Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


bella amicizia
You can't go around claiming Obama is waging class warfare when that is exactly what you are doing.--Don Imus

God, please, let Rosanne Barr win.


Well-Known Member
You can't go around claiming Obama is waging class warfare when that is exactly what you are doing.--Don Imus

God, please, let Rosanne Barr win.

We may laugh but in a much bigger picture, I think it'd be one of the best things that could ever happen. And no, I don't expect most people to even begin to understand why I would say such a thing either but yes I believe it.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have seen the pirate clip of Romney about 15 times and the fringe uber left wing loons continue to spin the truth of what was said and what was meant. Your flat out lies are amazing! You have the gall to try and associate your lies with how he views welfare and his parents. This is your achilles heal. You think your audience is so stupid they won't be able to read through the lies!

Romney was talking about who would not support him at the polls come November. He did use the word victim and post 2097 shows how the loons will twist that word to fit their meaning. Romney can't use words like that in this left wing loon climate we live in. Just like the press jumping all over Romney for calling out the State Department for a "pre-mature" statement from the Libya Embassy for 8 straight days when we had an Ambassador assassinated. Where was the outrage and call to action from the loons in the media about the actual assassination? None of the loons were outraged about Obama going to a fund raiser in Nevada. Our Ambassador's body was not even cold yet! God rest his soul and the souls of the other 3 heroes.

The loons equate Romney's statement about not being able to change the minds of voters who rely on the government for assistance to Romney has written off half of all Americans because they are a bunch of deadbeats and not worth the trouble.

Can you say LOON!

Romney couldn't kiss a baby at a campaign event without these same loons saying he is showing his latent pedophile tendencies.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have seen the pirate clip of Romney about 15 times and the fringe uber left wing loons continue to spin the truth of what was said and what was meant. Your flat out lies are amazing! You have the gall to try and associate your lies with how he views welfare and his parents. This is your achilles heal. You think your audience is so stupid they won't be able to read through the lies!

Romney was talking about who would not support him at the polls come November. He did use the word victim and post 2097 shows how the loons will twist that word to fit their meaning. Romney can't use words like that in this left wing loon climate we live in. Just like the press jumping all over Romney for calling out the State Department for a "pre-mature" statement from the Libya Embassy for 8 straight days when we had an Ambassador assassinated. Where was the outrage and call to action from the loons in the media about the actual assassination? None of the loons were outraged about Obama going to a fund raiser in Nevada. Our Ambassador's body was not even cold yet! God rest his soul and the souls of the other 3 heroes.

The loons equate Romney's statement about not being able to change the minds of voters who rely on the government for assistance to Romney has written off half of all Americans because they are a bunch of deadbeats and not worth the trouble.

Can you say LOON!

Romney couldn't kiss a baby at a campaign event without these same loons saying he is showing his latent pedophile tendencies.

You poor thing, you bit in so hard on the Romney campaign and to watch it implode right before your very eyes despite your desperate attempts to save it must be tough to deal with.

Dont worry though, Nov is right around the corner, and the discussion on this board will be "when did mitt romney lose the election"...

Hopefully, by then, hindsight will have set in for you.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
UPS Lifer,

I totally agree with you(apart from the name calling, it diminishes everything else). Romney believed every word he said. His comments on China, Mexico and Israel were what clinched the deal. The 47% stuff was just pandering, and all politicians do that. It's what's inside that counts, and Romney has shown that...oh wait, he's never shown us inside anything.

If I'm going to hire a businessman to do a politician's job, I want a good businessman. I haven't seen any proof that Romney is a good businessman. He could be Bernie Madoff for all I know. I'd like to see some numbers.

10 years of tax returns could convince me to switch my vote. I just want a guy who fights for my interests.


Staff member
There are alot of Romney supporters, low wage earning supporters. How does Romney square this? "Oh, no. You're one of the good ones."


Engorged Member
There are alot of Romney supporters, low wage earning supporters. How does Romney square this? "Oh, no. You're one of the good ones."

Here's how I explain it. There are a lot of stupid, uneducated Americans who will vote for anyone who isn't that skinny Black guy. They are the Romney faithful.