Mitt Romney


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The Kennedy's were American royalty and could do no wrong.

The Romney's are elitists who are out of touch with the average American.

That sounds like something TOS would say!

And you know the Romneys are elitist how? Is this personal experience or is it the media who conditioned you to believe this? Hmmmm?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like something TOS would say!

And you know the Romneys are elitist how? Is this personal experience or is it the media who conditioned you to believe this? Hmmmm?

Do we at least agree that the Kennedy's were American royalty who could do no wrong?

As for the Romney's----yes, my perception is based on what the media has "force-fed" me and that perception is of a man who is out of touch with the average American. I would actually feel more comfortable sitting down for a beer with Paul Ryan than with Mitt Romney.


golden ticket member
Do we at least agree that the Kennedy's were American royalty who could do no wrong?

As for the Romney's----yes, my perception is based on what the media has "force-fed" me and that perception is of a man who is out of touch with the average American. I would actually feel more comfortable sitting down for a beer with Paul Ryan than with Mitt Romney.
Romney doesn't drink anyway!


Strength through joy
Now the field should become interesting.
After team O has spent over $100M trying to bring Mitt down, using every dirty trick they knew. They are now using Bubba as a shill , the most vile womanizer on the planet. So how can they keep up their War on Women campaign with Bubba leading the charge?
Now Mitt has the larger war chest & is continuing to gaining in the polls.


golden ticket member
Now the field should become interesting.
After team O has spent over $100M trying to bring Mitt down, using every dirty trick they knew. They are now using Bubba as a shill , the most vile womanizer on the planet. So how can they keep up their War on Women campaign with Bubba leading the charge?
Now Mitt has the larger war chest & is continuing to gaining in the polls.
Obama is trying to run on Clinton's does he think he's going to pull that off?


Strength through joy
By first digging up Reagan's body , after all Bubba's success is based on Reagan's policies.
And don't forget that Bubba had to deal with a GOP Congress, they made the bills all he had to do was sign them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That sounds like something TOS would say!

And you know the Romneys are elitist how? Is this personal experience or is it the media who conditioned you to believe this? Hmmmm?

Elitist?? Simple, they have HUNDREDS of millions of dollars stashed away in foreign countries.... that hardly qualifies as middle of the road americans.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Do we at least agree that the Kennedy's were American royalty who could do no wrong?

As for the Romney's----yes, my perception is based on what the media has "force-fed" me and that perception is of a man who is out of touch with the average American. I would actually feel more comfortable sitting down for a beer with Paul Ryan than with Mitt Romney.

Yes (The Kennedys were American Royalty) ABSOLUTELY - I will go one step further and say it was GOOD for our country. We needed that during the cold war.

I really appreciate your candid response. I agree whole-heartedly with it. Mitt comes off as "stiff" and cannot compete with Obama in the charm factor. I really didn't know Ryan well but have had a chance to look at him and feel I would be very comfortable sitting down and having a beer with him. He strikes me as having a very middle class down to earth background and upbringing. I also feel he is one of the few politicians that walk the talk.


Strength through joy
On the out side the Kennedys were a classic Irish Family.
But given the facts that most of the women associated with them were either physically hurt or killed tarnishes all images.


golden ticket member
From The Hill:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney accused President Obama on Saturday of giving up on trying to fix the economy, saying he had “admitted defeat.”

In his weekly podcast, Romney pounced on a recent government report, which found that the unemployment rate rose in 44 states last month.

He accused Obama of blaming the “stalemate in Washington” instead of working to boost job creation.
With millions of Americans hurting like never before, the President has admitted defeat. With five months to go before his term his up, he’s saying he won’t even try anymore,” Romney claimed.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Of course profiling doesn't happen, so maybe we need these signs on the Canadian border?

Using profiling as an excuse is no different than using the race card. Simple as that.

If you don't live in the state.. don't worry about it. If there are illegals in Arizona, they should probably leave and go to the amnesty state. Then they won't have to worry about it either.


Staff member
Are you suggesting that there are no illegals in Illinois? Iowa? Immigration, legal and illegal, is policy at the national level. Don't like it? Doesn't matter. That damn Constitution thingy says so.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Using profiling as an excuse is no different than using the race card. Simple as that.

If you don't live in the state.. don't worry about it. If there are illegals in Arizona, they should probably leave and go to the amnesty state. Then they won't have to worry about it either.

Ya, youre such a pro american, but I bet you go to restaurants where "they" cook your food, & go to carwashes where "they" wash your car, and go to hotels where "they" clean your rooms, and I bet you use contractors who use "their" labor all to get you the cheapest prices on services....

You wont complain then, just when its politically convenient.

Please, spare us the "im a good american" story.

