Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I look forward to being baptized a Mormon after my death, like Anne's dad. I'm sure he appreciated it, oh wait, he was an atheist. Never mind.


golden ticket member
Baptizing after death is a "cover your ass" move. If you already were baptized, you're good. If you are afraid of it, then go get baptized in your own faith and you're good.

If you are an atheist, then it won't matter to you either way.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Baptizing after death is a "cover your ass" move. If you already were baptized, you're good. If you are afraid of it, then go get baptized in your own faith and you're good.

If you are an atheist, then it won't matter to you either way.

What if I'm Jewish? Or Native American? Or a Jew who came to America 2000 years ago?

I get so confused between individual rights, State's rights and Federal rights. Which is the rock and which is the scissors?


golden ticket member
You are TOS and every bit as obnoxious!!

Baptizing in your own faith does not necessarily mean water on your head. Maybe sitting is a teepee with smoke is your way. I said whatever your faith is, then take care of it yourself or don't. Anybody old enough to read would've understood the must be 3.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I know ALOT about Arizona... in ten years time, hispanics will be the majority in your state. The GOP hold is going away and they know it, thats why the big push to get rid of mexican americans in your state. Just like California, hispanics will RULE your state and theres nothing YOU or that wrinkled hag can do about it.


I thought this email was a joke till I just read TOS post. Is this what you have in mind, a takeover?
Old White People

"You old white people. It is your duty to die."

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.....

This caught my eye because of the "Brown Berets". This is a militant group that got a lot of press during the East LA riots a long time ago. Contrary to popular belief by one hater on this website, I am very close to the Hispanic community. We have very close friends who are family to us. Our values are the same.

To make a long story short, my high school was one block from East L A and during our yearly carnival a group of 25 Brown Berets were making their way to the carnival to wreak some havoc. They got to me and 2 others who were leaving and confronted us and started a brawl. All 25 started throwing blows and my 2 friends and I ducked, covered and got out of there fast. We looked back and they were still throwing blows! They were beating on themselves!! I found that very ironic.

Anyway - There are haters in all races. Some have been in situations with very bad and repeated discrimination and have become very bitter and unable to let it go, or they have known people in that were unfairly treated and discriminated.

That is not the majority - but none-the-less they have racist tendencies.

We have to be cognizant and cautious of people who are bitter and have contempt for a particular group of people. It is best to keep people like this at arm's length. But we should always remember, that the vast number of Americans are good, upstanding people who are just trying to get ahead like you or me.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This caught my eye because of the "Brown Berets". This is a militant group that got a lot of press during the East LA riots a long time ago. Contrary to popular belief by one hater on this website, I am very close to the Hispanic community. We have very close friends who are family to us. Our values are the same.

To make a long story short, my high school was one block from East L A and during our yearly carnival a group of 25 Brown Berets were making their way to the carnival to wreak some havoc. They got to me and 2 others who were leaving and confronted us and started a brawl. All 25 started throwing blows and my 2 friends and I ducked, covered and got out of there fast. We looked back and they were still throwing blows! They were beating on themselves!! I found that very ironic.

Anyway - There are haters in all races. Some have been in situations with very bad and repeated discrimination and have become very bitter and unable to let it go, or they have known people in that were unfairly treated and discriminated.

That is not the majority - but none-the-less they have racist tendencies.

We have to be cognizant and cautious of people who are bitter and have contempt for a particular group of people. It is best to keep people like this at arm's length. But we should always remember, that the vast number of Americans are good, upstanding people who are just trying to get ahead like you or me.

Are you sure your recollection has them as brown berets and not a bunch of hispanic boy scouts in uniform? I mean, 25 of them? cmon, against three guys and you got away?

Sounds more like the boy scouts attempted to jump you.




Strength through joy
NO talk of war in GOP speech???

What are you talking about?? ROMNEY THREATENED Russian President PUTIN directly! Saying that he would show PUTIN some backbone.... sounds like a direct threat of military action to me.



It doesn't mean military action.
It meant that Mitt was going to stand up for his country, unlike he-who-bows.
Saying NO to Putin's demands is going to send shockwaves around the world.