Mueller report

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Great point. The Janus decision should be a wake-up call to all private sector unions that they are next in the crosshairs. A basic tenet of the Republican platform is pro-Big Business and anti-union/anti-labor ideals. Unless you want to become FedEx, I suggest all UPS people wake up and understand how your conservative ideals are in direct conflict with the stated beliefs of the Republican Party.

I also know that you'll say "Trump isn't anti-union", and it's true that I'm not aware of him publicly bashing private sector unions. But, given his almost total rollover to Big Business, if they wanted to push for an attack on Taft Hartley, he'd be all for it, even though he undoubtedly has zero idea of what it even is.

There's a reason the Teamsters and other private sector unions align themselves with the Democratic Party. Maybe it's time to do some reading and turn off FOX.
Hahahahaha!! Now you’re in bed with Bacha!!

Paranoia makes for strange bedfellows.


Well-Known Member

“...Here is, as Bill Barr might call it, “the bottom line”: The Mueller Report describes, in excruciating detail and with relatively few redactions, a candidate and a campaign aware of the existence of a plot by a hostile foreign government to criminally interfere in the U.S. election for the purpose of supporting that candidate’s side. It describes a candidate and a campaign who welcomed the efforts and delighted in the assistance. It describes a candidate and a campaign who brazenly and serially lied to the American people about the existence of the foreign conspiracy and their contacts with it. And yet, it does not find evidence to support a charge of criminal conspiracy, which requires not just a shared purpose but a meeting of the minds...”


Well-Known Member
“...Here is, as Bill Barr might call it, “the bottom line”: The Mueller Report describes, in excruciating detail and with relatively few redactions, a candidate and a campaign aware of the existence of a plot by a hostile foreign government to criminally interfere in the U.S. election for the purpose of supporting that candidate’s side. It describes a candidate and a campaign who welcomed the efforts and delighted in the assistance. It describes a candidate and a campaign who brazenly and serially lied to the American people about the existence of the foreign conspiracy and their contacts with it. And yet, it does not find evidence to support a charge of criminal conspiracy, which requires not just a shared purpose but a meeting of the minds...”
Based on what?


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, the Report?

Haven’t read it, have you?

Sure, no definable coordination, no prosecutable obstruction, but it paints a tawdry picture of a corrupt and incompetent administration.

‘The fish rots from the head’...
So basically innuendo, not facts. I can't imagine how a report like that came about with a bunch of Democrats working on it.


Well-Known Member
It shows how much the Mueller team hated Trump. Yet the evidence showed no collusion or obstruction. I bet that just burned them up inside.
the way he fabricated process crimes,
you just know Comeys buddy was hoping he could find something to hang trump on.


Engorged Member
It shows how much the Mueller team hated Trump. Yet the evidence showed no collusion or obstruction. I bet that just burned them up inside.

Wrong. Obstruction isn't off the table, and it says so right in the report. He isn't cleared, but keep wishing on that happy star that he won't be impeached or forced out of office for other, yet to be reported crimes.

They obviously didn't hate Trump. They simply reported what they found....a chaotic White House with an incompetent, unqualified president trying to protect himself at all costs. You know, the way a totally innocent man acts, one with nothing to hide.


Well-Known Member
Did you read any of the report, or just rely on what you've been told it said?
You still have a hard time understanding the purpose of a grand jury and the role of a prosecutor in the grand jury.
You also fail to understand that the job of a prosecutor is to gather potential evidence that will support a successful prosecution.
You do also fail to understand that grand jury testimony is not deemed factual, as all information has been given without representation and cross examination is not allowed.
You also fail to understand that grand jury testimony is secret for these among other reasons.
For a prosecutor to exit a grand jury without sufficient claims, and then issue a report offering select inflammatory statements or testimony is in direct conflict of the secret grand jury system.
The bottom line is the guy did not find what he wanted to, and without evidence to mount a legal prosecution tenders information for a continuance of the coup he was presented for. The legal coup failed, on to the political, and you clowns remain and push.
That in a nutshell is where we have been, (failed legal coup), now with report the political coup begins.

How you been doin sweetheart? I like you and you can't change that, I like a mean woman. Makes me a better man.

Watch this Sporty, just for you