Mitt Romney


Staff member
Correct me if I'm wrong .
But doesn't Mitt as a candidate for president receive the same daily briefings that bhos gets ?
So how can bhos claim that he is wrong about these incidents and is not properly informed ?
Maybe it's because Mitt actually listens to the experts while bhos only scolds them, but only when he actually goes to these meetings.
After all he continues to claim to be always the smartest person in any room , and that he alone knows more about any given subject than anyone else.

Mitt has not attended/received any intelligence briefings. He's supposed to start next week.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Correct me if I'm wrong .
But doesn't Mitt as a candidate for president receive the same daily briefings that bhos gets ?
So how can bhos claim that he is wrong about these incidents and is not properly informed ?
Maybe it's because Mitt actually listens to the experts while bhos only scolds them, but only when he actually goes to these meetings.
After all he continues to claim to be always the smartest person in any room , and that he alone knows more about any given subject than anyone else.

Mitt could not get security clearance until after he was officially nominated. It seems there were questions about overseas accounts that would normally prohibit him from receiving clearance. If you can recall, Palin never did get clearance, only McCain. If the ticket today were to be reversed, Ryan would get clearance, but Romney wouldn't.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I thought the middle east hated Bush....What the hell happened?
Found this quote from 2006:

"Add a failure in Iran to a failure in Iraq to a failure in Afghanistan, and we could supercharge Islamic radicalism in a way never before seen. The widespread and lethal impression of American weakness under the Clinton administration, which did so much to energize bin Ladenism in the 1990s, could look like the glory years of American power compared to what the Bush administration may leave in its wake."

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Found this quote from 2006:

"Add a failure in Iran to a failure in Iraq to a failure in Afghanistan, and we could supercharge Islamic radicalism in a way never before seen. The widespread and lethal impression of American weakness under the Clinton administration, which did so much to energize bin Ladenism in the 1990s, could look like the glory years of American power compared to what the Bush administration may leave in its wake."

Is this supposed to impress us? A bashing Bush quote? The ubers have been bashing Bush from 2003 on. They still are bashing Bush! This is what you get with a failed presidency. Bash Bush and Romney so we don't have to be held accountable for our failed record.....

I think you will find that this saying from Joe will now be dead as well.... "Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is ALIVE and well!" . I would be curious to hear if Joe says this again! Let me know. With the "King of Gaffs" is not out of the question!

MAJOR tarnish on failed Apology Tour. Our enemies don't stop hating us just because you bow to them and apologize. In fact, they lose respect and spit in the eye of America. Thanks BO!


Für Meno :)
This just in ! :

Paul Ryan had to produce 10 years of his tax returns upon requst of Romney to become VP candidate.
Yet, Romney himself won't produce more than 2 years to the American public, himself !

That's just another reason he won't be elected - people just don't trust him and he's a hypocrite !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This just in ! :

Paul Ryan had to produce 10 years of his tax returns upon requst of Romney to become VP candidate.
Yet, Romney himself won't produce more than 2 years to the American public, himself !

That's just another reason he won't be elected - people just don't trust him and he's a hypocrite !

...And the Canadian Expert on American politics graces us with the superb wisdom that only he can provide from our neighbor to the north!

I said this before... This campaign is a W-A-R!!. You don't tell the enemy (which is you Mr. Canada) in a war what your next move is. He is providing the MINIMUM he needs to. Romney will get bashed either way by the left wing loons. I admire him for vetting his running mate. There is no hypocrisy in this. This was a smart thing to do.

I can tell you right now that the White House already knows what is in Romney's tax returns because they use Chicago Style politics. The IRS works for BO. He just can't make the info public. Their goal is to DEMONIZE Romney for not paying high taxes. - Let me spell it out for you.... it is called C-L-A-S-S W-A-R-friend-A-R-E here in America. The story only has legs if Romney releases the taxes.

Mr. Canada: Everything Romney has done is L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L! - PLease don't forget that we follow American law not Canadian law.

Do you play chess? Let's put a huge wager on a game of chess and you NEED to tell me your next 10 moves in ADVANCE!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
...And the Canadian Expert on American politics graces us with the superb wisdom that only he can provide from our neighbor to the north!

I said this before... This campaign is a W-A-R!!. You don't tell the enemy (which is you Mr. Canada) in a war what your next move is. He is providing the MINIMUM he needs to. Romney will get bashed either way by the left wing loons. I admire him for vetting his running mate. There is no hypocrisy in this. This was a smart thing to do.

I can tell you right now that the White House already knows what is in Romney's tax returns because they use Chicago Style politics. The IRS works for BO. He just can't make the info public. Their goal is to DEMONIZE Romney for not paying high taxes. - Let me spell it out for you.... it is called C-L-A-S-S W-A-R-friend-A-R-E here in America. The story only has legs if Romney releases the taxes.

Mr. Canada: Everything Romney has done is L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L ~ L-E-G-A-L! - PLease don't forget that we follow American law not Canadian law.

Do you play chess? Let's put a huge wager on a game of chess and you NEED to tell me your next 10 moves in ADVANCE!

And "WE" are the UBERS?

How would you describe yourself?

The denial in your posts is astonishing.




Well-Known Member
Couldn't it also be argued that the story will continue to have legs as long as Romney continues to refuse (to release his tax returns)?

I also have no doubt that the Obama administration has already reviewed every one of the returns in question.

BTW, I was always told to keep the last 3 years' tax returns--I would be hard pressed to produce 10 years worth on demand.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Couldn't it also be argued that the story will continue to have legs as long as Romney continues to refuse (to release his tax returns)?

I also have no doubt that the Obama administration has already reviewed every one of the returns in question.

BTW, I was always told to keep the last 3 years' tax returns--I would be hard pressed to produce 10 years worth on demand.

It is possible that it could continue to have legs. But I think you have to have new fuel to keep fanning the flames. I go back the the birther stuff (as an example). The story isn't totally going away but for all intensive purposes, it is falling on deaf ears. At some point unless there is a huge revelation, most people move on to the next story.

I have only 3 years also. In the future, I may keep everything electronically and only delete if the drive runs out of space.


golden ticket member
We have the past 5 years....because in an audit, they actually went further back than 3.

More people are worried about jobs and the economy than some guy's tax returns. Your guy is just looking for anything to distract from the bad economy that Obama wants to avoid commenting on.


Für Meno :)
Isn't it odd how many people reley on the government to track all your taxes from working as a teen to retirement ?
Because you do reley on those numbers to be accurate and get paid SS by those numbers.

Anyways, if you needed more than your past 3 years of income tax returns. I'm certain the IRS could provide them for you (maybe with a fee) ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
Found this quote from 2006: "Add a failure in Iran to a failure in Iraq to a failure in Afghanistan, and we could supercharge Islamic radicalism in a way never before seen. The widespread and lethal impression of American weakness under the Clinton administration, which did so much to energize bin Ladenism in the 1990s, could look like the glory years of American power compared to what the Bush administration may leave in its wake."
Found this quote from Nov 2007: “If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country. My sister is half Indonesian. I traveled there all the way through my college years and so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries and the cultures and perspective these folks have. Those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world. I think the world will have confidence that I’m listening to them and that our future and security is tied up with our ability to work with other countries in the world. That will ultimately make us safer.” –Senator Barrack Obama—-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The naiveté is astounding! Hey Obama how's that listening working for you now?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Found this quote from Nov 2007: “If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country. My sister is half Indonesian. I traveled there all the way through my college years and so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries and the cultures and perspective these folks have. Those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world. I think the world will have confidence that I’m listening to them and that our future and security is tied up with our ability to work with other countries in the world. That will ultimately make us safer.” –Senator Barrack Obama—-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The naiveté is astounding! Hey Obama are they listening now?

They are NOT mad at OBAMA, they are made at the Americans who made a pile of crap movie whos intention was to spark violence. A christian church was behind these morons and as long as we do not respect all religions around the world, we will suffer when morons bring a can of gasoline and a match to the religious arena.




Well-Known Member
They are NOT mad at OBAMA, they are made at the Americans who made a pile of crap movie whos intention was to spark violence. A christian church was behind these morons and as long as we do not respect all religions around the world, we will suffer when morons bring a can of gasoline and a match to the religious arena. Peace TOS
Two words for the misinformed!!—DRONE STRIKES! Oh and they just love him for single handedly killing Osama.