Mueller report


Well-Known Member
AG Barr is dropping some major bombshells this am about the Obama intelligence folks spying on the trump campaign. this could get interesting.

thanks to me you libs get to hear this , I'm sure CNN wont say a thing.


golden ticket member
AG Barr is dropping some major bombshells this am about the Obama intelligence folks spying on the trump campaign. this could get interesting.

thanks to me you libs get to hear this , I'm sure CNN wont say a thing.
Spying? That Dem gave Barr opportunity to change his word....I liked 'spying'.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
AG Barr is dropping some major bombshells this am about the Obama intelligence folks spying on the trump campaign. this could get interesting.

thanks to me you libs get to hear this , I'm sure CNN wont say a thing.

Can tell NPR, CBS, Congressional Democrats etc hate it being called spying. But folks, if the investigation was started under false pretenses, both sides should be interested in it not happening again.

Did you notice that Barr was quick to change that word?

Think he was asked by a Democratic senator if he was sure he wanted to call it that and he sort of did a “Fine if you’d like to call it something else” thing. Heard about it on the radio a few hours ago.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
How do the trumpatistas square their conspiracy theory of the investigation was started to spear Trump and the fact that the FBI kept it a secret before the election? Does the basic logic just fly over their heads, or are they just that stupid?


Engorged Member
AG Barr is dropping some major bombshells this am about the Obama intelligence folks spying on the trump campaign. this could get interesting.

thanks to me you libs get to hear this , I'm sure CNN wont say a thing.

I will. Barr is doing exactly what Trump picked him to do, and the Republitards are spinning the "victim" BS. Yeah, nobody on Team Trump ever did ANYTHING remotely suspicious during the campaign. Zero. Total bogus witch hoax/attack on Trump.



Well-Known Member
Did you notice that Barr was quick to change that word?

spin to say he quickly changed it . He basically looked at the dem asking the question and asked him what phrase made him happy. Barr is a dissapassionate legal scholar. he's not engaging in your reindeer games.


Well-Known Member
When pressed for evidence that the investigation was started under false pretenses, Barr said he did not have such evidence. He did not say the investigation was simply manufactured with no basis.

You’re a smart guy...kinda.

How would you add it up?

now you're talking about a completely different line of questioning. the first person a female senator was the one he used the word spying. He didnt change that word with her.

later a senator from Hawaii warned that the word spying would get the cable news channels in a tither and asked him if he wanted to change the word.

Barr's answer paraphrasing was to ask does survellience without legal basis work for you?


Well-Known Member
How do the trumpatistas square their conspiracy theory of the investigation was started to spear Trump and the fact that the FBI kept it a secret before the election? Does the basic logic just fly over their heads, or are they just that stupid?

go back and reread your DNC talking points , you skipped over a whole paragraph on that one. but then if you could read and recognize logic then you wouldnt be a liberal.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
now you're talking about a completely different line of questioning. the first person a female senator was the one he used the word spying. He didnt change that word with her.

later a senator from Hawaii warned that the word spying would get the cable news channels in a tither and asked him if he wanted to change the word.

Barr's answer paraphrasing was to ask does survellience without legal basis work for you?
@bbsam saw it and knew he was telling a lie.
As long as it is against Trump or his lieutenants, anything said, as long as it is disparaging, is the 'truth'.


Well-Known Member
I will. Barr is doing exactly what Trump picked him to do, and the Republitards are spinning the "victim" BS. Yeah, nobody on Team Trump ever did ANYTHING remotely suspicious during the campaign. Zero. Total bogus witch hoax/attack on Trump.


DNC spin. next