I am a WOMAN. I appreciate the fact you all thought I was a man, but I am all woman.
I thought so. you laughed about my shots and actually considered my advice where guys tend to quickly close their ears and minds. The female shoulder check was the final straw for me. I couldnt see a women trying to shoulder check a guy though I guess its possible.
She is number one in the district for discipline, which is the most important thing for UPS, as most of you are finding out. That is "probably" why she is still here. That and the fact you can't get sludge to work as management in our building.
This was not the first interaction this person and I have had.
It was the last time she tried any bull****.
that was the intent behind my original question. The accusation of a shoulder check to me means you have to have a reason to believe she did it. If there had been no other problems between you and her then you would not have had any reason to believe she did it. Are you absolutely sure she checked you and not that she stumbled or walked into you by mistake. The reason I ask is not to defend her but because you're accusing her of taking a risk that could have gotten her fired. I like most people I work with. I definitely would not shoulder check the few I have disliked. In fact I probably would have gone out of my way to stay completely clear of those people just to avoid any such contact being misinterpreted.
As for Dragon, if you shoulder-check someone, you are intentionally ramming your shoulder into theirs. I don't think she expected me to stumble. I think her intentions were much worse. Would you like to speak to the trooper? Her last name is Morrow, I believe. I will double-check my paperwork, if you like. I doubt a NYS Trooper would mislead me. You are welcome to call. I doubt that any story would be good enough for management, Dragon. As is the reason she is still employed. Is she as sweet as pie to me, now? YES. Does she go out of her way to stay away from me? YES. Is she my supervisor, now? No. Do you have a clue about the politics in my building? No. I bet if UpstateNYUpser was told her name, and he asked a certain part-time supervisor, interesting comments would flow.
I appreciate SWORDFISH standing up for me, even though he couldn't be sure it was worth it. More people need to be like this. The world would be a lot more pleasant.
She should have been fired. An hourly driver with 26 yrs seniority was fired for threatening to shove a piece of paper(add/cut) up the dispatcher's ass. The supervisor that struck me is the dispatcher's underling. The hourly driver just got divorced a couple years before, plus some other crap. He killed himself the day it was determined that they would give him his job back. 13 drivers quit the safety committee after that. We don't have a safety committee, today.
Management took advantage of his death by cutting his job. Attrition.
Swordfish's support is good but it may not help you much. I think you may have issues that are hurting you here.
Sounds like you're pretty convinced. Now the tough question that may come up when many read your comments. I believe you believe it happened. You have pretty much sold yourself to me as being someone who is concerned about being a good upser. I think I could work with you and find you to be an asset to the company. Though the meatballs and ghoulash may not fit in well with my workout / eating plan.....
At the same time I would wonder if you would misinterperet incidental issues from me as deliberate. No offense just what I read from your posts.
The tough question - many of us when we hear these charges may think it takes two to tango. There are usually very few victims in a pissing contest. To believe you got shoulder checked you had to believe your relationship with her was such that she would do something like this or want to do something like this for some reason. Thus the question what part did you play in this pissing contest. Is there any chance you have a suspicious nature that may be fueling these thoughts of evil companys and shoulder checking supervisors?
it is interesting that you mention upstate in the same building since he seems to have a different outlook and not let things get to him at work.
I ask because somewhere down the road you have to finish your brown journey. To do so I think you have to get to a state of mind that shakes of some of the suspicions and paranoia's that you may presently have. your present mindset may not be healthy and certainly not condusive to finishing that journey. At some point I think you have to realize that there is good and bad every where. In the driver ranks as well as the management ranks.
My building is

. This

does happen in the real world. Be lucky, some of you, that your managers actually have ethics(or too many eyes watching), alas, most of mine do not.