Mueller report


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
There simply wasn't much Mueller could do but to simply put the onus back where it belongs and that's with Congress. His job is finished. What Congress does going forward is something it and it alone must decide. As we all know a sitting president cannot be indicted. But, he most definitely can be after he leaves office. And this is when the fun will begin. Can you imagine the firestorm if his successor is a Republican who pardons him? We're just in year two of what could be a decade long process. What we could end up with a another Nixon. As Gerald Ford pointed out by the time all the indictments, trials , sentences and appeals are heard Nixon would have likely have died before serving a day of his sentence.
muellerrrrrrrr time


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
If Democrats win, Republicans will suddenly become “concerned” about budget deficits.

i think your thought thought should be a bit more generic to capture our politics
if A wins B is against everything A is for , and for everything A is against or does not do


Well-Known Member

You believe this country promotes equal opportunity?!? Oh please!

If Democrats win, Republicans will suddenly become “concerned” about budget deficits.

That’s some crazy twisted logic.

Did Alan Dershowitz tell you that?

looks like someone had a bad Mueller day . dont worry BB Humpty Dumpty will soon fabricate another reason to keep investigating

What’s 1965got to do with anything?

Oh, I see! You thought I meant having to do with race! No.

Actually it has to do with economics and what value is put on labor. Wake up.


nowhere special
they can keep talking "I" 'til election time...…….helps Donald win!
Amazing to see the difference in the media today from yesterday. Yesterday most of them were shocked and had no answers but today most of them have their new talking points and are trying to spin yesterday as a win for the Dems.