Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Illegal immigration?

This country was founded by a bunch of illegal immigrants...

I love the U S of A as much as the next citizen, but let's put things into perspective.

We're ALL immigrants...



Well-Known Member
Yup, if every Canadian would sell their house / vacation home and never enter Arizona again - that State would go broke !
Spoken like the true hateful and jealous Canadian that you are.....but not representative of the Canadians at large. Most of them appreciate a warm place to come and we as Americans welcome them!!!


Für Meno :)
Spoken like the true hateful and jealous Canadian that you are.....but not representative of the Canadians at large. Most of them appreciate a warm place to come and we as Americans welcome them!!!

No you don't !
Do you think every Canadian is white ?
We are by far more multi-cultural then the US.
I served Canadian-Mexicans, or Chiliens, Muslimes with turbons, etc.
Are you sure they are welcome in Arizona ?
I very much doubt that - and they would be looked upon as "dirty" immigrants - just by their looks alone !
And you know that !


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney-Ryan's 10 biggest lies:

#1: Obama has increased spending.
#2: Obama has raised taxes
#3: Obamacare will kill jobs
#4: Obamacare increases the deficit
#5: Obama promised unemployment below eight percent
#6: The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion
#7: President Obama's stimulus plan didn't work
#8: Ryan never sought stimulus money
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction
#10: President Obama plans to gut welfare reform

Still waiting for Brett's reply, or endorsement of Obama. Moreluck has already floated to the top of the barrel.


Strength through joy
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction

Which is probably going to be better than any budget bhos has submitted, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't his last voted on 97-0 .

Ninety-seven senators voted against a motion to take it up.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
#9: Romney's budget is a serious plan for deficit reduction

Which is probably going to be better than any budget bhos has submitted, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't his last voted on 97-0 .

Ninety-seven senators voted against a motion to take it up.
In the words of David Firestone of the New York Times, Romney's budget "defies the rules of math." Ryan and Romney both want to keep in place the Bush-era tax cuts, and then cut them much further. But that, they claim, won't raise the deficit by a dime, because the plan will be made "revenue neutral" through closing tax loopholes. The only problem is that they don't name what loopholes they will close.
The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan group of tax experts, estimates that Romney's plan, which differs only slightly from the Ryan plan, would cost over $4.5 trillion over the next decade. What about the closing of loopholes to offset that cost? According to the Tax Policy Center, there aren't even enough loopholes in the tax code to balance the cuts.


Strength through joy
Still attacking R & R ?
No comment on why bhos' budgets keep getting defeated ?
No Budget has been passed in what four years, isn't that a criminal act ?
Should those "Bush Tax Cuts" , they should really be called Clinton's Tax Increases , are not stopped come 01-01-2013 , every middle class citizen will see their taxes hugely going up.


golden ticket member
Talk about raising taxes.......Geez!

This is the man that helped get Clinton elected President twice, and Governor of AR three times. You should watch this video...this is NOT a "phony."

This is Dick Morris who used to work for the Clinton administration, he is a respected news contributor and author (Definitely not an Obama Supporter).

He knows what he is talking about. He investigates before reporting etc.

This is going to affect everyone! Click here

(No need for TOS to post that he thinks Morris is slime....we know what you think)


Staff member
Dick Morris is a very skilled political mercenary whom Clinton hired from the Republican establishment. He's been spewing Obama/democrat hate for years, so what is so earth shattering?


Staff member
Sorry. Lost me at the point where he said, "Suppose you and your spouse each make $250,000 per year...." My guess is, most people tune out about then and chuckle at the plight of the 1%.


golden ticket member
Sorry. Lost me at the point where he said, "Suppose you and your spouse each make $250,000 per year...." My guess is, most people tune out about then and chuckle at the plight of the 1%.
$250,000 in Arkansas or Mississippi or Montana may be a fortune, but in NYC or CA., it's sometimes not enough for folks. I guess it's all relative.......He also talks about the COUPLE making $125,000 (total)