Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight............

The liberals are saying the Romneys are selfish for keeping a horse.

And employing a groom with a family to support.

And paying for feed that’s sold by someone with a family to support and transported in trucks by someone with a family to support and manufactured in a factory by people with families to support from stuff that’s grown by farmers with families to support...
And having a fancy barn, built by construction workers with families to support with materials trucked by drivers with families to support from factories with workers who have families to support.

Sounds to me like that one horse has done more to put Americans to work than that horse’s ass in the White House.

You must be. The Kennedy's had their own fleet of transport vehicles for grain.
They had their own wheat / oat fields.
They personally groomed and cared for each of Jackie's horses.

How could you infer different for a Democratic 1st Lady vs a potential Republician 1st lady and family?



golden ticket member
The Kennedy's were American royalty and could do no wrong.

The Romney's are elitists who are out of touch with the average American.

Re: Kennedys: Yeah, that's what my mom thought too.....'til all the facts came out about the relentless womanizing!!

Are all rich people nasty to you or only the ones running for office? Being successful is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
You must be. The Kennedy's had their own fleet of transport vehicles for grain.
They had their own wheat / oat fields.
They personally groomed and cared for each of Jackie's horses.

How could you infer different for a Democratic 1st Lady vs a potential Republician 1st lady and family?


I forgot to mention the sad fact that Senator Kennedy (Ted) was on a grain run for the horses across
Chappaquaiddick when he had the accident that took a life. So sad.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
This has already been shown to be incorrect. The Romney's did not receive a $77K tax credit for their horse. The tax credit was disallowed by the IRS.

Another lie. The $77k is carried over to be used in future years. The will eventually get it all. Upstate is insinuating that the Romney's tried to sneak an illegal deduction through. I'm sure they would never do anything like that. They are honest people, they told us so.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney-Ryan's 10 biggest lies:

#1: Obama has increased spending.
#2: Obama has raised taxes
#3: Obamacare will kill jobs
#4: Obamacare increases the deficit
#5: Obama promised unemployment below eight percent
#6: The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion
#7: President Obama's stimulus plan didn't work
#8: Ryan never sought stimulus money
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction
#10: President Obama plans to gut welfare reform
How many more can you add to the list?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney-Ryan's 10 biggest lies:

#1: Obama has increased spending.
#2: Obama has raised taxes
#3: Obamacare will kill jobs
#4: Obamacare increases the deficit
#5: Obama promised unemployment below eight percent
#6: The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion
#7: President Obama's stimulus plan didn't work
#8: Ryan never sought stimulus money
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction
#10: President Obama plans to gut welfare reform
How many more can you add to the list?

How about PAUL RYAN saying the stimulus didnt work, yet PERSONALLY REQUESTED MILLIONS of dollars for his state from the program and he RECIEVED them!





Well-Known Member
Romney-Ryan's 10 biggest lies:

#1: Obama has increased spending.
#2: Obama has raised taxes
#3: Obamacare will kill jobs
#4: Obamacare increases the deficit
#5: Obama promised unemployment below eight percent
#6: The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion
#7: President Obama's stimulus plan didn't work
#8: Ryan never sought stimulus money
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction
#10: President Obama plans to gut welfare reform
How many more can you add to the list?

Lol, I suppose if someone had been living in a cave, on mars, with their ears plugged and their eyes covered for the last 3 and a half years they might be inclined to believe this nonsense. Those of us who have been paying attention, which includes a large portion of the American electorate, know better.

Tell me something though, how does it feel to have to resort to flat out lies to defend your messiah? It sure is telling about his record when his supporters run from it in discussions like these.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Lol, I suppose if someone had been living in a cave, on mars, with their ears plugged and their eyes covered for the last 3 and a half years they might be inclined to believe this nonsense. Those of us who have been paying attention, which includes a large portion of the American electorate, know better.

Tell me something though, how does it feel to have to resort to flat out lies to defend your messiah? It sure is telling about his record when his supporters run from it in discussions like these.

Please, I'm one point above to be false. I can back up everything with references that are not biased, can you?

Liars and the lies they tell.

Start with just one point, reference your facts, and allow a response. Go for it, sport.

Fish, enjoy your short life in the barrel.


Well-Known Member
Please, I'm one point above to be false. I can back up everything with references that are not biased, can you?

Liars and the lies they tell.

Start with just one point, reference your facts, and allow a response. Go for it, sport.

Fish, enjoy your short life in the barrel.

Even Newsweek caved.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Just one point, not a cartoon or a magazine cover, an actual, irrefutable point to prove what I sad is wrong.

BTW, Ferguson was an advisor to the John McCain U.S. presidential campaign in 2008, and announced his support for Mitt Romney in 2012.

Unbiased? Hardly. That would be like saying moreluck lives by Christian ideals.