Mitt Romney

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
So should we also overlook all Mormons in gov't ?
Including the (d)'s ?

The divisive nature of this election brought about by the non-leader in the White House has caused this type of irrational behavior from his party. Mormonism is OK to attack if you represent the Republican party. It is overlooked if you are a Democrat. This goes for every talking point there is on this election.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Can you say BIGOT or BIGOTRY?

Are you representing the Democrats? This is just more typical hate speech demonizing the Mormon faith. You do recall there is a little thing called the 1st Amendment right?!?

Democrats I know don't talk like this. This makes my point on the extreme fringe micro segments of both the left and the right. An argument can be made for either fringe element.

Honestly though - I have to admit that posts like this just make our case much easier to prove. Thank You!

I think Mr FedEx and TOS are the same person. The posts are way to similar.

You could only wish that hard.. It would be nice ( for you ) to feel like a majority if there were only one person who thought opposite of you, unfortunately, to that realm, there are millions of us.

In fact, 66 million, you know the ones, the ones that elected president Obama in 08 and will re relect him again in 2012. ON this board, you are a part of the majority only because those like minded people like me and fedex were either banned, intimidated or ganged up upon and left this board.

I for one, am not afraid of ANY of you.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
You could only wish that hard.. It would be nice ( for you ) to feel like a majority if there were only one person who thought opposite of you, unfortunately, to that realm, there are millions of us.

In fact, 66 million, you know the ones, the ones that elected president Obama in 08 and will re relect him again in 2012. ON this board, you are a part of the majority only because those like minded people like me and fedex were either banned, intimidated or ganged up upon and left this board.

I for one, am not afraid of ANY of you.



Do you actually think that any of us are scared of YOU?


Engorged Member
Its interesting how your kind purports to favor diversity until that person from a diverse background doesn't agree with you and then that diversity is to be attacked unrelentingly. Could it be the diversity ploy is really just a cover for your deeper unwillingness to accept people different from yourself?

No. Romney has been viciously attacked for years by the GOP, and the only reason it has stopped is that he's your man, as much as a lot of Republicans hate that fact. The evangelicals openly criticized him, as well as the other primary candidates in fairly obvious terms. To many in the religious Right, Mormonism is a cult, and many Biblical scholars agree with them. The LDS Church is secretive, and full of odd rituals that are mostly being covered-up right now...for obvious reasons.

Mitt is all you've got, so you're going to defend him right up until he loses in November, then it will be open season on Mormons again because Romney will be irrelevant. Actually, he already is (irrelevant),but nobody on your side seems to have figured it out yet.


Well-Known Member
No. Romney has been viciously attacked for years by the GOP, and the only reason it has stopped is that he's your man, as much as a lot of Republicans hate that fact. The evangelicals openly criticized him, as well as the other primary candidates in fairly obvious terms. To many in the religious Right, Mormonism is a cult, and many Biblical scholars agree with them. The LDS Church is secretive, and full of odd rituals that are mostly being covered-up right now...for obvious reasons.

Mitt is all you've got, so you're going to defend him right up until he loses in November, then it will be open season on Mormons again because Romney will be irrelevant. Actually, he already is (irrelevant),but nobody on your side seems to have figured it out yet.

You missed my point entirely, but then again you are a fedex worker and a big liberal. If he was a democrat you would be trumpeting the Mormon religion as something to be praised, but since he isn't you are attacking it as though they worship Satan. Face it, either you are a bigot, or a hypocrite so please tell us which it is because inquiring minds wish to know.

I personally could care less about his religion now as I did 4 years ago when he lost to John McCain in the primary. I just want the right man for the job, and today Mitt Romney is the right man for the job.


Been around the block a few times
No. Romney has been viciously attacked for years by the GOP, and the only reason it has stopped is that he's your man, as much as a lot of Republicans hate that fact. The evangelicals openly criticized him, as well as the other primary candidates in fairly obvious terms. To many in the religious Right, Mormonism is a cult, and many Biblical scholars agree with them. The LDS Church is secretive, and full of odd rituals that are mostly being covered-up right now...for obvious reasons.

Mitt is all you've got, so you're going to defend him right up until he loses in November, then it will be open season on Mormons again because Romney will be irrelevant. Actually, he already is (irrelevant),but nobody on your side seems to have figured it out yet.

So secretive, in fact, that young men and women will knock on your door to eager to share information about the church and their beliefs. It is easier to be uninformed and spout propaganda than become knowledgeable on the topic,

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You could only wish that hard.. It would be nice ( for you ) to feel like a majority if there were only one person who thought opposite of you, unfortunately, to that realm, there are millions of us.

In fact, 66 million, you know the ones, the ones that elected president Obama in 08 and will re relect him again in 2012. ON this board, you are a part of the majority only because those like minded people like me and fedex were either banned, intimidated or ganged up upon and left this board.

I for one, am not afraid of ANY of you.



Yeah, I wasn't talking about the 2008 election...

This is a delusional thought. 66 million... !!

Here is the way I see it breaking down - Of course there is quite a bit of mishmash within these categories. There are quite a few of us who have views in all categories. I find that a good thing.

Democrats - Centrists who really love their country and are not that much different than Republicans - I consider Bill Clinton a Centrist Democrat

Liberals - Different than most Democrats - Big Government - spenders - high taxes for the rich - not a friend of capitalism - We think for you cause you can't do it for yourself - - heavy rules, regulations and laws for the federal government - print more money - spend more - secure the voters to remain in power - Disappointed in American Exceptionalism - Believes in powerful unions - Will not find common ground with the rest of America - Their way is the only way - Borders on Socialism - Biden/Obama fits in this category

Ubers/Fringe - The lunatics of the left - America should be a second rate power - Robin-hood mentality (Rob from the rich to give to the middle class and the poor) - Haters of folks in the center and the right - Will riot and defy those that oppose their views (occupy movement) if they don't get what they want, add everything the liberals believe.
Saul Alinsky - Bill Ayers - Rev Wright - Debbie Wasserman - Howard Dean - and a couple of posters on BC - including one who hates all Republicans and lilly white folk.

In all fairness - The fringe on the the right are lunatics as well. These are folks who will also go to war with our own government - think of conspiracies as part of the fabric of those who are on the left. They hate the left, their way is the only way. Prefer not to have any rules or regulations or laws. In a lot of ways, they are very similar to the loons on the left.

This is just a guess but the ubers on both sides are probably in the 6 figures. None of us would know that number for sure.


bella amicizia
Yeah, I wasn't talking about the 2008 election...

This is a delusional thought. 66 million... !!

Here is the way I see it breaking down - Of course there is quite a bit of mishmash within these categories. There are quite a few of us who have views in all categories. I find that a good thing.

Democrats - Centrists who really love their country and are not that much different than Republicans - I consider Bill Clinton a Centrist Democrat

Liberals - Different than most Democrats - Big Government - spenders - high taxes for the rich - not a friend of capitalism - We think for you cause you can't do it for yourself - - heavy rules, regulations and laws for the federal government - print more money - spend more - secure the voters to remain in power - Disappointed in American Exceptionalism - Believes in powerful unions - Will not find common ground with the rest of America - Their way is the only way - Borders on Socialism - Biden/Obama fits in this category

Ubers/Fringe - The lunatics of the left - America should be a second rate power - Robin-hood mentality (Rob from the rich to give to the middle class and the poor) - Haters of folks in the center and the right - Will riot and defy those that oppose their views (occupy movement) if they don't get what they want, add everything the liberals believe.
Saul Alinsky - Bill Ayers - Rev Wright - Debbie Wasserman - Howard Dean - and a couple of posters on BC - including one who hates all Republicans and lilly white folk.

In all fairness - The fringe on the the right are lunatics as well. These are folks who will also go to war with our own government - think of conspiracies as part of the fabric of those who are on the left. They hate the left, their way is the only way. Prefer not to have any rules or regulations or laws. In a lot of ways, they are very similar to the loons on the left.

This is just a guess but the ubers on both sides are probably in the 6 figures. None of us would know that number for sure.
With your definition, I am a democrat. I am not ashamed of it. I am not happy with the current administration.


Staff member
Yeah, I wasn't talking about the 2008 election...

This is a delusional thought. 66 million... !!

Here is the way I see it breaking down - Of course there is quite a bit of mishmash within these categories. There are quite a few of us who have views in all categories. I find that a good thing.

Democrats - Centrists who really love their country and are not that much different than Republicans - I consider Bill Clinton a Centrist Democrat

Liberals - Different than most Democrats - Big Government - spenders - high taxes for the rich - not a friend of capitalism - We think for you cause you can't do it for yourself - - heavy rules, regulations and laws for the federal government - print more money - spend more - secure the voters to remain in power - Disappointed in American Exceptionalism - Believes in powerful unions - Will not find common ground with the rest of America - Their way is the only way - Borders on Socialism - Biden/Obama fits in this category

Ubers/Fringe - The lunatics of the left - America should be a second rate power - Robin-hood mentality (Rob from the rich to give to the middle class and the poor) - Haters of folks in the center and the right - Will riot and defy those that oppose their views (occupy movement) if they don't get what they want, add everything the liberals believe.
Saul Alinsky - Bill Ayers - Rev Wright - Debbie Wasserman - Howard Dean - and a couple of posters on BC - including one who hates all Republicans and lilly white folk.

In all fairness - The fringe on the the right are lunatics as well. These are folks who will also go to war with our own government - think of conspiracies as part of the fabric of those who are on the left. They hate the left, their way is the only way. Prefer not to have any rules or regulations or laws. In a lot of ways, they are very similar to the loons on the left.

This is just a guess but the ubers on both sides are probably in the 6 figures. None of us would know that number for sure.
I would be fascinated to see how you break down the republican party if you can be objective enough to do so.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
With your definition, I am a democrat. I am not ashamed of it. I am not happy with the current administration.

Good for you!! .... Democrats are not the problem and either are Republicans. Look what was accomplished under Clinton with a Republican Congress. He was a leader. He respected his adversaries and learned to work with them. This President will never learn the secret to being a respected leader.

I am probably not the right one to give a definition but it is my POV based on my relationship with Democrats that I know.

If and only if Obama is defeated, will the party have a chance to return to the center. The Clinton Democrats need to take their party back.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I would be fascinated to see how you break down the republican party if you can be objective enough to do so.

I will honestly say that I started to and I included the Libertarians in the mix (though they probably wouldn't like that) and then I said to myself - this is probably not a smart move. So maybe you can glean a little from that comment.

I will say this... I personally feel - the uber right is no different than the left. Their way is the only way - they don't like government and would be happy to have no rules -regulations-or laws or tax for that matter. They probably would like to have the rules of the wild west back in play - they also believe in conspiracy theories - Timothy McVeigh

Conservatives believe strongly in God and that our rights are given to us from God and are believers in the Founding Fathers interpretation of the Constitution (based on the strong belief in God). Their Achilles Heal is an unwillingness to compromise on social issues based on religious beliefs - they believe in a balanced budget, lower taxes for job creators and a robust capitalistic system with fewer regulations & rules - less is more - reduce spending and waste - strong national defense - Santorum, Perry, Bachman - Ryan

Republicans centrists - Not much different than Democrats - similar views to Conservatives but but more willing to work with the Democrats to move the country forward. - Romney McCain are in this category

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I will honestly say that I started to and I included the Libertarians in the mix (though they probably wouldn't like that) and then I said to myself - this is probably not a smart move. So maybe you can glean a little from that comment.

I will say this... I personally feel - the uber right is no different than the left. Their way is the only way - they don't like government and would be happy to have no rules -regulations-or laws or tax for that matter. They probably would like to have the rules of the wild west back in play - they also believe in conspiracy theories - Timothy McVeigh

Conservatives believe strongly in God and that our rights are given to us from God and are believers in the Founding Fathers interpretation of the Constitution (based on the strong belief in God). Their Achilles Heal is an unwillingness to compromise on social issues based on religious beliefs - they believe in a balanced budget, lower taxes for job creators and a robust capitalistic system with fewer regulations & rules - less is more - reduce spending and waste - strong national defense - Santorum, Perry, Bachman - Ryan

Republicans centrists - Not much different than Democrats - similar views to Conservatives but but more willing to work with the Democrats to move the country forward. - Romney McCain are in this category

It is amazing how many Christian Conservatives will claim that they are following the "founders" interpretations about GOD, when there is clear evidence from the most notable founders with the exception of John Jay that they disagreed with Christianity completely.

There is NO MENTION of the word GOD in the constitution. The Founders believed in a "CREATOR" and that CREATOR wasnt the same GOD that is contained in the bible who intermingled with human beings.

Despite all the writings of the founders decrying organized religion, Christian Conservatives still say that this country was "founded" on Christianity when it wasnt. BIgger than that is the claim that "our" rights come from GOD, and yet when this country was founded, not all people had equal rights and it took the COURTS to give EQUAL rights to all people of color ( including myself ) in this country, and NOT GOD.

The founders included slavery into our constitution and the worthless value of human beings of color set at 10 dollars a head and people of color in the constitution were only worth 3/4ths of a person.

This still exists in our constitution today and has NOT been removed. Why if we were all given equal rights by GOD, does our constitution conflict with GOD's wishes?

Better rethink this position.




Engorged Member
You missed my point entirely, but then again you are a fedex worker and a big liberal. If he was a democrat you would be trumpeting the Mormon religion as something to be praised, but since he isn't you are attacking it as though they worship Satan. Face it, either you are a bigot, or a hypocrite so please tell us which it is because inquiring minds wish to know.

I personally could care less about his religion now as I did 4 years ago when he lost to John McCain in the primary. I just want the right man for the job, and today Mitt Romney is the right man for the job.

Right. To tell me about Kolob and Joseph Smith, the criminal?


Engorged Member
You missed my point entirely, but then again you are a fedex worker and a big liberal. If he was a democrat you would be trumpeting the Mormon religion as something to be praised, but since he isn't you are attacking it as though they worship Satan. Face it, either you are a bigot, or a hypocrite so please tell us which it is because inquiring minds wish to know.

I personally could care less about his religion now as I did 4 years ago when he lost to John McCain in the primary. I just want the right man for the job, and today Mitt Romney is the right man for the job.

I think a Liberal Mormon would also be a problem. I personally am agnostic, so someone's religion (or lack thereof) isn't usually a big deal for me. In Romney's case, he is "supposed" to be President under Mormon prophecy, which bothers me. I think there is an undercurrent of deception present, which also is problematic. For someone who is so "devout", Romney lies..a lot. Is that part of Mormonism?

Being a great businessman doesn't have much to do with being a great President. Besides, Romney just made a bunch of money, and not very ethically, so he is just a businessman who made a lot of money, not a businessman of character.

There's a difference.