This just in ! :
Paul Ryan had to produce 10 years of his tax returns upon requst of Romney to become VP candidate.
Yet, Romney himself won't produce more than 2 years to the American public, himself !
That's just another reason he won't be elected - people just don't trust him and he's a hypocrite !
...And the Canadian Expert on American politics graces us with the superb wisdom that only he can provide from our neighbor to the north!
I said this before... This campaign is a W-A-R!!. You don't tell the enemy (which is you Mr. Canada) in a war what your next move is. He is providing the MINIMUM he needs to. Romney will get bashed either way by the left wing loons. I admire him for vetting his running mate. There is no hypocrisy in this. This was a smart thing to do.
I can tell you right now that the White House already knows what is in Romney's tax returns because they use Chicago Style politics. The IRS works for BO. He just can't make the info public. Their goal is to DEMONIZE Romney for not paying high taxes. - Let me spell it out for you.... it is called C-L-A-S-S W-A-R-friend-A-R-E here in America. The story only has legs if Romney releases the taxes.
Mr. Canada: Everything Romney has done is L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L! - PLease don't forget that we follow American law not Canadian law.
Do you play chess? Let's put a huge wager on a game of chess and you NEED to tell me your next 10 moves in ADVANCE!