. Artur Davis, who co-chaired President Obama’s campaign in 2008, will be campaigning for Mitt Romney on Wednesday in Virginia.
Davis, who seconded Obama’s nomination at the 2008 Democratic Convention, switched parties this past May and said he was considering a comeback bid in Virginia, which is now his home.
The former four-term Alabama Democrat will be working Romney campaign in Arlington, Va., meeting with GOP Victory Chairman Pete Snyder and an unnamed local business owner. He has previously campaigned for Romney in the state.


Well-Known Member
Ryan would save the Medicare name, but the plan would change drastically.

  • Medicare: Starting in 2022, the proposal would end the current Medicare program for all Americans born after 1956 and replace it with a new program (still called Medicare) which uses a voucher and would increase the age of eligibility for Medicare:[SUP][9][/SUP]
    • Starting in 2022, the age of eligibility for Medicare would increase by two months per year until it reached 67 in 2033.
    • After 2022, the current Medicare program ends for all people who have not already enrolled. People already enrolled in the current Medicare program prior to 2022 would continue to receive the program. New enrollees after 2022 would be entitled to a voucher to help them purchase private health insurance.
    • Beneficiaries of the voucher payments would choose among competing private insurance plans operating in a newly established Medicare exchange. Plans would have to insure all eligible people who apply and would have to charge the same premiums for enrollees of the same age. The voucher payments would go directly from the government to the private insurance companies that people selected.
    • The voucher payments would vary with the health status of the beneficiary. For the average 65-year-old, payment in 2022 is specified to be $8,000, which is approximately the same dollar amount as projected net federal spending per capita for 65-year-olds in traditional Medicare in that year.
    • Each year, the voucher payments would increase to reflect increases in the consumer price index (average inflation) and the fact that enrollees in Medicare tend to be less healthy and require more costly health care as they age. They would not increase by the higher, healthcare inflation rate.
    • The voucher payments to enrollees would also vary with the income of the beneficiary. The wealthiest 2% of enrollees would receive 30 percent of the premium support amount described above; the next 6% would receive 50 percent of the amount described above; and people in the remaining 92% the income distribution would receive the full premium support amount described above.
    • Eligibility for the traditional Medicare program would not change for people who are age 55 or older by the end of 2011 or for people who receive Medicare benefits through the Disability Insurance program prior to 2022. People covered under traditional Medicare would, beginning in 2022, have the option of switching to the voucher system.

I don't find those changes all that drastic. Besides, we have two choices here, either the plan changes today for the people who will be on it in the future, or we continue and the entire system collapses ending benefits for all current and future enrollees.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I don't find those changes all that drastic. Besides, we have two choices here, either the plan changes today for the people who will be on it in the future, or we continue and the entire system collapses ending benefits for all current and future enrollees.

We will agree to disagree, then.

Obama has proposed changes designed to keep it going, that's what his $716b is for. Ryan had proposed taking away benefits, and charging more for those who manage to stay alive. His plan (all of them) is unrealistic.


Well-Known Member
We will agree to disagree, then.

Obama has proposed changes designed to keep it going, that's what his $716b is for. Ryan had proposed taking away benefits, and charging more for those who manage to stay alive. His plan (all of them) is unrealistic.

This is simple math, if you disagree with me you are disagreeing with the rules of mathematics the boundaries of such no society in the history of mankind has been able to break. The math shows medicare will go bankrupt. When you take money out of an entitlement program already on the path to bankruptcy you do not save it, you speed up its demise. Why is this so difficult to understand?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, the bounce is over. ROMNEY picked up +2 on the RASSMUSSEN poll 3 days after the RYAN announcement and today, ROMNEY loses -2 points.

The bounce just didnt happen prior to the RNC convention. In 2008, at least McCAIN had the lead for a couple weeks until falling behind again with the announcement of Sarah Palin.

Romney goes into the convention TRAILING and will only fall further behind when the DNC convention starts just as McCain did.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney has closed the gap, and will likely go ahead after the convention, unless he drops out due to tax problems, and Ryan is our pick.

He certainly did not get the bump we expected from the VP pick.

All systems go, steady, on course.


Strength through joy
Marker placed at Hyde Park shopping center where Obamas shared first kiss

Bain Capital, the investment firm that Mitt Romney made famous, made a leveraged buyout that saved the site of Barack and Michelle Obamas’ first kiss.
In 2005, Bain and two other private equity firms purchased Dunkin’ Brands Incorporated for $2.425 billion, according to a 2006 company press release.
Dunkin’ Brands is the parent company of Baskin-Robbins, at whose Hyde Park, Chicago location the president and his future wife Michelle went on their first date — and shared their first lip lock.
