Mitt Romney


Engorged Member
You are just upset that there's a good, moral man running who doesn't do dirty politics and takes the high road. Deal with it.

People are looking for decency and the infighting to cease.

And now you're willing to overlook his Mormonism, because he is all you've got. Mitt is as dirty as they come, and he's willing to lie about anything to get into The Oval Office. Ever hear of a corporatocracy (?), because that's what we'll have with Romney at the helm.


Been around the block a few times
And now you're willing to overlook his Mormonism, because he is all you've got. Mitt is as dirty as they come, and he's willing to lie about anything to get into The Oval Office. Ever hear of a corporatocracy (?), because that's what we'll have with Romney at the helm.

So since when does a person's religion matter when it comes to politics? Remember....the government has decreed that we can no longer mix church and state. Religion is a non-issue. Church is church and state is state.


Strength through joy
And now you're willing to overlook his Mormonism, because he is all you've got. Mitt is as dirty as they come, and he's willing to lie about anything to get into The Oval Office. Ever hear of a corporatocracy (?), because that's what we'll have with Romney at the helm.

So should we also overlook all Mormons in gov't ?
Including the (d)'s ?


Well-Known Member
And now you're willing to overlook his Mormonism, because he is all you've got. Mitt is as dirty as they come, and he's willing to lie about anything to get into The Oval Office. Ever hear of a corporatocracy (?), because that's what we'll have with Romney at the helm.

Its interesting how your kind purports to favor diversity until that person from a diverse background doesn't agree with you and then that diversity is to be attacked unrelentingly. Could it be the diversity ploy is really just a cover for your deeper unwillingness to accept people different from yourself?


Well-Known Member
So since when does a person's religion matter when it comes to politics? Remember....the government has decreed that we can no longer mix church and state. Religion is a non-issue. Church is church and state is state.

This is before our time, but this same debate was waged when JFK, who became the first Catholic president, was running for office.

A person's religion, while it does not define that person, does factor in to their decision making.


golden ticket member
Maybe he talked to the veterans themselves the day before..........

"Romney spent the day before his convention speech visiting the American Legion conference in Indianapolis, where he talked exclusively about national security and America’s veterans. President Obama, by contrast, addressed that conference in the form of a three-minute video aired at the conference site.

“Now that was an invitation that President Obama declined,” Romney senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said in an interview Sunday. “Governor Romney thought it was a privilege to be speaking to people who had served so nobly.”

Though Romney did not mention the war in Afghanistan on Thursday night, he focused on that issue, as well as the veterans who are returning home, in his American Legion speech.

Read more: Romney camp touts Legion speech, disputing Dems' claims he ignored wars | Fox News


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You are just upset that there's a good, moral man running who doesn't do dirty politics and takes the high road. Deal with it.

People are looking for decency and the infighting to cease.

That is so untrue it is laughable. Maybe that's why you like Willard so much, his ability to lie bald faced.


Well-Known Member
Its interesting how your kind purports to favor diversity until that person from a diverse background doesn't agree with you and then that diversity is to be attacked unrelentingly. Could it be the diversity ploy is really just a cover for your deeper unwillingness to accept people different from yourself?

It's not that deep. He has posted openly about his prejudices.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe he talked to the veterans themselves the day before..........

"Romney spent the day before his convention speech visiting the American Legion conference in Indianapolis, where he talked exclusively about national security and America’s veterans. President Obama, by contrast, addressed that conference in the form of a three-minute video aired at the conference site.

“Now that was an invitation that President Obama declined,” Romney senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said in an interview Sunday. “Governor Romney thought it was a privilege to be speaking to people who had served so nobly.”

Though Romney did not mention the war in Afghanistan on Thursday night, he focused on that issue, as well as the veterans who are returning home, in his American Legion speech.

Read more: Romney camp touts Legion speech, disputing Dems' claims he ignored wars | Fox News

Theres a HUGE difference between talking to veterans of the korean war, the vietnam and the civil war.... ROMNEY still shot a BLANK for NOT thanking our current troops in conflicts around the world.

Just lame.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There is no logical explanation, except that the Mormon religion is insane. I think it's hilarious that now Mitt is their man, that the Mormon Defense Team is fully operational. It's it a big job to make a Mormon look mainstream, but they think they're up to the task.

Good luck.

Can you say BIGOT or BIGOTRY?

Are you representing the Democrats? This is just more typical hate speech demonizing the Mormon faith. You do recall there is a little thing called the 1st Amendment right?!?

Democrats I know don't talk like this. This makes my point on the extreme fringe micro segments of both the left and the right. An argument can be made for either fringe element.

Honestly though - I have to admit that posts like this just make our case much easier to prove. Thank You!

I think Mr FedEx and TOS are the same person. The posts are way to similar.