Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
..........."LDS people have a 'Community' that provides for each other.....and others regardless of color or religious affiliation............"(g-man)

I can vouch for that. I have lived in Utah twice. When we went to a friend's funeral.....her hubby was a fallen away Mormon (Jack Mormon) and she is Protestant.
Those church ladies put a really nice spread out in their stake house for all the mourners to be fed. I'm talking hundreds

That's where I got my Mormon Funeral Potatoes recipe.


bella amicizia
The Mormon's that come around here are always very respectful, kind, and well-kept. I am catholic, and have read about the discrimination. It's appalling that one would discriminate because of a religious affiliation. Unless, of course, if you are a Moonie! :rofl: j/k


Well-Known Member


Staff member
Read it,can't say I'm impressed. Honestly if you are going to base your voting decisions from an article in Rolling Stone magazine then you should just not vote at all. The privilege of voting is really meant for the informed, not the Entertainment weekly, ESPN watching, rolling stone subscribing crowd.
Yeah. If you don't find it on Weazel Zippers or World Net Daily, it's trash and you are stupid and should have to pass a competency test before being aloud your any of your Constitutionally protected rights.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. If you don't find it on Weazel Zippers or World Net Daily, it's trash and you are stupid and should have to pass a competency test before being aloud your any of your Constitutionally protected rights.

Just goes to show what you know. Voting is not a constitutionally protected right. And its allowed, not aloud.


Well-Known Member

You find something and you think it's of value, post away and link it. I appreciate it and like to see more of it. I think Obama is as dirty as a septic tank but then I think the same of Romney too. Anything that tears down these false idols, I'm all over it.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It is real interesting that a few of the posters who seem to be trying to represent Democratic viewpoints are agnostic - atheist - or believe that our Creator AKA God has no place is our Constitution. With all the hate posts on the uber left ... it really is starting to make sense.

These people do not represent fair minded Democrats. They are in the fringe crazies who are in less that 1/10 of 1% of the population. These ubers are hard to distinguish from the right wing crazies! They are bigots, racists and haters who think they are the chosen few that are above all the rest of us.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Just curious....

Did anyone else realize that our Creator and God are two different beings or entities according to TOS?

I feel so enlightened now, knowing that our Creator is not God! Thank you TOS for allowing me to share in the experience of your absolute knowledge and intelligence.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So secretive, in fact, that young men and women will knock on your door to eager to share information about the church and their beliefs. It is easier to be uninformed and spout propaganda than become knowledgeable on the topic,
They don't actually tell you all the truths they believe. The Jesus Mormons worship is not the same Jesus that most Christians worship.

There are many things that could be discussed. Mormonism is not your typical 'Judea-Christian' religion, not matter how much you protest that it is. It is polytheistic, they believe in more than one God.

The Book Of Mormon, The Book Of Abraham, are not your typical religious tracts.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It is real interesting that a few of the posters who seem to be trying to represent Democratic viewpoints are agnostic - atheist - or believe that our Creator AKA God has no place is our Constitution. With all the hate posts on the uber left ... it really is starting to make sense.

These people do not represent fair minded Democrats. They are in the fringe crazies who are in less that 1/10 of 1% of the population. These ubers are hard to distinguish from the right wing crazies! They are bigots, racists and haters who think they are the chosen few that are above all the rest of us.
Calling someone a bigot and a racist makes you sound like a bigot and a racist.

By the way, the Constitution of The United States has no reference to God.


Well-Known Member
Calling someone a bigot and a racist makes you sound like a bigot and a racist.

By the way, the Constitution of The United States has no reference to God.

The 1st Birth Document of the United states does:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political
bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the
separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect
to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness.



Well-Known Member
Calling someone a bigot and a racist makes you sound like a bigot and a racist.

By the way, the Constitution of The United States has no reference to God.
Small reference and it is capitalized.

"Article. VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this
Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.
done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in
the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the
United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names, ..."


Staff member

I think you are wading into a messy theological debate on the vision of God held by the Founding Fathers.


Staff member
Money is inscribed with the words "In God We Trust". Doesn't necessarily mean a thing or it could mean everything.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Calling someone a bigot and a racist makes you sound like a bigot and a racist.

By the way, the Constitution of The United States has no reference to God.

Creator = God

I just take the comments that demonize religion and race and point them out. Race and Religion have no place in this discussion but the uber left keeps throwing it out there hoping to make it stick to the Republicans. I am actually surprised that I have not seen more posts on us being women haters also!

Just had fedex equate the reason Republicans don't like obama is because he is black. It is in a different thread. When someone says stuff like that pointed to entire group of people, that is racism. You can call it what you want. I see it as racism.

Any negative or derogatory comments about Romney's religion or insinuations that it is out of the main stream is bigotry.

Go back point out posts and find statements that point to racist comments that I have made. Not the ones where I put up a red flag about racism or bigotry on some of the posters here.

Ubers on the left want to paint Republicans as racist backwards ignorant folks who cling to God, the Bible, and guns. It is not working for ya anymore!


Well-Known Member
Calling someone a bigot and a racist makes you sound like a bigot and a racist.

By the way, the Constitution of The United States has no reference to God.

People just need to study our history with an open heart, and not a closed mind.

The 1st American's that knitted together the documents were men who followed the
G_d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. G_d's Word is the foundation from what was written
in the Constitution. America was and is a place where various cultures and ideas from around
the world mix freely and live together under one nation, under one G_d, indivisable, with liberty
and justice for all. There is no other nation like ours on the earth.

Most of our founding fathers were solid, bible based believers in Jesus the Christ.

Our founders never once mention the word "democracy" either in the documents.

We were and are a republic. A republic is a national government esthablished to protect
those G_d given, inalienable rights of its citizens formed from G_d's word.

A democracy, which is how America is now referred to today, is a form of government in which
the government or state determines individual rights, not G_d.

Ancient Greece and Rome were democracies. They are gone. hmmm.

We were and are a republic.

When "some" Americans pledge allegiance to the “flag of the United States of America,” they
uphold “the republic for which it stands.”

Food for thought.




Well-Known Member

I think you are wading into a messy theological debate on the vision of God held by the Founding Fathers.

Yes you are right. Had to say it from my heart though.

That is what BC is about at times. Go ahead blast away all that will. I do not impose
my beliefs on people, but sometimes I must share.

I have my flack jacket on today.
