Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) set high stakes in an offered “deal” with President Obama on Friday.
Obama’s campaign isn’t backing down on requests to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns — on Friday, campaign manager Jim Messina offered to stop asking if he releases five years’ worth — but the freshman Florida congressman had a counteroffer for Obama.
“Show us your sealed college records and Operation Fast and Furious White House memos, and we will all show you our tax returns,” West wrote on his Facebook page Friday.


Strength through joy
how does this fit into your graph ?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July, the most states to show a monthly increase in more than three years and a reflection of weak hiring nationwide.
The Labor Department said Friday that unemployment rates fell in only two states and were unchanged in four.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
how does this fit into your graph ?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July, the most states to show a monthly increase in more than three years and a reflection of weak hiring nationwide.
The Labor Department said Friday that unemployment rates fell in only two states and were unchanged in four.

The graph does not show the loss of public sector jobs. Remember how you guys want to shrink the government? Less government means fewer government workers. That means higher unemployment. Since the job creators are not really creating jobs, would you like the government to start to expand again?

Right wingers are so hard to please.


Well-Known Member
More government means more deficit and unneeded spending.
We don't need the department of energy or education.
We don't need wasted money on legislation that dictates the largest soft drink we are allowed to buy.
There are tons of ways that less government means less deficit.


Strength through joy
I have a simple solution to the large gov't issue.
Take all those useless pencil pushers and assign them to be Border Agents.
Placing one agent every 100 ft along our borders .
Here's what will happen a majority will quit the gov't voluntarily .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
After reading all the posts from the left wing loons, I think we got ourselves a WINNER!! The more I get to know Ryan the more I like him. It boosted my respect for Romney quite a bit. This was a very smart decision. It forces bo to talk about the budget and medicare. FINALLY we can have a dialog on issues.

Reagan's strongest skill was his ability to surround himself with brilliant people to run this country. I can see that Romney has that same skill. Now I understand the concept of "Hope & Change". We have a chance to make America great again and more importantly close the division and bring us all together again.

ubers - Please continue to demonize Romney and Ryan. It makes you look silly.

The few undecided voters out there will move to the right and you will probably lose some fair minded Democrats as well.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
After reading all the posts from the left wing loons, I think we got ourselves a WINNER!! The more I get to know Ryan the more I like him. It boosted my respect for Romney quite a bit. This was a very smart decision. It forces bo to talk about the budget and medicare. FINALLY we can have a dialog on issues.

Reagan's strongest skill was his ability to surround himself with brilliant people to run this country. I can see that Romney has that same skill. Now I understand the concept of "Hope & Change". We have a chance to make America great again and more importantly close the division and bring us all together again.

ubers - Please continue to demonize Romney and Ryan. It makes you look silly.

The few undecided voters out there will move to the right and you will probably lose some fair minded Democrats as well.

REAGAN?? surrounded himself with smart people?? HAHAHAHAHAHA

HINT: 3.7 trillion in national debt left by the GIPPER..... how smart were those people again??




golden ticket member
After reading all the posts from the left wing loons, I think we got ourselves a WINNER!! The more I get to know Ryan the more I like him. It boosted my respect for Romney quite a bit. This was a very smart decision. It forces bo to talk about the budget and medicare. FINALLY we can have a dialog on issues.

Reagan's strongest skill was his ability to surround himself with brilliant people to run this country. I can see that Romney has that same skill. Now I understand the concept of "Hope & Change". We have a chance to make America great again and more importantly close the division and bring us all together again.

ubers - Please continue to demonize Romney and Ryan. It makes you look silly.

The few undecided voters out there will move to the right and you will probably lose some fair minded Democrats as well.
The only problem is that now Obama (running & hiding) thinks Entertainment Tonight is the major news media and for the debates, we have lefties who will probably ask Mitt about the economy and ask Obama about Bo's doggie diet.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The only problem is that now Obama (running & hiding) thinks Entertainment Tonight is the major news media and for the debates, we have lefties who will probably ask Mitt about the economy and ask Obama about Bo's doggie diet.

He can pull a Newt and make the moderator look silly if they go after him. People will see through that.