Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Because liberals are distorting things he's said in the past. He's obviously upsetting libs who don't like the obvious to be pointed out. Don't worry, with his numbers plenty will step in to advertise.
"Whaa whaa, mean old liberal, snowflake, pussilasomething. Pretty soon we MAGAts are going to eliminate you scum."

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I think it’s entertaining that anyone pretends any journalist is unbiased or believes that they should be.

What do you think of Jake Tapper on CNN?

Journalists are free to have their own personal biases. They’re only human. But it is a problem when personal bias overrides the facts or lack thereof when forming a narrative around a story.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yet when I point out that FOX has liberal politicians, journalists, and commentators on expressing their views you ridicule that.

I’m just interested in pointing out that especially in a post-Mueller report world, it’s absolutely clear that Fox News does not have a monopoly on sometimes leaving out facts to form narratives that largely conform to the world views of its intended audience.


Well-Known Member
If you think progressive views are accurately portrayed on Fox, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
So when Democrats come on and defend AOC, etc, and say exactly what she's been saying, among others, it's not valid? You just can't stand that there's any outlet espousing conservative viewpoints, and doing it so well they draw by far the biggest ratings. If you had your way FOX would be shut down immediately.


Well-Known Member
I should turn on Fox News sometime and see what Juan Williams is up to. Might be considered a Republican these days.
He's one of the most ardent defenders of liberal values on there. That he got fired from NPR for admitting that he worries about being attacked on the street by young black men shows the tolerance of the Left of being honest about your fears.


Well-Known Member
What do you think of Jake Tapper on CNN?

Journalists are free to have their own personal biases. They’re only human. But it is a problem when personal bias overrides the facts or lack thereof when forming a narrative around a story.

jake was the best hope on CNN at one time . He's gotten sucked in too the last couple of years.

there was a time when i thought wolf was but he's in the :censored2:ter too. they all used to hide their biases at one time. not anymore


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
they all used to hide their biases at one time. not anymore
The reason there is no hiding now is what's scary.
The audience is out there that want to eat what they are spueing out.
An example of that is the comments made on this forum.
I'm afraid the idiots that surround us will soon have the biggest number.


Well-Known Member
The reason there is no hiding now is what's scary.
The audience is out there that want to eat what they are spueing out.
An example of that is the comments made on this forum.
I'm afraid the idiots that surround us will soon have the biggest number.

who knew that when trump called them fake news that they would try so hard to prove him right.