Yes, I was shoulder-checked. It wasn't a mere bump as she walked by. I stumbled. I can only surmise as to what her intentions were. I do know that if I had fallen the way I stumbled, I would have done serious damage to my freshly healed discectomy and plating. What reason? I do not know. Re-injury, I say. (I could guess for you. Not all the reasons would make me look good, either. I am not perfect. I am a bit of a smartass.)
I do know that she was spoken with after this by the DM.
I do know that senior people on preload left for local sort because they felt she was discriminatory in her actions towards them.
I refused to work with her after said incident.
I could have had her arrested, but didn't. I did file a report. The troopers did warn her to stay away from me. I wasn't trying to get her fired, just away from me.
There are people in the world who want you as miserable as they are. I believe she is not a happy person.
This is the same sort that I was written up for not working on a day I was not scheduled to work. Not just sick, not scheduled. There is A LOT more.