
swollen member
Lunch and even breaks are included in Orion schedule. On the computer, you'll see a line stating ETA adjustment somewhere in the middle. This jumps your ETA up (in my local 1 hr 20 minutes because we get two 10 minute breaks). You don't need to take lunch necessarily at the point it states but you do need to be on time at pick ups. Since being on schedule is often unattainable, like I said earlier, by adjusting my breaks I get right back on schedule. I always did that anyway. I don't want to take my full hour mid day. I usually do two 30 minute ones.

The only time I adjust my lunch/break, depends on how hungry I am.


Well-Known Member
I could really care less about figuring out how to make ORION's time. When I check my stops in the morning I usually see that ORION has me running 20 or more stops by 10:30. Im lucky to have 20 done by noon...lol


Well-Known Member
Here's a better tip.
Print out your Orion delivery order.

We don't have ORION yet, but I can't imagine the cluster of having ninety drivers trying to print out their ORION delivery order.

It's a gold-star day if the office can get us our call-tags on time and in the correct slot.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
We don't have ORION yet, but I can't imagine the cluster of having ninety drivers trying to print out their ORION delivery order.

It's a gold-star day if the office can get us our call-tags on time and in the correct slot.
They don't print out Orion delivery order when you go on Orion. It still prints out in RDO. You have to ask someone in the know for an Orion printout. Why does any driver need to printout reports anyway, it's in the diad both ways. Waste of paper/time in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
It's curious that UPS would invest a billion dollars on this program and not fully educate drivers on all the fundamentals of how it works and how to make it successful. During implementation they ride with you once or twice but the ride has little to do with the technical aspects of it.

I can't get into everything but I'll try to point out a few basics about running it successfully.

It's about timing. Meeting the planned ETA's is imperative. These are listed on your plan on the Orion computers. A tip is taking pics of the screen with your phone so that you can compare your timing during the day. If you are a flexible person willing to work with the program, you will often need to adjust your lunch and breaks accordingly. I know many people won't. If you are running a half hour behind, which will be often, take a half hour lunch instead of an hour.

The importance of timing should be obvious. Orion sets you up for you pick up run. If you don't make your p/u break points exactly as planned, it won't make sense and there goes your mileage. Again, this planned order is on the computer, and unfortunately, not your DIAD. UPS would be well served to implement these details on the DIAD, such as listing p/u's within the EDD list.

Without having the plan available to drivers during the day, drivers are blind to Orion's logic. This is why it often seems to not make sense. An unplanned break to make a p/u on time because you are behind results in the next delivery stop not making any sense.

The more p/u's your route has, the more complicated it gets. It's likely that Orion will sprinkle delivery stops along your pick up path. It's hard to know exactly what it's doing without constantly looking at the picture you took of the solution. And of course this needs a fix. A driver shouldn't have to go through this process of taking photos of the plan in the morning to make it work. It should all be built into the DIAD, even indicating how behind or ahead you are. That may aggravate some drivers but it is important to making this work.

Remember that any adjustments you make to your delivery order changes everything. You must make any changes maintain your planned ETA for later. You may decide to shuffle two particular neighborhoods but you need to make sure you end up where you're supposed to on time without increasing miles.

We've talked endlessly about Orion but it seems we haven't dove into some of the stuff above. Just some food for thought. Not trying to be an Orion defender but it can work even if it makes some weird decisions. Some days more than others.

No one can keep up with Orion period due to traffic intersection pedestrians other motorist and no one can deliver 30 big boxes under 2 mins either


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Lunch and even breaks are included in Orion schedule. On the computer, you'll see a line stating ETA adjustment somewhere in the middle. This jumps your ETA up (in my local 1 hr 20 minutes because we get two 10 minute breaks). You don't need to take lunch necessarily at the point it states but you do need to be on time at pick ups. Since being on schedule is often unattainable, like I said earlier, by adjusting my breaks I get right back on schedule. I always did that anyway. I don't want to take my full hour mid day. I usually do two 30 minute ones.
ORION has me taking my lunch break parked by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Sorry, but I take my lunch at a location with a suitable restroom and if that means not following ORION's "plan" then too bad.

livin the dream

Well-Known Member
my big thing is it doesn't update the order with every stop. it has me doing an insane amount of ground with my air, and even if I left on time it's not possible. so right off the bat the order is messed up.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I see this as a tool to separate the drivers. Just another one. Taking pics, printing a manifest, studying the computer, well that is all swell. That is all stuff we are suppose to do "off the clock". I Wont do it. If this is necessary to run a route, they need to start us early, and pay us for it.
We have guys coming in an hour early, studying the route they will be on, making notes, its all crap. Some will even call me and say, your route has this section, want to stay home so I can work.....
While I have no problem with younger guys who don't know a route well to take a look, In my opinion it is out of hand.
I will rarely look at it, except to see my air. I dont care whats in my car, 2 days of bs over dispatching then I file. Because we are usually sitting at the road waiting to leave before orion is optimized and available. And If Im going to need to get rid of air, I need to tell them. This is also bs, as they should know with all their tech.

In my opinion, Orion is making people very unstable about a job, that used to be pretty easy. WTH did we do before it was all in the board? Got it done the best possible way.


KTM rider
Boss, "Have you looked at the computer for your ODO??"

Me, "Nope, I do not start for another 10 minutes. I'll check it then, unless you would rather I punched in now."

If Orion was that good, we would not have so many drivers beating it every single day.

UPS investors should be asking for their money back.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pay that much attention to the Orion computer except that I cover about 18 different routes. Different route everyday. So this helps me run them successfully. If I had my own route that I was an expert at, then you are better able to visualize its intentions.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I wouldn't pay that much attention to the Orion computer except that I cover about 18 different routes. Different route everyday. So this helps me run them successfully. If I had my own route that I was an expert at, then you are better able to visualize its intentions.
I agree, but dont you think you should get paid? After all you are trying to be efficient.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pay that much attention to the Orion computer except that I cover about 18 different routes. Different route everyday. So this helps me run them successfully. If I had my own route that I was an expert at, then you are better able to visualize its intentions.
Thank you for the compliment!

By The Book

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pay that much attention to the Orion computer except that I cover about 18 different routes. Different route everyday. So this helps me run them successfully. If I had my own route that I was an expert at, then you are better able to visualize its intentions.
You are successful, but I feel you are shooting for perfection, yes? Please don't burn yourself out, I need you to be successful when I'm gone.