Mitt Romney


Engorged Member
They don't actually tell you all the truths they believe. The Jesus Mormons worship is not the same Jesus that most Christians worship.

There are many things that could be discussed. Mormonism is not your typical 'Judea-Christian' religion, not matter how much you protest that it is. It is polytheistic, they believe in more than one God.

The Book Of Mormon, The Book Of Abraham, are not your typical religious tracts.

I agree. The Mormons only let the public see a limited portion of the religion. I can walk into a service for almost any religion...except Mormonism. I won't be allowed in..why is that? And why are they so secretive about the parts that might arouse public angst, especially when their golden boy is a potential president?

I think the answer is pretty obvious, and the "I'm a Mormon" campaign really hasn't opened any doors to's just PR, and part of the attempt to "mainstream" a religion that is anything but mainstream. They want you to accept Mitt without asking any serious questions in the process.

Sorry, I'm not buying.


golden ticket member
Even Mormons who aren't 'in good standing' are not allwed in the temple...the go to the stakehouses. Didn't you pay attention during Big Love????????

If your son gets married in the Temple and you are not in good standing, you can't attend !!


Engorged Member
Even Mormons who aren't 'in good standing' are not allwed in the temple...the go to the stakehouses. Didn't you pay attention during Big Love????????

If your son gets married in the Temple and you are not in good standing, you can't attend !!'s a weird deal. Mitt fits right in.


Been around the block a few times
I agree. The Mormons only let the public see a limited portion of the religion. I can walk into a service for almost any religion...except Mormonism. I won't be allowed in..why is that? And why are they so secretive about the parts that might arouse public angst, especially when their golden boy is a potential president?

I think the answer is pretty obvious, and the "I'm a Mormon" campaign really hasn't opened any doors to's just PR, and part of the attempt to "mainstream" a religion that is anything but mainstream. They want you to accept Mitt without asking any serious questions in the process.

Sorry, I'm not buying.

Any meeting house and stake center is open to the public during services. The temple, as pointed out earlier, is not. A person must be hold a recommend to enter the temple building.

I take that back.....a temple is open to the public before it is dedicated. Anyone is welcome to tour a new temple or one that is being rededicated after refurbishing.

Keep this up and you will be educated in no time.

Public angst....what exactly?
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Engorged Member
Any meeting house and stake center is open to the public during services. The temple, as pointed out earlier, is not. A person must be hold a recommend to enter the temple building.

I take that back.....a temple is open to the public before it is dedicated. Anyone is welcome to tour a new temple or one that is being rededicated after refurbishing.

Keep this up and you will be educated in no time.

Public angst....what exactly?


Engorged Member
"I'm a Mormon" is an attempt to quell public angst, which is widespread unease with the LDS church. Why the limitations on the temple? Also, what about Joseph Smith? The whole story is pretty sketchy.

I will make every effort to attend a meeting, just as I have observed services at mosques and synagogues.


golden ticket member
I'm sure it has to do with purity........good standing anywhere else means, your dues is paid. It may have something to do with tithing too.


Been around the block a few times
"I'm a Mormon" is an attempt to quell public angst, which is widespread unease with the LDS church.

The campaign] shows how different people come from different backgrounds and are all joined by the same, common belief. It has nothing to do with Romney's campaign.

As for the limitations on the temple.....There are guidelines that the members of the LDS church are asked to live by. These guidelines help them maintain their faith, be honest and chaste, insure they are adequate to their responsibilities. If this is all good then they are granted a recommend to attend the temple.
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Been around the block a few times
Ya, multiple wives will do that..



The Church has not practiced polygamy since 1890. Since that time the LDS Church has not authorized any such practice. Any member found to be practicing plural marriage is excommunicated from the Church. The church believe in monogamous relationships between 1 man and 1 woman. There are those practicing polygamy who are commonly referred to as Mormons, but they do not belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Those who practice it are in direct violation of the law of the land and of the church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with over 13 million members worldwide, is not connected in any way to sects that practice polygamy. Drawing contrasts between the LDS Church and polygamists, Church members do not live in isolated compounds, arrange marriages, dress in old-fashioned clothing or wear unusual hairstyles. These mistruths are perpetuated by the media and shows like Big LOVE and Sister wives.

Besides.....any one of us men that have been married know that it is hard enough to keep one woman happy. Why would anyone in their right mind want more than one wife.
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golden ticket member
The Church has not practiced polygamy since 1890. Since that time the LDS Church has not authorized any such practice. Any member found to be practicing plural marriage is excommunicated from the Church. The church believe in monogamous relationships between 1 man and 1 woman. There are those practicing polygamy who are commonly referred to as Mormons, but they do not belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Those who practice it are in direct violation of the law of the land and of our church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with over 13 million members worldwide, is not connected in any way to sects that practice polygamy. Drawing contrasts between the LDS Church and polygamists, Church members do not live in isolated compounds, arrange marriages, dress in old-fashioned clothing or wear unusual hairstyles. These mistruths are perpetuated by the media and shows like Big LOVE and Sister wives.

Besides.....any one of us men that have been married know that it is hard enough to keep one woman happy. Why would anyone in their right mind want more than one wife.

I've mentioned this polygamy thing many times on here. It really ruins their attack, so they ignore the facts.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Besides.....any one of us men that have been married know that it is hard enough to keep one woman happy. Why would anyone in their right mind want more than one wife.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Ya, multiple wives will do that..



The BIGOTS on this thread keep forgetting that the "leader" of the Senate, HARRY REID, is a Mormon. Just insert his name into every bigoted post about Romney!

It is convenient to leave him out of the mix because he is a LIBERAL.

You BIGOTS and hypocrites are disgusting! You say that GOD does not exist in the Constitution, and there should be separation of church and state. But somehow only Romney's religious beliefs are being attacked. Why?

I think the RNC did a great job of showing what a decent and honest man Romney is. All these bigoted and hypocritical comments do is show your ignorance and help fair minded voters question where their once Centrist party is heading and why should they continue to be part of it.

Look at the joke of changing the party platform yesterday. The NOs were louder than the Yes's!! HAHAHAHA! and the mayor of LA was caught between a rock and a hard place and had to lie while saying that he had a 2/3 majority!!!!

The NOs in the auditorium did not like that. This convention is falling apart at the seams. No different than the administration.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The BIGOTS on this thread keep forgetting that the "leader" of the Senate, HARRY REID, is a Mormon. Just insert his name into every bigoted post about Romney!

It is convenient to leave him out of the mix because he is a LIBERAL.

You BIGOTS and hypocrites are disgusting! You say that GOD does not exist in the Constitution, and there should be separation of church and state. But somehow only Romney's religious beliefs are being attacked. Why?

I think the RNC did a great job of showing what a decent and honest man Romney is. All these bigoted and hypocritical comments do is show your ignorance and help fair minded voters question where their once Centrist party is heading and why should they continue to be part of it.

Look at the joke of changing the party platform yesterday. The NOs were louder than the Yes's!! HAHAHAHA! and the mayor of LA was caught between a rock and a hard place and had to lie while saying that he had a 2/3 majority!!!!

The NOs in the auditorium did not like that. This convention is falling apart at the seams. No different than the administration.

Where do you see this convention falling apart?? By ALL accounts, the DNC convention is BLOWING AWAY THE GOP convention.

It was amatuer hour at the GOP... last Night Clinton destroyed all the GOP talking points.




Engorged Member
The campaign] shows how different people come from different backgrounds and are all joined by the same, common belief. It has nothing to do with Romney's campaign.

As for the limitations on the temple.....There are guidelines that the members of the LDS church are asked to live by. These guidelines help them maintain their faith, be honest and chaste, insure they are adequate to their responsibilities. If this is all good then they are granted a recommend to attend the temple.

It has everything to do with Romney because the campaign began when his primary run for President started. This is a deliberate strategy to "mainstream" Mormonism. The LDS Church is very wealthy, and they spend their money where they can best represent the church and it's ideals. They spent millions fighting gay marriage in CA, more millions on basically purchasing The Boy Scouts, and many millions more on "I'm a Mormon".

Your faith is your business, but the rest of us like to keep informed on what Big Religion is up to these days. That would also include the Catholic Church as well as some of the Bible Belt mega-churches.


Strength through joy
Other than your rants , I hear of no one else insulting his religion .
Maybe at the first debate this could the lead off question.


Been around the block a few times
Just a thought here......wasn't Clinton impeached for lying under oath. It is simple to tell when he is lying......his mouth is moving.