Mitt Romney


Strength through joy
Mitt could not get security clearance until after he was officially nominated. It seems there were questions about overseas accounts that would normally prohibit him from receiving clearance. If you can recall, Palin never did get clearance, only McCain. If the ticket today were to be reversed, Ryan would get clearance, but Romney wouldn't.

So who cleared bhos in 2008 ?
The man with no known past.


Strength through joy
They are NOT mad at OBAMA, they are made at the Americans who made a pile of crap movie whos intention was to spark violence. A christian church was behind these morons and as long as we do not respect all religions around the world, we will suffer when morons bring a can of gasoline and a match to the religious arena.



So how do you explain all the rapes , murders and church burnings of Christians in the Middle East before this movie was made public ?


Well-Known Member
Religion, Politics, Sports, Business - since the beginning of time man has always sought out others and we are fundamentally groupish. It is our groupishness, that leads to our greatest joys, our religious divisions, and our political affiliations. We then establish our own moral intuition — the instantaneous perceptions we all have about other people and the things they do. These intuitions feel like self-evident truths, making us righteously certain that those who see things differently are wrong. Intuitions differ across cultures, including the cultures of the political left and right. We need the insights of liberals, conservatives, and libertarians to flourish as a nation.

When we don't see eye to eye it is never acceptable or should be tolerated that hate and aggression be used to make your point of view.

"God Bless America"


golden ticket member
Nice try.

Religious persecution has been around since the beginning of mankind.
I hear what your are saying but the Jews on our street don't walk up and kill me because I'm not a Jew. It's that simple.
Other religions had witchcraft, the crusades etc.

The one I'm referring to is today, killing people today.
We all studied Religious persecution as part of our history.
Who is doing it today? Who killed a Presbyterian because they were a Lutheran?

You probably believe the Mormon church practices polygamy. Back in the late 1890's maybe. The LDS church outlawed it in order for Utah to become a state.
Fundamentalists are a whole different breed.

Maybe you should go to Libya on your vacation .


Well-Known Member
I thought about Libya but figured I could save a little money and get the same closed-minded experience by vacationing in your lily-white, gated community. It will be an adjustment having dinner at 4pm and having to share the road with golf carts and power scooters. It will also be weird that the only minorities I will see will be the ones cutting the grass and trimming the hedges.


golden ticket member
I thought about Libya but figured I could save a little money and get the same closed-minded experience by vacationing in your lily-white, gated community. It will be an adjustment having dinner at 4pm and having to share the road with golf carts and power scooters. It will also be weird that the only minorities I will see will be the ones cutting the grass and trimming the hedges.
Well, since we don't eat lunch, we are hungry and can take advantage of lower prices. If you go to dinner then, you'll at least get seated right away....or you could go at a fashionable time, say 6:00 and you'd wait for a long time to be seated , pay more for exactly the same thing I got and you might miss prime it starts at 8PM.

The golf carts are on the golf course........checking out The Villages, were you?? I see a brand new Jag parked next door that sells for $81,000. It's a 3rd car.
Don't talk about an area that you don't know about.......gee, where have I heard that before?? Practice what you preach to everybody else.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I thought about Libya but figured I could save a little money and get the same closed-minded experience by vacationing in your lily-white, gated community. It will be an adjustment having dinner at 4pm and having to share the road with golf carts and power scooters. It will also be weird that the only minorities I will see will be the ones cutting the grass and trimming the hedges.

TOS/ that you? :funny:



Well-Known Member
I thought about Libya but figured I could save a little money and get the same closed-minded experience by vacationing in your lily-white, gated community. It will be an adjustment having dinner at 4pm and having to share the road with golf carts and power scooters. It will also be weird that the only minorities I will see will be the ones cutting the grass and trimming the hedges.
I guess the rumors going around on this site that you're a true blue ******* are true....Can you be more disrespectful?-- I'll bet your upstate NY residence fits you very well...Cold, dark and jealous!! And I'll bet your even lily-white yourself.....