Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Please, I'm one point above to be false. I can back up everything with references that are not biased, can you?

Liars and the lies they tell.

Start with just one point, reference your facts, and allow a response. Go for it, sport.

Fish, enjoy your short life in the barrel.

Your so delusional its almost funny.

I have a proposal for you, since my free time is finite and short I need to be sure spending it destroying your previous post is worth it. If I am able to debunk just one of your "points" you have to put your full faith and support behind Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for the remainder of this election cycle on these forums. You also must vote for Mitt Romney in November. Do we have a deal?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Your so delusional its almost funny.

I have a proposal for you, since my free time is finite and short I need to be sure spending it destroying your previous post is worth it. If I am able to debunk just one of your "points" you have to put your full faith and support behind Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for the remainder of this election cycle on these forums. You also must vote for Mitt Romney in November. Do we have a deal?

Of course, as long as the same applies to you.

I really think Romney will drop out due to taxes questions, and Ryan will be the candidate, but whatever. As long as the same applies to you as me.


Strength through joy
I really think Romney will drop out due to taxes questions

You are so naive.
STOP drinking the tainted kool-ade.
The whole question of Mitt & the tax returns is nothing but a side bar.
It's all about the economy.
It has been since day one.
bhos has done nothing but mess it up.
And now it's someone else turn to try to fix the mess.


Well-Known Member
Of course, as long as the same applies to you.

I really think Romney will drop out due to taxes questions, and Ryan will be the candidate, but whatever. As long as the same applies to you as me.

Wave goodbye to your notion that Obama has not increased the national debt.

I will expect your next post to be Pro-Romney along with all future posts from now on. Also the Romney/Ryan 2012 ticket thanks you in advance for your vote in November.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wave goodbye to your notion that Obama has not increased the national debt.

CBO projects $1.1T deficit for this fiscal year

I will expect your next post to be Pro-Romney along with all future posts from now on. Also the Romney/Ryan 2012 ticket thanks you in advance for your vote in November.

I realize that reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I never stated that Obama has not increased the deficit. Read a bit slower, sound out the words, put the drink down.

Care to actually address any of the 10 points I stated, or are you just going to make up your own?


Strength through joy
Big Income Losses for Those Near Retirement

Americans nearing retirement age have suffered disproportionately after the financial crisis: along with the declining value of their homes, which were intended to cushion their final years, their incomes have fallen sharply.
The typical household income for people age 55 to 64 years old is almost 10 percent less in today’s dollars than it was when the recovery officially began three years ago, according to a new report from Sentier Research, a data analysis company that specializes in demographic and income data.

Sources: Sentier Research estimated annual household income derived from the monthly Current Population Survey conducted by the Census Bureau.


Well-Known Member
Romney-Ryan's 10 biggest lies:

#1: Obama has increased spending.
#2: Obama has raised taxes
#3: Obamacare will kill jobs
#4: Obamacare increases the deficit
#5: Obama promised unemployment below eight percent
#6: The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion
#7: President Obama's stimulus plan didn't work
#8: Ryan never sought stimulus money
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction
#10: President Obama plans to gut welfare reform
How many more can you add to the list?

I realize that reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I never stated that Obama has not increased the deficit. Read a bit slower, sound out the words, put the drink down.

Care to actually address any of the 10 points I stated, or are you just going to make up your own?

So when is that Pro-Romney post coming?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That is accurate. The ACA will decrease the deficit. If it is repealed, $145b will be added to the deficit in the first 7 years.

You said Obama, I said Obamacare. Remedial reading comprehension.

You lose.


golden ticket member
Last edited:


golden ticket member
No deary, the CBO says the PPACA reduces the deficit, repeal would add to the deficit.

Look for yourself:
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

Apparently you didn't read what I posted very well...."eliminate nearly all deficit reduction previously projected !!!!!!

......"These three features of the law—the increased spending, the increased taxation, and the smaller near-term Medicare cuts—combine to eliminate nearly all of the projected “deficit reduction” in Obamacare from 2013-2019...."

Put your glasses on!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
From the actual CBO report:
Assuming that H.R. 6079 is enacted near the beginning of fiscal year 2013, CBO and JCT estimate that, on balance, the direct spending and revenue effects of enacting that legislation would cause a net increase in federal budget deficits of $109 billion over the 2013–2022 period.

Which CBO report are you reading? The word 'taxation' does not appear in the body of the report at all. Or are you just going by what Avik Roy is saying?


golden ticket member
From the actual CBO report:
Assuming that H.R. 6079 is enacted near the beginning of fiscal year 2013, CBO and JCT estimate that, on balance, the direct spending and revenue effects of enacting that legislation would cause a net increase in federal budget deficits of $109 billion over the 2013–2022 period.

Which CBO report are you reading? The word 'taxation' does not appear in the body of the report at all. Or are you just going by what Avik Roy is saying?

I'm not playing "my news is better than your news" game with you. I trust Forbes more than CBO. (CBO only figures out from info input to it) thus the term...garbage in, garbge out. End of story!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I'm not playing "my news is better than your news" game with you. I trust Forbes more than CBO. (CBO only figures out from info input to it) thus the term...garbage in, garbge out. End of story!
Moreluck said:
Even the non partisan CBO says otherwise.

I just linked to the CBO, copied what it actually said. I never linked to an opinion piece, like you did. The twists in your logic are amazing. Bravo!

I sure hope that fish floating on the top doesn't get in my way.


Staff member
I'm not playing "my news is better than your news" game with you. I trust Forbes more than CBO. (CBO only figures out from info input to it) thus the term...garbage in, garbge out. End of story!
You did link to the CBO. What's wrong with you?


golden ticket member
You did link to the CBO. What's wrong with you?
When I do, it's to show liberals that "your own gov't offices say this or that." The same reason I sometimes use CNN.......some people gripe about FOX....because when they can't disprove a fact, they just throw up their hands and say, "it's just fox news"..


golden ticket member

I just linked to the CBO, copied what it actually said. I never linked to an opinion piece, like you did. The twists in your logic are amazing. Bravo!

I sure hope that fish floating on the top doesn't get in my way.
Beauty, sound like Tweety's owner....