Sandy Pope was yesterday. She controlled one local.
She wasn't much to begin with.
You're right.... she "controlled" one Local....right to the point of insolvency.
And then, bailed on the Teamsters.
She isn’t overseeing Central States pension crisis.
Do you really need a history lesson on the Central States pension fund ?
She isn’t giving major concessions to a company that made 6 billion last year alone.
Well here we go.
Back to the default (weak) argument.
Hoffa is the weakest IBT leader EVER and it’s not even close.
On his 5th term, as the IBT General President. He must be doing something right.
What IBT General President was better ?
So keep bringing up Ron Carey and any other name you want.
I hate to break it to you.... but, Ron Carey didn't walk on water.
What he did walk on, was a 1st class ticket to being banned from the Teamsters.
Your Canadian President is nothing and I mean nothing more than a knee pads with a napkin man whoring himself out for brief cases full of hush money.
I don't know the man.
"cases full of hush money".... Come on.
You can do better than that.
@710 steward
You're probably a good person, in a difficult position as a Steward.
Let's just say.... we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum.