JL 0513

Well-Known Member
So Orion wants you to do a lot of 180's and center manager doesn't want you backing. Seems to be be bit of a dilemma. Can't have it both ways.

UPS is all about having it both ways. Safety is drilled into us yet safety conflicts with the manner in which we are essentially forced to work. Working truly safely would mean 2 hours paid over everyday.

Upper management knows full well that Orion calls for 180's all day. They know it conflicts with basic UPS fundamentals. It's gotten to the point that doing things the old way is no longer competitive with FedEx who is free to do whatever it takes. So they turn a blind eye.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
UPS is all about having it both ways. Safety is drilled into us yet safety conflicts with the manner in which we are essentially forced to work. Working truly safely would mean 2 hours paid over everyday.

Upper management knows full well that Orion calls for 180's all day. They know it conflicts with basic UPS fundamentals. It's gotten to the point that doing things the old way is no longer competitive with FedEx who is free to do whatever it takes. So they turn a blind eye.
The FedEx Ground Scam drivers definitely appear to have no one to answer to as far as safe work methods and safe driving is concerned. But their drivers don't last. At least not around here. Most people can't work like maniacs for long periods of time.


The FedEx Ground Scam drivers definitely appear to have no one to answer to as far as safe work methods and safe driving is concerned. But their drivers don't last. At least not around here. Most people can't work like maniacs for long periods of time.
Plus they're always nosing in with their big :censored2: mall cars.


Well-Known Member
UPS is all about having it both ways. Safety is drilled into us yet safety conflicts with the manner in which we are essentially forced to work. Working truly safely would mean 2 hours paid over everyday.

Upper management knows full well that Orion calls for 180's all day. They know it conflicts with basic UPS fundamentals. It's gotten to the point that doing things the old way is no longer competitive with FedEx who is free to do whatever it takes. So they turn a blind eye.
This is the exact reason I follow this standard of priority

1. Safety
2. Service
3. ORION compliance

If management has a problem with that then they can put it in writing to me. Otherwise I will do it this way whether the ORION "solution" says back up and turn around


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The orion team is 'working' in my building. Yesterday, 3/4ths of the orion routes beat the miles. 1 by 27 miles.

Either orion really, really sucks or our orion team does.
Are you saying that they beat the orion miles under, or went over. Here the country routes are under some by 40 a day. Others go over by 20+ especially city routes.


Are you saying that they beat the orion miles under, or went over. Here the country routes are under some by 40 a day. Others go over by 20+ especially city routes.

If the Orion plan consistently runs you past stops, as many have said, I am confident that I can beat the miles.

I average 160 on my route.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
If the Orion plan consistently runs you past stops, as many have said, I am confident that I can beat the miles.

I average 160 on my route.
But...you have to make sure if you do all those stops, you can get to your pick ups and business. There is the rub. Yes if it has me doing 100 main street, resi, and there are 6 more and you do them, it sets you way behind the plan. Then you are pulling and adding miles at pick up/commercial time. If you skip it you have to remember it stays at the top, because it does not re adjust. You have to keep switching back to rdo to make sure you got all the stuff you skipped.

So if you skip stuff at air time which they wanted you to do in a perfect world, and you dont for fear of jeopardizing air, and you skip stuff to be safe, as you cant get to it....You could have stuff left in 4 sections, and trying to piece it all back together is difficult to say the least.

AND you find yourself studying the board so much it strains your brain.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
160 miles / did not make that clear
I know what you meant.
But you will also be carrying parts of other routes, because whatever stop count you go out with now will increase by 10-20, because they will cut the number of miles you go, or want you to go, when you think/and probably are being efficient, because now they will increase the sporh, that a computer thinks you can run.

I totally agree everyone should be open minded, it may not suck at your center. It may not suck on your route. You will know by day 4. Any break you make is going to cost you a %, and miles. I strongly urge those going on it to tell them you cannot climb over bulk. It is not safe.

Day 2 of my ride they pulled a bulk stop with 100 pieces. I was told they would do that anytime I could not move about the truck. And yes there is a Santa, and an Easter Bunny.


I don't see how they can cut the miles / I can catch 1 stop in the country and gain 12 miles.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Like I said, country routes do fare better. They usually beat Orion by alot. I used to run 80, some days they allow me 48. I might save 15, get it down to 65, because it does give me some resis if I have time I can deliver. But No one including me ever matches what they want, on most city commercial routes. Then give me a couple ocas, air meets misload meets, shot to heck.


Like I said, country routes do fare better. They usually beat Orion by alot. I used to run 80, some days they allow me 48. I might save 15, get it down to 65, because it does give me some resis if I have time I can deliver. But No one including me ever matches what they want. Then give me a couple ocas, air meets misload meets, shot to heck.

...maybe I'll be gone before I have to fight it.


Like I said, country routes do fare better. They usually beat Orion by alot. I used to run 80, some days they allow me 48. I might save 15, get it down to 65, because it does give me some resis if I have time I can deliver. But No one including me ever matches what they want, on most city commercial routes. Then give me a couple ocas, air meets misload meets, shot to heck.

I heard you the first time.