Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Resident Suit
If your house was on fire...... Would you want to read a manual on how to put it out ...... Or ask a fireman that has been doing it for 20-30 yrs
Apples and oranges.

I've been to driver school, I've been to "prick" school (as the drivers call it), and I've delivered. I've never been to fire training.


Resident Suit
Now we get every report of every accident in the entire district. This magnifies accidents, making it seem as they are more than in years past. I would like to see the real numbers, year by year, for the past 30 years. I have a feeling the numbers are the same.
Couldn't tell you. I'm sure there is a report for it somewhere, but I've never seen it.


good people drink good beer
It's a conversation. No offense taken.

You have to remember, a lot of this stuff doesn't come from the local level. These directives are from district level management and up. Do you think I like handing out warning letters for petty :censored2:? Hell no. Yes they make the job complicated. But this is why they do it; and I'm going to get flamed for this but oh well.

You guys make fantastic money; and it's well deserved. But the effect of making 34 bucks as "glorified pizza men" (a statement I strongly disagree with) means we are forced to milk every ounce of production out of you as we can. When you make that much money, the standards go up.
I agree that we should be held to a high standard but at what point does it become an unrealistic standard. Today was a prime example. IVE, Ron, and Future saw the total mess I had to deal with and I have a decent loader but even he can't make twenty pounds of crap in a five pound bag look good. I pounded it out but still had thirty stops after pickups. I barely had time to stop and pee let alone relax at any point. I ran like a rookie and tomorrow the numbers will say I'm a slug. This is what I did all with on a daily basis and it's not getting any better.
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