Mitt Romney


Staff member
Morris can't help but lie. Obama is proposing tax rates going up for those making over $250,000. In his first barrage, Morris states that a couple making this amount will pay an extra $12,500. BS. If that couple were to make, say $300,000, the only portion that would be taxed at the higher rate is the last $50,000. Let's say that the first $250,000 is taxed at 30% for simplicity. That's alot of money, $75,000. That last 50% at 30% is another $15,000 meaning the final amount added to the tax bill is a whopping $2,500. Big difference, Dick.


Well-Known Member
Sorry. Lost me at the point where he said, "Suppose you and your spouse each make $250,000 per year...." My guess is, most people tune out about then and chuckle at the plight of the 1%.

I still think that most people would think that it is none of the governments business how said couple spends their income. I think the class warfare and the dimocratic parties war on women are losing issues for you guys. There seems to be an effective movement of citizens opposing the continued growth of government.


Staff member
I still think that most people would think that it is none of the governments business how said couple spends their income. I think the class warfare and the dimocratic parties war on women are losing issues for you guys. There seems to be an effective movement of citizens opposing the continued growth of government.

That could be. We should know in about 70 days. And according to the CJOTUS, it is only your money if the government says it is. Taxing power deems it so.


Well-Known Member
That could be. We should know in about 70 days. And according to the CJOTUS, it is only your money if the government says it is. Taxing power deems it so.

We will know way before then in my opinion. If team Obama and Team Romney start to campaign on lower taxes and a more efficient government you will know. They have access to much more polling data than you or I. Last cycle Obama campaigned on cutting government, lowering taxes, and slashing the deficit so the mood of the nation was definitely in favor of a lower governmental burden at that time. Of course he hasn't done that, but if he spins his record to show that he has or will in another term you will really have your proof.

I have no idea what CJOTUS is but are you saying that is some term for "most people"?


golden ticket member
We will know way before then in my opinion. If team Obama and Team Romney start to campaign on lower taxes and a more efficient government you will know. They have access to much more polling data than you or I. Last cycle Obama campaigned on cutting government, lowering taxes, and slashing the deficit so the mood of the nation was definitely in favor of a lower governmental burden at that time. Of course he hasn't done that, but if he spins his record to show that he has or will in another term you will really have your proof.

I have no idea what CJOTUS is but are you saying that is some term for "most people"?

Chief Justice of the United States


Staff member
We will know way before then in my opinion. If team Obama and Team Romney start to campaign on lower taxes and a more efficient government you will know. They have access to much more polling data than you or I. Last cycle Obama campaigned on cutting government, lowering taxes, and slashing the deficit so the mood of the nation was definitely in favor of a lower governmental burden at that time. Of course he hasn't done that, but if he spins his record to show that he has or will in another term you will really have your proof.

I have no idea what CJOTUS is but are you saying that is some term for "most people"?
All team Obama needs to do is show there are two choices for getting the economy on track. His balanced approach and the Radical Romney/Ryan approach. Expect that alliteration to continue over and over. "Radical Romney Ryan". Hell, Romney nearrly scripted Obama's victory mantra for him.


Well-Known Member
All team Obama needs to do is show there are two choices for getting the economy on track. His balanced approach and the Radical Romney/Ryan approach. Expect that alliteration to continue over and over. "Radical Romney Ryan". Hell, Romney nearrly scripted Obama's victory mantra for him.

What balanced approach? They have a record of increasing government spending, increasing government regulation, and increasing taxes. I would think they would run from their record much like Romney will run from his healthcare law. One thing can be said for certain is that the Obama approach has blown the deficit up. He has given the opposition a perfect opportunity to ask why give them more money as they have clearly demonstrated an inability to manage what we've already given them.

It's going to be a difficult sell for Obama to label them as radical when it's already been said so many times that his healthcare law was modeled after Romney's and he's also claimed that Ryan has had some good ideas and praised him for bringing ideas to the debate. I do however think you will see campaign surrogates start to claim that more, and more but they will just be giving Romney ready made campaign ads. I think that if that is all his campaign has he will sink faster than the titanic. That is one reason you see them try and fabricate this war on women thing they've got going on. It's almost full blown campaign season and we will see all types of silliness but I highly doubt you will see Obama do much campaigning on his record. You will of course see some limited self praising and half truths but his record likely will not be what would get him reelected.

One thing Romney can do is take Obama's lead when he basically campaigned as not being Bush and campaign as not being Obama. It seems to be much easier to attack a record than it is to defend one.


Staff member
The economy will not be Obama's strong suit. It is a show of weakness from the republicans that this is a dead heat election. Romney may see a bump in the convention but Obama gets the last convention where he can borrow from literature, "I come to bury Romney, not to praise him...."


Well-Known Member
The economy will not be Obama's strong suit. It is a show of weakness from the republicans that this is a dead heat election. Romney may see a bump in the convention but Obama gets the last convention where he can borrow from literature, "I come to bury Romney, not to praise him...."

No doubt the Romney campaign does not seem to be very well run. They do not stay on offense long enough. They've had multiple opportunities but they seem to want to stay above the attacking type of campaign but they were not shy against the other Republicans so it's possible they are waiting until debate time or later in the season so as not to appear overly negative.


golden ticket member
Obama has nothing NEW to offer at the DNC convention.......same old, same old.

Romney is just now being introduced to the country. Romney has been able to talk economy.....unlike Obama with his horrible record.


Staff member
No doubt the Romney campaign does not seem to be very well run. They do not stay on offense long enough. They've had multiple opportunities but they seem to want to stay above the attacking type of campaign but they were not shy against the other Republicans so it's possible they are waiting until debate time or later in the season so as not to appear overly negative.
Wait too long and all the super pac money in the world won't mean a thing.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama has nothing NEW to offer at the DNC convention.......same old, same old.

Romney is just now being introduced to the country. Romney has been able to talk economy.....unlike Obama with his horrible record.

I love the whole "introduced to the country thing" as if thats an legitimate excuse why Romney isnt doing well in the polls. People know who Romney is, and this convention wont make anything clearer.

Same old reused talking points with no substance. Romney WONT talk about his tax plan with any specifics, Romney WONT talk about CUTS to entitlements, he instead will call them "reforms" intended to save them, Romney WONT talk about what he will replace the affordable healthcare act with, he will just say he will do it.

It will be alot of NOTHING draped in pageantry.

All the talking heads will assist in blowing this smoke up the rears of the faithful, but you WONT HEAR ONE SINGLE idea with any specificity that anyone could repeat the next day.

Whats even better is that the RNC platform will NOT EVEN MENTION BUSH or CHENEY during the convention. This says it all, they want the same policies but refuse to attach them to the two men who used those same policies to destroy a nation.

ANYONE can talk about the economy, but talking about how to fix it is a different animal.




golden ticket member
Wait too long and all the super pac money in the world won't mean a thing.
He's basically going to be introduced to America on Thursday night, along with his family. People have been on vacation and they are just now going to start paying attention.


golden ticket member
The really smart people are looking at gas prices, unemployment #'s and all the factors.........most people aren't focused on the past, but they are most interested in finding the solution for the mismanagement of the past 4 years.

Some will always dwell in the past and pay the blame game. They just never get over it.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Ya, youre such a pro american, but I bet you go to restaurants where "they" cook your food, & go to carwashes where "they" wash your car, and go to hotels where "they" clean your rooms, and I bet you use contractors who use "their" labor all to get you the cheapest prices on services....

You wont complain then, just when its politically convenient.

Please, spare us the "im a good american" story.



In Arizona, none of your "they" statements are true. Thank God, this isn't California! Besides, there is a whole high school full of kids who could do all those jobs. I remember my first jobs as a dishwasher and washing trucks. We did not worry about illegals back in the 60's and 70's in California. Young adults in CA don't have the opportunities today because of left wing zealots who are more concerned about protecting illegals than making sure their own children have opportunities.

Imagine that!

Here are the highest teenage unemployment rates. Look at California!!!! The amnesty state. - - The only thing California has going for it are the few conservatives who are fighting the good fight against the left wing zealots. These left wing folks think there is a endless pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and unfortunately there is nothing but termites, roaches and rats with a flock of buzzards above waiting to pick the bones. Wise up California!

District of Columbia — 49 percent
California — 34.6 percent
Georgia — 34.6 percent
Nevada — 34.3 percent
Washington — 33.2 percent
U.S. — 24.5 percent

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
From a TOS post.....
It figures that you would support a guy who is a cocaine using, alchohol driven, prostitute frequenting personality making his last buck on fox spews.

It all makes sense now.



Read more:

Thanks for continuing to make my point about HATE speech.
So if this isn't
speech, what is?

A lot of these posts make me think of the movie "The Exorcist". I guess I could post a video of the possessed one spinning her head or "spewing" but I think you get my point!



Well-Known Member
True but don't forget the damage done to Kerry by televised ads in limited markets in a small amount of time.
And don't forget that Reagan was trailing Carter by 8% or more in most polls in late October.. Some others on here claim that Obama is wiping up the floor with Romney when it comes to polls when they're even...Even is a good thing because Romney isn't trailing like Reagan was and Obama has nothing to run on just like Carter........Obama has been a total failure just like Carter, perhaps a landslide in November is in order...--deja vu---

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In Arizona, none of your "they" statements are true. Thank God, this isn't California! Besides, there is a whole high school full of kids who could do all those jobs. I remember my first jobs as a dishwasher and washing trucks. We did not worry about illegals back in the 60's and 70's in California. Young adults in CA don't have the opportunities today because of left wing zealots who are more concerned about protecting illegals than making sure their own children have opportunities.

Imagine that!

Here are the highest teenage unemployment rates. Look at California!!!! The amnesty state. - - The only thing California has going for it are the few conservatives who are fighting the good fight against the left wing zealots. These left wing folks think there is a endless pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and unfortunately there is nothing but termites, roaches and rats with a flock of buzzards above waiting to pick the bones. Wise up California!

District of Columbia — 49 percent
California — 34.6 percent
Georgia — 34.6 percent
Nevada — 34.3 percent
Washington — 33.2 percent
U.S. — 24.5 percent

In your imagination, Arizona is a lily white state where everything is wonderful, but that isnt the case and YOU know it. Phoenix is an almost hispanic majority. There isnt a single place where the employees are not predominately hispanic. In tucson, same transition to hispanic workers.... Scottsdale is begining to follow suit.

There isnt a car wash in the state that isnt 100% hispanic. Maybe in the sticks out in your parts its still lily white, but that wont be for long.

