Out of service from reasonable drug test


Pineapple King
Not what you said.

The threshold for most of these drugs is so low that you are no where near impaired if you are just over the threshold.

The limits are there to rule out the particular drug being in your system from something else, or even naturally.

If you smoked weed a week ago and got drug tested today, most people would be terminated, while not being in any way, shape or form impaired.

For most people, THC stays in your system well over a week, and the limit on the drug test is so low, that you are nowhere near impaired. But the test proved that you were doing an illegal drug. (I know, this is going to be a huge issue in states that have legalized pot.)

The drug testing policy, in part, is not that you are impaired, it is that you are using illegal drugs.

The other part of it is that you may be using legal, or prescribed drugs, but you are impaired.
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Poop Head

Judge me.
Really again when I'm remembering all that I can and being honest I'm accused of being high. Again or troll but every question you ask I have answered in detail.
You keep saying stuff like "from what remember I" and "blacking out when talking police". Just be happy you didn't mow anyone down that day (hopefully)


Active Member
This last thing I'm going to write on here. Because got the three things I needed hope, facts and my determination back. I'm happy either way hit or miss. No matter what I said earlier or before I'm not giving up all the hated hurtful post made me stronger. I made a mistake nor act like I'm better than any of you all. I stood my ground. Am more of a man or adult then a majority of you very few ignored the drug test but not one had the courage to defend me or tell anyone to stop. Everyone of y'all was a follower when the person said I'm high. And people believed it alot of the first people said nothing negative into someone did. Nobody asked questions about my character or if I had a problem with drugs before how is my work as a driver. None then got to the part about my kids which I know people jumped on about that hope I lose them I can remember 1 or 2 people said get help and one person what's more important my job or my kids. Who I found very entertaining was the browncafe detectives who got zero facts just piece stuff together long as someone back him or her up. Then the accusers who said I did pills. Or whatever drug they could and repeat said I was high nobody asked. Nobody asked how long has it been going on or what was it. And jokers who tried to describe what I was doing had me thinking there high or going get high. None of you have clue how a person high talks if I was high what was I high off what? Or maybe this person was in a rush or thinking faster then he writes. Or this person is stressed hurt. Other reasons because I took drug classes in college and mental class. I got my degree as a back up. But I'm drug addicted idiot who shouldn't have kids. I never once been to jail nor have a history of drugs. I was a good driver but always help other drivers. So my character is in good standing if I lose my job or not but the test will be dropped and I'm a sober person how many of you can say that. Every here has done or tried drugs or even do. Few of the people who downed me I would bet my bottom dollars half of the people would've failed a drug test. Some here are hiding it but trust me it will come out. It's funny I've seen people get there jobs back for cardinals sins and rehired it's driver who been in my situation and gotten there jobs back just will never say. I floated around this site for the past week and seen a lot of dumb questions where the person was clearly high didn't have as many negative comments. If I get fired is fine because if these are the kind of people at ups it's not for me and don't know any of your job titles or if your even still employed with or even worked there. The fact that some of you are union steward I wouldn't want you defending me. I have seen great stewards everyone loves them including management but hate when they in there face. That's all I gotta say bash it say I'm high whatever just proves my point. let me hear I'm high all you can say. I know that I'm not everything I wrote here I had proof and facts to back it up I read ever comment don't remember many of them but broke them off in groups or gave them a title. I might repeat or already said stuff but at least I remember it I'm out enjoy your jokes or if you need a boost to your ego say whatever or if it makes you feel good to get people on your side fine remember expecally the ones who used me as an example told tell people to seek help now not after. I'm pretty sure they want take your advice look how everyone treated me you just made them hide it better. Final thing none of the people who judged and said it's not a mistake putting oil in gas is or something like that was dumb reference that's something someone would if they where high. A mistake in my opinion is something you learn from. Nobody in this room is an alimighty power, perfect or better the next person. We all fail, make mistakes, done something we regret and will continue to for as long as we live get over yourselfs. Let the comments roll in