Dude, I'm not a big Bush fan but he kept us from getting attacked after 911...What's Obama's excuse?? When the terrorist fire an RPG and it's about to hit, Obama probably yells...FORE! LMAO!!Why arent you applauding?? How many number 1's did BUSH take out? Oh yeah, ZERO. Peace TOS
Dude, I'm not a big Bush fan but he kept us from getting attacked after 911...What's Obama's excuse?? When the terrorist fire an RPG and it's about to hit, Obama probably yells...FORE! LMAO!!
Dude, I'm not a big Bush fan but he kept us from getting attacked after 911...What's Obama's excuse?? When the terrorist fire an RPG and it's about to hit, Obama probably yells...FORE! LMAO!!
Dude, I'm not a big Bush fan but he kept us from getting attacked after 911...What's Obama's excuse?? When the terrorist fire an RPG and it's about to hit, Obama probably yells...FORE! LMAO!!
So, the 3 incidents you covered , according to you, were ignored by Fox........BS.GEEE, I wonder what was your source for your comment?? Let see?? Hmmmm? Who else would say that BUSH kept us safe and there were no terror attacks on the US post 9/11 (which was the BIGGEST attack on US soil in history) hmmm??? Let see? who could give you this false information??
I know, lets go to the tape!
Fox Has No Memory Of Any "Successful Terror Attack Since 9-11" | Blog | Media Matters for America
Of course, its fox news.
Someone needs to tell Romney that you can't tell the truth during a political campaign:
Romney fundraiser video stirs controversy - Video on NBCNews.com
(The video starts after a 15 second commercial)
Wow...an honest politician...who would have thought!!!! I agree with what he said....its true.
Wow...an honest politician...who would have thought!!!! I agree with what he said....its true.
Romney? Tell the truth? Not very often, and when he does, nobody believes him because he's such a freaking liar. That was a "brilliant" move by Romney today....speaking to Hispanics. LOL, 68% of them favor Obama. Maybe he should go back and try again with the NAACP. Your candidate is done. I can hardly wait for the nervous breakdowns when he loses by a mile.
I'll bet you 2 cases of Asahi Extra Dry that he loses by at least 10%.
All 3:22 of it and it sure doesn't talk about Romney. ??????????Did you even watch the video that I posted??
If you believe the polls are right on.......I think they are all skewed.If Romney was ahead I don't think this would matter all that much, but since he's trailing and trying to close the gap it doesn't help.
Well, I guess it could happen like that.If you believe the polls are right on.......I think they are all skewed.
Romney has first intelligence briefing ...
Now that Romney is being briefed, I wonder how, if at all, his future campaign messages about foreign policy will change.