Mitt Romney


Engorged Member
Speaking of lying............

It usually isn't. I could care less whom or what you worship, but Romney is a major liar, and he will do anything to be President. Doesn't sound particularly moral to me...or being faithful to what his religion teaches.


Strength through joy
ah,MrFedEx it looks like your job maybe in question.
[h=1]FedEx cuts outlook, citing weak economy[/h]The shipping company is often considered a bellwether of the global economy due to both its size and worldwide presence. A lower outlook for the courier is considered a discouraging symptom of a weak recovery.


Well-Known Member
ah,MrFedEx it looks like your job maybe in question.
FedEx cuts outlook, citing weak economy

The shipping company is often considered a bellwether of the global economy due to both its size and worldwide presence. A lower outlook for the courier is considered a discouraging symptom of a weak recovery.

I think no matter what happens with the election we will see a recession in the early part of next year.


Been around the block a few times
I think a Liberal Mormon would also be a problem. I personally am agnostic, so someone's religion (or lack thereof) isn't usually a big deal for me. In Romney's case, he is "supposed" to be President under Mormon prophecy, which bothers me. I think there is an undercurrent of deception present, which also is problematic. For someone who is so "devout", Romney lies..a lot. Is that part of Mormonism?

Being a great businessman doesn't have much to do with being a great President. Besides, Romney just made a bunch of money, and not very ethically, so he is just a businessman who made a lot of money, not a businessman of character.

There's a difference.

What bothers me is the fact that you continue to twist details to suit your agenda. Not real clear on just what your agenda is other than spreading your supposed truths.
There is nowhere in any LDS doctrine that states that "Mitt Romney" is prophesied to be President.

In 1979 an apostle in the LDS church dismissed the "White Horse Prophecy" as a forgery written some 10 years after the death of Joseph Smith.


Well-Known Member
I think no matter what happens with the election we will see a recession in the early part of next year.

Even if Romney/Ryan get elected?

(I admit, it could go either way).

What about this trope: the reason companies aren't releasing their (tremendous) reserves of cash is that they're waiting for a 'business-friendly' President to take Office? it just the economy?


Well-Known Member
Even if Romney/Ryan get elected?

(I admit, it could go either way).

What about this trope: the reason companies aren't releasing their (tremendous) reserves of cash is that they're waiting for a 'business-friendly' President to take Office? it just the economy?

Things look like they are going very badly in China and Europe and that will not bode well for our economy.


Well-Known Member
This has been the case for years...

Are you admitting that Barry rolled into a bum economic rap when he assumed Office?

Be careful...

Of course the economy was bad. You seem late to the party. Do you honestly think he got elected just because he gave a good speech?


Engorged Member
What bothers me is the fact that you continue to twist details to suit your agenda. Not real clear on just what your agenda is other than spreading your supposed truths.
There is nowhere in any LDS doctrine that states that "Mitt Romney" is prophesied to be President.

In 1979 an apostle in the LDS church dismissed the "White Horse Prophecy" as a forgery written some 10 years after the death of Joseph Smith.

I have heard Romney mentioned as being "chosen" numerous times, so perhaps prophecy isn't 100% accurate. I'm not going to win an argument with an LDS member. Care to comment on Joseph Smith?


Been around the block a few times
I have heard Romney mentioned as being "chosen" numerous times, so perhaps prophecy isn't 100% accurate. I'm not going to win an argument with an LDS member. Care to comment on Joseph Smith?

Sure.....Mr. FedEX Man.....I take a moment to comment.

These are the things I know.

I know that a 14 yr old boy wanted to know more about religion. I know that he was guided to create the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that members of the LDS Faith do not worship Joseph Smith.....they worship Jesus Christ. This is plainly stated in the name of the church.

I know that all men are imperfect and never let one convince you that they are. They are not granted instant perfection if at the head of a religious organization.

I know that what started out in the back of a store has grown to roughly 15 million members world wide.

I know that what started out in the back of a store the US government tried to crush. The ONLY religion ever in a nation that supposedly started so people could worship any way they wanted to.

I know that in Missouri members of the LDS church were exterminated and thrown down a well. And the US government issued an extermination order for any known MORMON.

I know that modern Mormons are about as responsible for the actions of early Mormon polygamists as modern Protestants and Catholics are for the senseless slaughter of countless Muslims during the Crusades.

I know that some express a fear that Mitt Romney would do the bidding of the LDS Church's leadership should he be elected President. Has any one of these people ever listened to the General Authorities in the LDS church speak? I find that Thomas Monson, the current LDS prophet, comes off as being approximately as untrustworthy and threatening as Mother Teresa.

I know that it is said that women are treated as inferiors. Perhaps that happened in a few rare cases. Women have always been highly respected and honoured in the LDS religion. The LDS Church had one of the first women’s societies in the United States called the Relief Society which is still in force today. As great as it is now women did not have to many rights in the beginnings of our Nation. It has been 165 years since Joseph Smith met with a a small group and organized them into the Relief Society.

I know that members of the LDS Faith of today, IF living by the guidelines of the church - A) Give back to their community B) have a fellowship unrivaled by any other organization C) are generous with their time and resources D) Do not have vices - no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, no addictive substances. LONG story condensed, the LDS people have a 'Community' that provides for each other.....and others regardless of color or religious affiliation.

I know that early members of the LDS Church were as imperfect and human as we are today, and they were no more immune to influences from contemporary culture than we are today.

I know that members of the LDS church embrace traditional family values. These are the same values that have served the world since the beginning of time only to be challenged in the last 40 or so years as being out dated.

These are a few things that I know about the LDS Church.....and now you know them too.


Been around the block a few times
Sure.....Mr. FedEX Man.....I take a moment to comment.

These are the things I know.

I know that a 14 yr old boy wanted to know more about religion. I know that he was guided to create the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that members of the LDS Faith do not worship Joseph Smith.....they worship Jesus Christ. This is plainly stated in the name of the church.

I know that all men are imperfect and never let one convince you that they are. They are not granted instant perfection if at the head of a religious organization.

I know that what started out in the back of a store has grown to roughly 15 million members world wide.

I know that what started out in the back of a store the US government tried to crush. The ONLY religion ever in a nation that supposedly started so people could worship any way they wanted to.

I know that in Missouri members of the LDS church were exterminated and thrown down a well. And the US government issued an extermination order for any known MORMON.

I know that it was because of intolerant people that feared certain aspects of the LDS religion that where different that the extermination order was given. Fortunately time has changed some things.

I know that modern Mormons are about as responsible for the actions of early Mormon polygamists as modern Protestants and Catholics are for the senseless slaughter of countless Muslims during the Crusades.

I know that some express a fear that Mitt Romney would do the bidding of the LDS Church's leadership should he be elected President. Has any one of these people ever listened to the General Authorities in the LDS church speak? I find that Thomas Monson, the current LDS prophet, comes off as being approximately as untrustworthy and threatening as Mother Teresa.

I know that it is said that women are treated as inferiors. Perhaps that happened in a few rare cases. Women have always been highly respected and honoured in the LDS religion. The LDS Church had one of the first women’s societies in the United States called the Relief Society which is still in force today. As great as it is now women did not have to many rights in the beginnings of our Nation. It has been 165 years since Joseph Smith met with a a small group and organized them into the Relief Society.

I know that members of the LDS Faith of today, IF living by the guidelines of the church - A) Give back to their community B) have a fellowship unrivaled by any other organization C) are generous with their time and resources D) Do not have vices - no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, no addictive substances. LONG story condensed, the LDS people have a 'Community' that provides for each other.....and others regardless of color or religious affiliation.

I know that early members of the LDS Church were as imperfect and human as we are today, and they were no more immune to influences from contemporary culture than we are today.

I know that members of the LDS church embrace traditional family values. These are the same values that have served the world since the beginning of time only to be challenged in the last 40 or so years as being out dated.

These are a few things that I know about the LDS Church.....and now you know them too.


bella amicizia
I think that's exactly why he was elected!
Many, I was one, were sick and tired of Dick Cheney. It was a matter of how can it get worse? I was wrong. I'm not sure who I blame, but it is worse. Gas, bank regs, Stock market, Global economy, environment, and on and on.