New Social Security bill


Inordinately Right
That is 4% without trying. But if you assume your 4% over a 30 year period. Your principal is about 1mil. You really couldn’t find a way to yield 6%?
You're using average returns, that's not how it really works.

You have to consider volatility, and the effect that withdrawing in down years does to potential returns in the future. Down years at the beginning of your retirement totally :censored2:s you over if you can't reduce your withdrawals.
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Well-Known Member
You're using average returns, that's not how it really works.

You have to consider volatility, and the effect that withdrawing in down years does to potential returns in the future. Down years at the beginning of your retirement totally :censored2:s you over if you can't reduce your withdrawal rate.
I have a rental property bringing about a 12% return. Ups stock bringing 20+ % returns. You have REITs, MLPs, AT&T is yielding a 6.5% return today.


Well-Known Member
There is difference between empathy and the desire to help everyone regardless of whether a person deserves it or not.

The Dimwits want everyone to have the same when only a few really achieve anything.

Fear comes from seeing a glimpse of the future for the USA as a Socialist country while it has failed miserably in every instance except in small countries with abundant resources that can be sold to other countries to support Socialism.
And then in countries like Venezuela with abundant resources, human nature drags the entire country down into the cesspool of Socialism.
No, liberals realize that a few people are always gonna scam the system in anything, but the vast majority who use these programs are legitimately in need and don't deserve to be punished and vilified because of a tiny percentage of the people are running a scheme.

We have empathy for the group as a whole, and feel like everyone should be able to have a roof over their head and food to eat. As long as we're paying taxes, some of it should get used on the public welfare programs, instead of on more weapons we don't need. We pay our taxes just like conservatives and we deserve to have a say in how they're spent.

Cons fear that they're being taken advantage of, that these people are getting rich off the meager benefits they receive from the government, and taking what they earned. Conservatives would rather more money be spent on military expenditures and beefing up the border security, because they're afraid of foreign interests and islam. Fear fear fear fear and more fear. Peddle that :censored2:. Scare the constituency.


Well-Known Member
No, liberals realize that a few people are always gonna scam the system in anything, but the vast majority who use these programs are legitimately in need and don't deserve to be punished and vilified because of a tiny percentage of the people are running a scheme.

We have empathy for the group as a whole, and feel like everyone should be able to have a roof over their head and food to eat. As long as we're paying taxes, some of it should get used on the public welfare programs, instead of on more weapons we don't need. We pay our taxes just like conservatives and we deserve to have a say in how they're spent.

Cons fear that they're being taken advantage of, that these people are getting rich off the meager benefits they receive from the government, and taking what they earned. Conservatives would rather more money be spent on military expenditures and beefing up the border security, because they're afraid of foreign interests and islam. Fear fear fear fear and more fear. Peddle that :censored2:. Scare the constituency.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
No, liberals realize that a few people are always gonna scam the system in anything, but the vast majority who use these programs are legitimately in need and don't deserve to be punished and vilified because of a tiny percentage of the people are running a scheme.

We have empathy for the group as a whole, and feel like everyone should be able to have a roof over their head and food to eat. As long as we're paying taxes, some of it should get used on the public welfare programs, instead of on more weapons we don't need. We pay our taxes just like conservatives and we deserve to have a say in how they're spent.

Cons fear that they're being taken advantage of, that these people are getting rich off the meager benefits they receive from the government, and taking what they earned. Conservatives would rather more money be spent on military expenditures and beefing up the border security, because they're afraid of foreign interests and islam. Fear fear fear fear and more fear. Peddle that :censored2:. Scare the constituency.
And the vast majority of Congress are honest people only looking out for YOUR best interests.

GIve me a break!


Well-Known Member
Couldn't have said it better myself LB. Yes there are some who are without question gaming the system but most are eventually caught punished harshly and have to make restitution and what isn't recovered is a micro fraction compared to the cost of weapons systems ineffective or outdated by the time they were deployed.


Well-Known Member


Retired 22 years
I've got plenty of money. I'll never live long enough to spend it all. What I do worry about is forgetting where I buried it in the back yard.