Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Don Jr met with a Russit who gave him the impression she had dirt on Hillary. Otherwise known as opposition research. Why do you think the Hillary campaign funneled millions to get dirt on Trump? They used a law firm, keeping their name out of it, who paid FusionGPS who paid Steele. Why do you think they Sent to great lengths to cover their tracks? They wanted the Steele dossier to have maximum effect without the skepticism of people knowing it was them behind it. Obviously in some matters the Trump team wasn't as sophisticated in the art of sliming your opponent. But if there was anything illegal about what Don Jr did Mueller would have certainly sought an indictment.
What Jr. did was collusion. Ttku...


Well-Known Member
What Jr. did was collusion. Ttku...
Nah, collusion is taking tens of millions from Russians for your foundation. And hundreds of thousands in speaking fees. Exactly what were the Clintons selling? We'll never know because she covered her tracks and didn't even get a slap on the wrist.


Well-Known Member
Nah, collusion is taking tens of millions from Russians for your foundation. And hundreds of thousands in speaking fees. Exactly what were the Clintons selling? We'll never know because she covered her tracks and didn't even get a slap on the wrist.
I'm sure Drumpf's DOJ is on the case.:happy2:


Well-Known Member
She's too good! Expertly destroyed all the evidence! More crafty than Carmen Sandiego!
That's just it, she's not quite that good. Classified material including top secret documents were amongst her email she did turn over. She was in clear violation of numerous Federal laws but got away with it because Comey covered for her. Remember during one press conference she was asked about "wiping her server". She made a glib comment about using a cloth, but it was months before she held another press conference. And an obliging Press let her get away with it. MFE made a remark about emails being all I have. It's not just not turning over all of her emails. That was bad enough. It was what the missing emails contained. If anyone truly believes she wasn't selling access to her office and to the office of the presidency which she was presumed to be the next occupant, I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. But Dems don't care. She got away with it, she's been rubbing it in the face of Republicans for many years, let her have her fun. Seriously the only scandal bigger than this in the history of the country has to be the Hillary loyalists who tried to pull off a coup against Trump. Insanity.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
She was in clear violation of numerous Federal laws but got away with it because Comey covered for her.

Was Comey's letter to Congress on October 28, 2016 about her emails a move to make it look like he was working against Hillary ("lost her the election!") rather than covering for her?


Well-Known Member
Was Comey's letter to Congress on October 28, 2016 about her emails a move to make it look like he was working against Hillary ("lost her the election!") rather than covering for her?
He had already covered for her but more classified emails turned up. He had no choice but to do what he did. Ultimately it was her fault that happened. If you're going to try to cover your tracks you've got to be more careful.


Engorged Member
Nah, collusion is taking tens of millions from Russians for your foundation. And hundreds of thousands in speaking fees. Exactly what were the Clintons selling? We'll never know because she covered her tracks and didn't even get a slap on the wrist.

Please link to the proof that Russians contributed all of that money to the Clinton Foundation. While you're at it, how about Uranium One, which was also thoroughly disproven.

The Right Wing narrative continues to demonize the Clintons as an excuse for Trump's behavior. It's the ultimate rationalization for a man who is a non-stop train wreck. Dredge up the past, even if it's not true, and then smear them (Clintons) to justify the continuous bad behavior and unethical actions of Trump.

It's pretty sad that's all you've got. What would Jesus say about your lies?


Well-Known Member
Please link to the proof that Russians contributed all of that money to the Clinton Foundation. While you're at it, how about Uranium One, which was also thoroughly disproven.

that information has already been provided here at least a 1000 times. You tried to deny then you'll try again if he posts it again.