Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Staff member
It's a conversation. No offense taken.

You have to remember, a lot of this stuff doesn't come from the local level. These directives are from district level management and up. Do you think I like handing out warning letters for petty :censored2:? Hell no. Yes they make the job complicated. But this is why they do it; and I'm going to get flamed for this but oh well.

You guys make fantastic money; and it's well deserved. But the effect of making 34 bucks as "glorified pizza men" (a statement I strongly disagree with) means we are forced to milk every ounce of production out of you as we can. When you make that much money, the standards go up.

Frigid, I think most of us realize that the problems for all of us come from further up the food chain. However, your experience so far has only been in a smaller center. Tell us how you feel once you get into a bigger building.

And as far as pay vs. production, we all understand that. Start giving us tools that help instead of taking tools away from us. Show a little trust.


Well-Known Member
I agree that we should be held to a high standard but at what point does it become an unrealistic standard. Today was a prime example. IVE, Ron, and Future saw the total mess I had to deal with and I have a decent loader but even he can't make twenty pounds of crap in a five pound bag look good. I pounded it out but still had thirty stops after pickups. I barely had time to stop and pee let alone relax at any point. I ran like a rookie and tomorrow the numbers will say I'm a slug. This is what I did all with on a daily basis and it's not getting any better.

I was gonna offer you a beer joe but I don't want to stir up you know who.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't tell you. I'm sure there is a report for it somewhere, but I've never seen it.
I found this report.


Staff member
You had a 1030 commit on air 50 miles from the building? Furthest 1030 commit we have is 30 miles away

Yes, I did. Medicine at least twice a week, and out in the middle of BFE on top of a mountain. Real fun in the winter.

The consignee didn't care when it got there, as long as it was within a day or two. All was good until 'requested late delivery' went out the window.


Resident Suit
I agree that we should be held to a high standard but at what point does it become an unrealistic standard. Today was a prime example. IVE, Ron, and Future saw the total mess I had to deal with and I have a decent loader but even he can't make twenty pounds of crap in a five pound bag look good. I pounded it out but still had thirty stops after pickups. I barely had time to stop and pee let alone relax at any point. I ran like a rookie and tomorrow the numbers will say I'm a slug. This is what I did all with on a daily basis and it's not getting any better.
They need to utilize the technology they have in the hubs better for preload. Every package going through the massive buildings are all individually weighed and DIM sized. I wish there was a way we could take those numbers and build a realistic load. You have to remember, when we look at the dispatch, I don't know if a package is an envelope or a 150 pound irreg. It all looks the same. I don't have the ability or time to track thousands of pieces a day to get the size.
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