New Social Security bill


Well-Known Member
Nothing, you're still an illegal either way, if paying makes you feel better I'm happy for you.
Actually I’m not an illegal until I cross the border (take those trailers on a public road.). If I cross that border I’m illegal, until I cross back of course.


Well-Known Member
It's nice that this place isn't crazy about the thread derailing. Some sites are like the gestapo with keeping threads on topic.

Whole pages can just go by...

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
No, liberals

We have empathy for the group as a whole, and feel like everyone should be able to have a roof over their head and food to eat. As long as we're paying taxes, some of it should get used on the public welfare programs, instead of on more weapons we don't need. We pay our taxes just like conservatives and we deserve to have a say in how they're spent.

Cons fear that they're being taken advantage of, that these people are getting rich off the meager benefits they receive from the government, and taking what they earned. Conservatives would rather more money be spent on military expenditures and beefing up the border security, because they're afraid of foreign interests and islam. Fear fear fear fear and more fear. Peddle that :censored2:. Scare the constituency.
I don’t have empathy for any group ... I do empathize with many individuals and I help them out of my pocket, not out of your pocket.

I don’t have any respect or use for people who think in terms of groups or participate in Group Think.
Those sub-human people are pitiful symbols of an I developed mind.

PS - I didn’t lose any respect for you if you are concerned.


Well-Known Member
So someone who broke the law and entered the US illegally is not an illegal until they get caught. Ok then.
You love to twist things don’t you? They are illegal until they go back to their country of origin. Or they get the proper documentation. I do not currently have the proper documentation to go to Canada.


Well-Known Member

This thread.


Inordinately Right
I am currently legal. If I get busted for being illegal I am able to become legal again.
They are illegal until they go back to their country of origin. Or they get the proper documentation.
Not twisting anything, you said committing a crime once doesn't make you an illegal unless you get caught.

So someone who entered illegally isn't an illegal for that one infraction.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think it's great you did some research and got all caught up grandpa. Cute that now you're trying to pretend like you're smarter than everyone else.

Standard narcissistic behavior from Cuxster.
Just you!

I knew you didn’t know what you were talking about ... but that goes without saying.

Ps - I ran my first project using Monte Carlo in 1986 to develop an analysis of Driver versus Part-timer washing of Package Cars in a hub with a car wash tunnel.