I'll post my evidence here when I show it to them tomorrow when I go in for my paycheck. I love how guys are so quick to stick up for each other. Is it because your Teamsters and it's the right thing to do? I can do whatever I want because I'm Union and they will fix everything for me. I can be a hugeand break tons of rules and regulations and if you say one word to me I'll run to my steward and they will fix everything! When I do post my evidence here you're going to owe me an apology.
Yes you should be encouraged. Moving up from a seasonal temp to a reg temp. Whatever that is. Sorry for the sarcasm. May want to check out a PT package handler job. At least you will know what you will be doing everyday. And have Union protection.My sup just sent me a text that I will be working for the next few weeks which is encouraging for my goal of becoming reg temp (I'm a seasonal driver).
Very well said!!!!I'm sure there's a helper reading this that thinks he's the greatest helper that ever worked for Brown. Let me assure you that you're not. You're a seasonal Pack Mule. That's it. You take packages from point A to point B. Most of the time we have to hold your hand and almost walk you to the doors because you never seem to be able to figure out which green door with the yellow frame that I'm pointing to, which also happens to be the only green door with a yellow frame on the entire street. I know, shocking isn't it.
Every year you studs get on our package cars and act all hardcore for the first few days. Maybe even a week, but then the crying starts. First you cry about being sore. Then how much work we have, or how long you have to work. Then you want to know when you're getting paid, and we've only delivered two stops on the first Monday. Relax Captain Express. Lets finish the first day before we start investing your check on Wall Street. OK? Next you show-up always wearing something you were explicitly told not to, like some bright colored undershirt as if it's your other job to stand next to an open manhole cover. I guess Grandma won't fall in the hole as long as you're standing there in your triple bright neon orange t-shirt, but we honestly could care less about that. Most of us don't care if you show-up wearing just a sock on your junk as long as you're on time every day. We also appreciate it when you keep the bitching to a minimum, and you don't show-up smelling like hot balls. Your job is to show up when we tell you, do as you're instructed, be able to lift whatever I lift, and hustle. Stay off your phone, and don't walk to a stop like you're on Death Row. There should NEVER be an excuse for a driver to knock-off 2-3 stops to every one of yours. If that's the case you're too damn slow. Pick it up or beat it. I don't mind firing helpers and taking my chances with the next pick of the draw.
Next, your personal affairs do not interest me. I don't care if Honey Boo-Boo is home sick, and you need to leave early to get her chicken friend'ing soup. I don't care if every Tuesday you have get the hair on yourtrimmed, or you can't find an friend'ing babysitter. Grow up kids. You want a job, then learn how to make it work. Get your
in order BEFORE you come to work, and leave the Excuse Manual at home. None of us buy it. We've heard it all before. We know why you had to call out on that coincidentally rainy day. You're a labia, we get it. Oh, it's Friday and at 3 PM you suddenly have cramps? Sure. Everyone loves to get done early on Friday, so how about you just finish the job so we can both go home at a decent hour? You know, it suddenly dawned on me that a few of you might be offended by this. Right now you're engaging your CAPS LOCK, and getting ready to "tell me how it is". Right. Cut the
. Those of you that run to [our] place on the web to bitch and moan about your drivers are the biggest labia majoras I know. We don't give a
if you think it's unfair that the stops aren't delivered equally. We're the quarterbacks, and this is our team. When you get your chance to earn my seat you can call the shots. Until that time stuff it, do what you're told, or find a nice job more suitable for you like McDonald's. Supersize the Hell out my meal when I take my lunch, and say "Here ya go sir!" because you haven't earned the right to debate your position. Don't like it? Don't do it. If you're too wet behind the ears to have adult conversations with your driver(s) about the very
you come here to bitch about, then this job isn't for you. I'm sick of reading whinny posts from helpers that can't figure out their job is to run off stops. That's it Box Warriors. It's not rocket science!
I had a helper quit today on one of the busiest days ever because he wanted to go Christmas shopping. Yup, 3 hours in to our busy day this butt jockey tried to make-up some lame excuse that even Stevie Wonder could see through, and decided he just had to leave. Let me say that again, he left to go shopping, and now he doesn't have a job. Genius right? Already broke as balls he figured he just had to get to the Mall and spend money he doesn't have, and left me stuck, which is nothing new. Been doing this for two decades. I've seen these guys come and go. I can count on half of one hand how many were solid helpers. Every Peak we deal with these clowns. I tipped the Hell out of this guy every week. Even had $50 in a card for him today, but now it's just extra beer money. Glad he saved me $50, and because he left when he did I can thank him for the 3 hours of bonus I'll make just off the number of stops I had. Thanks dummy. /rant over
I had nothing but praise from my driver. He wanted me back next year but that isn't going to happen. The fill in was back on Tuesday and got pissed when one of the girls gave me cash and nothing to him since he wasn't X. He insisted it was his and starts grabbing at me and punched me in the side of the head in the parking lot. I ended up cracking him across the face with my DIAD and broke his glasses and gave him a small cut on his cheek. He backed off and called his supervisor who came out and told me I needed to leave. I had a great time helping you drivers but some of you really need to get over yourselves. I do have to say though I have a lot more respect for what you do and won't be pissed when my packages aren't here earlier enough anymore.
Good thing you are a Spartan and not a Shadow!My sup just sent me a text that I will be working for the next few weeks which is encouraging for my goal of becoming reg temp (I'm a seasonal driver).
Good thing you are a Spartan and not a Shadow!
I suppose it's some kind of cathartic experience for those of you that take to this forum to berate the crappy helpers you get year after year. I don't doubt that many of them have no business stepping into the brown truck, but really with the bashing? Some of us don't suck at it, but I'm not here to defend myself or anyone else (trust me I was dumbfounded when I saw my "peers" at orientation). It seems like you take a physically difficult job and you put any number of obstacles in the way of doing that job and it creates stress. The amount of energy spent having this "my helper is worse than your helper" free for all is comical. Just like with difficult customers or difficult managers or anyone else that gets in your way - stop giving them the power to piss you off, clearly they are not worth it.
Says the driver who probably just spent 20 minutes typing a rant about the help he gets.![]()
Exactly lmfaoo
Look whose cryin now
Yes, really. It's a way to vent our frustrations with the constant stream of turds that are flushed our way every Peak. You don't have to defend yourself at all. If you read the post, and you know you don't fit the descriptions I have set forth, then you're probably a helper any one of us would like to have. I could easily start a thread about all the great helpers I've had over the years, but that would be boring, and I don't need an outlet to express my gratitude for the guys and gals that have been straight-up amazing. Like you said, you've seen those turds at orientation. Imagine having to deal with these swollen labias daily. This site, and thread, is just a tiny way to push the frustration away that's all. We do laugh at each others stories of whose helper sucks the most. Laughing about it afterwards always makes the aggravation they caused us fade away.![]()
Do you know the difference between crying, and being pissed off? "My legs are sore wahhh" all friend'ing day, as opposed to "This a-hole helper won't shut up about how sore his legs are and we've only been working two hours." Idiot.
Story is very true. Look at my previous posts about this guy. Have me arrested for assault? He's lucky I only hit him once with the DIAD. I still have my business but I am moving forward with this to make sure he doesn't have a job much longer.
I agree venting is good for you, helps relieve a lot of stress and tension that builds up if you keep it in and better he vent here than one day just downright blow up on his helper, possibly causing himself to get in trouble.
if you prefer marne can prob arrange a meetup to blow up on you if you want craftspace... i'm sure that'll make him feel better to hehe
One of my co-workers had a similar thing happen to him. His helper "received" money from a customer that obviously was meant for the regular driver. The helper insisted that since the customer gave him the money that it was his. Instead of insisting that his helper give him the money ($10) he waited until one of his very long driveway and super country stops came up. While the helper was delivering the package in the very wet cold rainy day, he drove away and left him there. We loved it! Super great story.