Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I didn't know we were at war with Russia....when did that happen??
Some people are so damn desperate it's pathetic.

Gee, now youre coming around. RUSSIA isnt a country that "we" need to start threatening. Didnt Romney already get punked out by Medvedev for saying stupid things against the Russian leadership??

I see MITTENS wants to go back to the DICK CHENEY school of foreign policy, eh?

Romney wants to show PUTIN some backbone???

Please, somebody please attempt to define what that meant.

I dare you.




Für Meno :)
I love the fact Romney will put tax sanctions on mostly Chinese goods.
So much for lowering prices at Walmart !

And hopefully it'll also stop Canadians from Cross border shopping, because Walmart, K-mart and the likes will be cheaper here, as well as cellphones, computers, and all other electronic devices !
Mostly all goods, besides maybe food.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What I find most amazing is the AWE the GOP faithful are experiencing after the convention, and yet ROMNEY didnt spell OUT one single plan on what he plans to do...!

Oh yeah, Ive got a plan to create 12 million jobs....!

what a crock. why didnt he spell out how he was going to do it?? Oh yeah, its B.S.




golden ticket member
I love the fact Romney will put tax sanctions on mostly Chinese goods.
So much for lowering prices at Walmart !

And hopefully it'll also stop Canadians from Cross border shopping, because Walmart, K-mart and the likes will be cheaper here, as well as cellphones, computers, and all other electronic devices !
Mostly all goods, besides maybe food.
We really don't care how OUR election affects you!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Are you sure your recollection has them as brown berets and not a bunch of hispanic boy scouts in uniform? I mean, 25 of them? cmon, against three guys and you got away?

Sounds more like the boy scouts attempted to jump you.



You are a real piece of work! Yeah! I am making this up! Of course in your world of kool-aid drinking politics, the Brown Berets are just a group of boy scouts! OH! Wait a second, the Brown Berets are a group of (HISPANIC) "peace" loving boy scouts. Now it make mores sense!

Which leads me back to the question - Susana Martinez is a true leader, great Governor in the State of New Mexico. What are your thoughts about the first Latina REPUBLICAN Governor in the USA?

All I hear in the background is crickets chirping. Can't tackle the questions that make you look foolish with all of your demonization of the Republicans? It is hard to demonize a HISPANIC person .... like I said before. You are in a little bit of a conundrum.

Let me yell it out over those darn crickets.... WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON SUSANA MARTINEZ?

More crickets chirping!!!



golden ticket member
Hubby came home from the golf course with a Romney/Ryan button on his shirt. He said a CNN guy gave it to him.
The guy said he was bringing Obama bumper stickers next week....too bad most won't ruin their bumpers with a bumper sticker!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hubby came home from the golf course with a Romney/Ryan button on his shirt. He said a CNN guy gave it to him.
The guy said he was bringing Obama bumper stickers next week....too bad most won't ruin their bumpers with a bumper sticker!!

NO, just a walmart shirt.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You are TOS and every bit as obnoxious!!

Baptizing in your own faith does not necessarily mean water on your head. Maybe sitting is a teepee with smoke is your way. I said whatever your faith is, then take care of it yourself or don't. Anybody old enough to read would've understood the must be 3.

So, if you are a baptized Catholic, and after you die, you are baptized again as a Mormon, that's okay, or is the Mormon religion is just full of nonsense with their baptizing of dead people?

Explain it like I'm 8 ;) I'd love to hear your explanation.


golden ticket member
So, if you are a baptized Catholic, and after you die, you are baptized again as a Mormon, that's okay, or is the Mormon religion is just full of nonsense with their baptizing of dead people?

Explain it like I'm 8 ;) I'd love to hear your explanation.
Their baptizing of the dead is to pick up the non baptized. They don't go around and find out who was already baptized. It's a cover everybody's ass kind of thing.

I was originally baptized a Catholic and you can baptize me every day til I die and I'm still a baptized Catholic.


Engorged Member
So, if you are a baptized Catholic, and after you die, you are baptized again as a Mormon, that's okay, or is the Mormon religion is just full of nonsense with their baptizing of dead people?

Explain it like I'm 8 ;) I'd love to hear your explanation.

There is no logical explanation, except that the Mormon religion is insane. I think it's hilarious that now Mitt is their man, that the Mormon Defense Team is fully operational. It's it a big job to make a Mormon look mainstream, but they think they're up to the task.

Good luck.


golden ticket member
You are just upset that there's a good, moral man running who doesn't do dirty politics and takes the high road. Deal with it.

People are looking for decency and the infighting to cease.