do you get annoyed when a driver points major things that you dont fix and write "ok"
Both are doing their job but im wondering if you feel attacked on your side.
I get why drivers get annoyed about stuff the does not get fixed but if they spent a week shadowing us I think they would get it's the way the company handles automotive that causes these problems.
I will be honest a lot of times "part on order' is a way for me to put off a repair I don't have time for that night.
When I first come in I look though my write-ups and order them in importance. Obviously safety and possible road call concerns are first priority. Then I need to determine access to certain trucks. Ones that need to be brought to the shop and are lined up in places I can't get them out have to be pulled first. We also need to leave time for our compliance stuff like oil changes, pmis, telematics and sirds.. etc. We are also up against preload. They are haunting us for the trucks back as early as midnight. Let's not even get started on road calls and delays in the yard. Those can wreck your plan fast. Yes, feeder guys that's why the package car mechanics hate to see you, not because we are lazy it's your problem just added a ton of stress on us.
Unfortunately, the non safety complaint a lot of times comes up the looser and typically never gets done.
If it was up to me the interior of these trucks would be overhauled every few years, but it will never happen.
All that’s really neat
But why would the mechanic hate you for writing it up
I don't hate drivers for write ups what I hate is
write ups. Like BATTERY in huge capital letters. Well why does it need a battery? I have had times when I would go put a set of batteries in on a write-up like that only to get REPLACE BATTERY the next day and find out once in awhile his fob did not work.
Just write my fob does not work at times and time would not have been wasted, another driver could have had his non safety concern fixed and the driver would have had it fixed on the first night.