Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
This whole 'apology' thing cracks me up...

Obama has actually never apologized for the actions of the US (meaning using the word 'sorry').

A whole bunch of smoke, where's the fire?

The word sorry is not theonly way to apologize.

We make mistakes, hasty decisions, we are dismissive, America is arrogant (I don't think those in the video were fighting for arrogance. ) These are all used by him.
He bows to Saudis . Wanted to come to Japan to apologize for the bomb, but was refused a visit when the emperor said an apology (Hiroshima) wasn't good enough.

All those phrases were on videos and he was saying them.
When you haned your wife a rose and say, "Gee honey, I didn't know you felt that way".....means I'm sorry without saying "the word".



Well-Known Member
A lot of poor people have lived off the government and in return will always vote for the government that promises them the most freebies & stuff.-------- America has become a dependence nation and this administration fully supports this and is promising even more stuff from the government after taking it from the (evil) rich.-------- It would be dishonest to suggest that not only are there people riding the welfare gravy train, but more are being seduced to this new American Dream every day.---- A large portion of these people are lazy, a large chunk are people that want better but have no clue and another chunk are those that have truly given up. FOOD STAMPS for everyone, the new Obama American way!!!----Personal story---My daughter recently got a decent full-time job after working part-time, not working and being overall frustrated about getting ahead. You cannot put a price on that feeling of self-worth and being employed again.---- I’ve actually experienced this feeling with her, in her attitude and changing perspective.----- This administration despite my daughters recent success has made it much more difficult to get ahead and has taken the soul out of our unemployed and young people.--------- Get a #&*#@%# clue, big government, no jobs and failed HOPE & CHANGE—HAVE NOT WORKED--- and will not if given a 2nd term!!!----------


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A lot of poor people have lived off the government and in return will always vote for the government that promises them the most freebies & stuff.-------- America has become a dependence nation and this administration fully supports this and is promising even more stuff from the government after taking it from the (evil) rich.-------- It would be dishonest to suggest that not only are there people riding the welfare gravy train, but more are being seduced to this new American Dream every day.---- A large portion of these people are lazy, a large chunk are people that want better but have no clue and another chunk are those that have truly given up. FOOD STAMPS for everyone, the new Obama American way!!!----Personal story---My daughter recently got a decent full-time job after working part-time, not working and being overall frustrated about getting ahead. You cannot put a price on that feeling of self-worth and being employed again.---- I’ve actually experienced this feeling with her in her attitude and changing perspective.----- This administration despite my daughters recent success has made it much more difficult to get ahead and has taken the soul out of our unemployed and young people.--------- Get a #&*#@%# clue, big government, no jobs and failed HOPE & CHANGE—HAVE NOT WORKED--- and will not if given a 2nd term!!!----------

Yeah, that seems to be born out by facts:



Staff member
Here's the issue going forward. What is Mitt suggesting? Social Security should be taxed? Tax everybody? Is that what he's saying? And still have bigger tax breaks for the wealthiest? You know Obama's gonna hammer this. He better have answers if he wants to be president.


Well-Known Member
Here's the issue going forward. What is Mitt suggesting? Social Security should be taxed? Tax everybody? Is that what he's saying? And still have bigger tax breaks for the wealthiest? You know Obama's gonna hammer this. He better have answers if he wants to be president.

It means the ever expanding welfare state is destined to collapse on itself taking everyone who depends on it down along with those who are paying for it. The logical conclusion is it can't continue and something is going to have to give either today voluntarily, or tomorrow involuntarily.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that seems to be born out by facts:
Perhaps a little better comprehension is required next time you respond! :)----I wasn't referring to non-payers who certainly could be employed. I was referring to those not working of which many sit back and collect food stamps etc. Lookie here-- Map: LA At least this source is this year!!
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Staff member
It means the ever expanding welfare state is destined to collapse on itself taking everyone who depends on it down along with those who are paying for it. The logical conclusion is it can't continue and something is going to have to give either today voluntarily, or tomorrow involuntarily.

The logical conclusion is more equitable economy either by taxation or wage increase.


bella amicizia
Maybe, if they didn't try and shove comp cases off on Medicare, instead of the corporations responsible paying for the medical of the injured, and telling fat people they are disabled, we might have a start at reigning in the problem. Don't get me started on the crackheads and other lovelies allowed to soak the system.


Well-Known Member
The logical conclusion is more equitable economy either by taxation or wage increase.

You are failing to understand what a logical conclusion is. This is not something that can be forced to occur, it is the result of decisions leading up to the conclusion. When you have more money going out than going in logically it will fail with great consequences. That is the road we are on, and that is the point Mitt Romney was making.


Staff member
You are failing to understand what a logical conclusion is. This is not something that can be forced to occur, it is the result of decisions leading up to the conclusion. When you have more money going out than going in logically it will fail with great consequences. That is the road we are on, and that is the point Mitt Romney was making.
I am failing to understand nothing. We are united, in success or in failure. If our economy goes down, we all go down.


Well-Known Member
I am failing to understand nothing. We are united, in success or in failure. If our economy goes down, we all go down.

Then why can you not see that we are all on the road to failure with the way things are right now? The welfare state is collapsing, and you are failing to realize this as usual.


Staff member
Then why can you not see that we are all on the road to failure with the way things are right now? The welfare state is collapsing, and you are failing to realize this as usual.
I realize it that the "starve the beast" tactic is having it's effect.