Out of service for workplace violence.... lol


Gone Fish'n
Putting "....lol" in the title shows to me that you don't care about how your actions are perceived by others. Unfortunately, the one that perceives your touching of his jacket sleeve "as he walked away" is also the one that can terminate you. I wish you the best of luck and hope you realize how sometimes perception is reality.


Well-Known Member
I could write a book about UPS. lol I have seen it myself. If management does something, nobody sees or hears a thing, but if an employee does something, it's a criminal case. You have to realize. Some of the management team are simply little men who go home and do not wear the pants at their homes. So when they walk into UPS, they get the only chance in life at being in charge. So they run with it. Most are very miserable people who I have found are heavy drinkers. The only power they have ever had in their life is at UPS, so they intend to use and abuse it. Get use to it. Just laugh it off. You have to look at people who get off on being pricks as people who have issues in some other area of their lives. UPS is all they have! lol The funniest thing is, if we saw them outside of UPS we would see the wimps that they really are. (probably walking behind their wives saying "yes dear". ) LMAO

This is exactly why this forum needs a multiple dislike icon.


bella amicizia
I could write a book about UPS. lol I have seen it myself. If management does something, nobody sees or hears a thing, but if an employee does something, it's a criminal case. You have to realize. Some of the management team are simply little men who go home and do not wear the pants at their homes. So when they walk into UPS, they get the only chance in life at being in charge. So they run with it. Most are very miserable people who I have found are heavy drinkers. The only power they have ever had in their life is at UPS, so they intend to use and abuse it. Get use to it. Just laugh it off. You have to look at people who get off on being pricks as people who have issues in some other area of their lives. UPS is all they have! lol The funniest thing is, if we saw them outside of UPS we would see the wimps that they really are. (probably walking behind their wives saying "yes dear". ) LMAO

Poor first post...

This is exactly why this forum needs a multiple dislike icon.
Yup. I'm not big on neg rep, but this one had me really close.


New Member
Update. Im back to work on thursday, Dec 19. I admit, i was wrong and never should have touched anyone. My facts were correct, just my presentation of them were not. I would like to also ad that in Nov, of last month I had a UPS safety manager grab my jacket sleeve. So i have felt what it was like for someone to touch you, and i admit it pisses you off. I promptly filled a grievance and ultimately heard it at our Local. The UPS saftey manager was not in attendance, and the UPS labor manager told me he did not mean for it to be agressive or malicious. So I just let it go, and did not take it further to the Panel. The only reason im back is because the very same UPS labor manager was making a unscheduled stop in to the Shreveport center. He brought along with him several other labor guys and an HR rep and they conducted investigations and interviews amongst the Shreveport UPS management team. Seem all my grievances and calls to coorporate may have payed off after all. I did have to talk to Labor manager and hr along with uninon bros for prob 6 hrs in the last two days. Still i got no response when i asked why they did not take the managers out for the "IRon Claw incident". They gave me no response. Imagine that.

want to retire

Update. Im back to work on thursday, Dec 19. I admit, i was wrong and never should have touched anyone. My facts were correct, just my presentation of them were not. I would like to also ad that in Nov, of last month I had a UPS safety manager grab my jacket sleeve. So i have felt what it was like for someone to touch you, and i admit it pisses you off. I promptly filled a grievance and ultimately heard it at our Local. The UPS saftey manager was not in attendance, and the UPS labor manager told me he did not mean for it to be agressive or malicious. So I just let it go, and did not take it further to the Panel. The only reason im back is because the very same UPS labor manager was making a unscheduled stop in to the Shreveport center. He brought along with him several other labor guys and an HR rep and they conducted investigations and interviews amongst the Shreveport UPS management team. Seem all my grievances and calls to coorporate may have payed off after all. I did have to talk to Labor manager and hr along with uninon bros for prob 6 hrs in the last two days. Still i got no response when i asked why they did not take the managers out for the "IRon Claw incident". They gave me no response. Imagine that.

So, a little explaining.....you are contrite about assaulting a person at work(that's what it is...right?) But, expect mgt. to be "taken out"? That right? Ok, so they traded all the mgt.s bad behavior for your job back?
I speak the truth from first hand experience from the inside. Sorry that someone thinks it's bad. That person must be in management. I love it. It's just more for my book. lmbo!!!! Happy New Year everyone.
glad you are working.....just keep taking notes of all your findings. Lawyers love all this stuff. You have to be smart and be quiet. Every dog has his day. I agree, you should not have touched anyone, but I truly understand your anger completely. You are human. Sometimes after being bullied and taken advantage of you get totally disgusted and have no control. As I said, take notes, dates and times on a notebook......I know many lawyers that are very aware of what is really going on inside UPS and are just waiting for the right time and all the details to blow things out of the water. One day you will look back and know that you did things legally. It will make you feel better in the end. Keep your head up and walk proud. The liars and cheaters always get caught...it takes time, but it happens.


How in the world did you survive being in the military if UPS bothers you so much that you are constantly filing everything you see... The things I see at UPS are *NOTHING* compared to what I saw. Just work this job, let everything roll off your shoulders, use your GI Bill and move on to something better.


New Member
My brothers in the military share something called integrity, something most ups managers lack. I can't just turn my back and let certain issues roll off my shoulders, im not wired like that. I've told my story, and im back at work. I thank everyone for their comments, and i honestly have become a litte wiser because of this incident. In the end i feel the truth is all that is important.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
How in the world did you survive being in the military if UPS bothers you so much that you are constantly filing everything you see... The things I see at UPS are *NOTHING* compared to what I saw. Just work this job, let everything roll off your shoulders, use your GI Bill and move on to something better.

I can answer that. In the military you HAVE to put up with crap from people and there is nothing you can do about it. Luckily those people are an extreme minority. So, some people, including myself, aren't going to put up with BS from someone on the civilian side after we are out of the military. But it seems that in this case he took it a little to far. My problems have rarely been with management. It's usually my Teamster "brothers" that think that higher seniority is a free pass to do whatever they want (whether it violates the contract or not) and say whatever they want to lower seniority employees without any recourse. Sorry but thats not gonna fly with me. Seniority gives you the right to higher pay, more vacations, and job preference but DOES not give anyone the right to treat anyone else like a scumbag. Physically or verbally.


maybe you should quit and go work for the other team. we don't need
ing crybabies.
You're a :censored2:
How in the world did you survive being in the military if UPS bothers you so much that you are constantly filing everything you see... The things I see at UPS are *NOTHING* compared to what I saw. Just work this job, let everything roll off your shoulders, use your GI Bill and move on to something better.
People like me, jbonious and all the other teamsters that served in the armed forces and work for ups fought for all Americans, so we all can live a free and better life in this country... I think we deserve a little respect... Besides what he did (which is wrong) You, Dragon, all the other managers and manager lovers are the reason this happens in the first place... By making a poor hostile environment, you think it's always never the managers fault... Going at a vet is the stupidest thing you could ever do.. You have no idea what we have seen...

I will say this... 9 out or 10 if you leave your vet alone in the work place or show them love they will do anything for you...

If a vet is causing problems with someone 9 out of 10 it's the other persons fault...
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