No It's not green grocer!
I filled out the paper with all the details and stuff like that and my union steward, I, and my full time up set down last night and talked about it. This had been the first time Ive ever filed a grievance so I didnt know what to expect. But we all set down and the full time actually agreed with me....haha. He explained what he did and why he did it. I was not aware of this, but the 2 days i had filed he had told the union rep he was going to be having one of his part time sups work because we were very under staffed. Im not saying that justifies it... but we talked about it and dealt with the problem.We had the meeting last night and just by coincident Im getting trained tonight on car wash...haha..what a company!! Im pretty hesitant about becoming a union steward because like you all said..there is a lot of b.s. to deal with and I hate dealing with bull****. But on the other hand Id like to do it because I enjoy taking on new and challenging opportunities.. But I'm only part - time so Im not sure if its all worth the time and effort while still bringing home the same small check each week, you know? But again, thank you all for helping me. Its much appreciated.
The only way this justifies management working is if all other hourly possibilities were exhausted. Did they offer to have anyone double shift, start early, stay late? Have drivers help if possible. Call every available hourly and ask them to work? If not they should have and you still have a winning case against them. All depends on your resolve.